Gunung Palung National Park

Gunung Palung National Park

Location: West Kalimantan Map

Area: 900 km² (350 mi²)


Gunung Palung National Park ( TNGP ) is a national park located in North Kayong Regency and Ketapang Regency , West Kalimantan . This forest area was first protected in 1937 as a nature reserve forest with an area of ​​300 km². In 1981, the area was vastly increased to 900 km² and increased as a wildlife reserve status , and only on March 24, 1990 based on Minister of Forestry Decree No. 448 / Menhut-VI / 1990 with an area of ​​± 90,000 ha became a park national. Then this national park has expanded to 108,043.90 hectares , based on SK no. 4191 / Menhut-VII / KUH / 2014 dated June 10, 2014. The national park is located in Matan Hilir Utara District , Sukadana , Simpang Hilir , Nanga Tayap, and Sandai .

TNGP has an ecosystem that is said to be the most complete among national parks in Indonesia. In the area there is Mount Palung which has a height of 1,116 meters. In addition, TNGP is also a habitat for approximately 2,500 orangutans. The proboscis monkey is a mammal with the largest number in TNGP.Juga are rare fauna, namely Kijang Mini. Mini deer is one of the animals that only exist in this region.

Communities around the Gunung Palung National Park since 2003 have helped to secure and protect orangutans and their habitats. They call themselves OPMU, short for Orangutan Protection & Monitoring Units. Their activities have received attention from various groups. Until now they are assisted by Fauna & Flora International, a conservation agency based in the UK, in their operations in the field.