Zlatá Koruna Monastery

Zlatá Koruna Monastery

Zlatá Koruna or Golden Crown Monastery is located in Český Krumlov District, South Bohemian Region in Czech Republic. It is about 170 km (105 mi) from the Czech capital of Prague and it is well worth a visit. Give it at least half a day to explore this massive and magnificent religious complex and its surroundings.



Location: Český Krumlov District, South Bohemian Region      Map

Tel. 380 743 126


Jun- Aug 9am- 5pm Tue- Sun

Apr, May, Sep, Oct 9am- 4pm Tue- Sun

Lunch break: 12- 1pm


Admission Fee:

Adults: 100 Kč

Students, Children (6-15 years): 60 Kč

Seniors (over 65 years): 70 Kč

Family package (2 adults, 3 children): 250 Kč



Description of Zlata Koruna Monastery

This magnificent Roman Catholic abbey was constructed in 1263 during reign of King Přemysl Otakar II. In the medieval it was known as Sancta Corona Spinea or the Holy Thorn Crown in Latin. The name is derived from a piece of thorn said to be worn by Jesus Christ on his crucifixion. It was granted by French king ouis IX the Pious to King Přemysl Otakar II who transferred it to the monastery.


Zlata Koruna was badly damaged during disastrous fire in 1354 and again in the 14th century when it was conquered and burned during the Hussite Wars. The oldest part of the monastery Chapel of the Guardian Angels from 1370 is the largest portion of the original monastery that is still visible within modern structure. The monastery was held by the Rosenbergs who tried to keep the ruins along with the surrounded lands. They even managed to forge several documents to keep a hold on their possession. It was only during life of abbot Jiří Taxer in the 17th century when the monastery underwent massive restoration. Different parts were constructed in Gothic, Baroque and Rococo architectural design. The monastery was covered by frescoes and adorned by beautiful sculptures. It held a school for girls.


In the 19th century the monastery of Zlata Koruna was largely abandoned and several of its buildings were sold to Schwarzenbergs family. They transformed religious complex into an industrial complex. At various stages it held bleaching plant, paper board plant, fine textiles and cashmere plant and even an iron foundry. In the early 20th century under pressure from the public Zlata Koruna Monastery was nationalized and a new reconstruction project intended to return the abbey into its previous glory was began.