Nocera Gate

Nocera Gate


Nocera Gate is located along the southeastern flank of the city walls at the southern end of Via di Nocera. Nocera Gate is different from other gates of Pompeii. They were built during the rule of the Samnites and were designed to protect the city from attacks. They are much more solid than the other gates in Pompeii, and on both sides it was defended by two towers with soldiers. The Samnites did not feel as calm as the Romans, and therefore they sacrificed comfort for the sake of strategic goals. When the Romans captured Pompeii, they raised the gate, lowering the level of the road. This was done in order to lower the angle of inclination. Before that, the slope was too steep for large carts and chariots.

It was here that a group of fugitives from the Garden of Fugitives tried to get. Unfortunately, they too late realized the real fall from the eruption. All of them died, and their positions were frozen in time. The walls and towers themselves are almost not preserved. Only the lower layers of stones remained in their original place. The upper layers were torn down by lava flows. Today, only some remnants of the arch can be seen on the site of the Nocera Gate.


Nocera Gate

The necropolis ("city of the dead" in Greek) of the city of Pompii is a peculiar city of the dead. The richest and most influential residents of the city were buried here. Despite the eruption, the tombs are well preserved to this day. In ancient times it was an important area in the life of Pompeii. Thousands of people passed or drove along the roads of the city of the dead. Inscriptions with political propaganda and even announcements of future gladiator games in the amphitheater were found on many graves and mausoleums.