Arabuko Sokoke National Park

Arabuko Sokoke National Park

Location: 110 km North of Mombasa Map

Area: 6 km²

Tel. info: 020 233 5801

Open: 6am- 7pm daily


Arabuko Sokoke National Park is composed of the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest which is located on the Kenyan coast, 110 km north of Mombasa, and is protected as a national forest reserve. The Arabuko-Sokoke National Park is only a small part of the Arabuko-Sokoke Reserve, with a few square kilometers and is located at the north-western end of the jungle. The National Park was declared only in the 1980s and, in fact, it extends on both sides of the Forest Reserve border.


Arabuko-Sokoke national park is composed of various areas with more or less dense vegetation depending on the area and is the natural habitat of many species of endemic animals of small and large size, such as the dwarf elephant of the Arabuko-Sokoke, the Arabuko-Sokoke cat and the elephant shrew of the Arabuko-Sokoke. In addition to the cited species you can find many colonies of monkeys, especially baboons, and buffaloes.

Arabuko Sokoke National Park is visited every year by many birdwatchers as it is a transit point for many species of migratory birds and offers a multitude of endemic bird species such as, for example, the clark weaver, the Amani nectarine and Sokoke's pipit.