Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks

Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks

Location: 230 km (143 km) Southeast of Nairobi Map

Tel. (West) 0456 22120

(East) 043 30049

Open: 6am- 7pm daily

Area: 11,747 km²



Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks are two protected areas situated 230 km (143 km) Southeast of Nairobi in Kenya. The line that divides these two expanses of protected biosphere is the road A109. In total two parks of Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks encompass an area of 11,747 km².


Tsavo East National Park - one of the oldest and largest national parks in Kenya. It is located in southeastern Kenya, between the city of Nairobi and the coastal plains, northeast of the Ati River, the Nairobi-Mombasa Highway and the railway. The southwestern border adjoins the Western Tsavo National Park. Tsavo National Park in the Ati and Tsavo basins was founded in April 1948, in the Eastern and Coastal provinces, in 1949 it was divided into Eastern and Western Tsavo for administrative purposes. East Tsavo covers an area of ​​11,741 km². Together with Western Tsavo forms one of the largest national parks in the world and covers an area of ​​about 4% of the entire country.

The landscape of East Tsavo is represented by a semi-desert plateau (300 to 2500 m high), vegetation is sparse (park) savannah with thickets of thorny bushes, dominated by baobabs, various species of milkweeds and acacias, as well as marshy areas near the Voi River.

It is a reserve of animals. The wildlife of the reserve is very diverse. There are: savannah elephants, black rhinos, common hippos, African buffalos, various types of antelopes (small kudu, oryx, impala and others), lions, leopards, cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, servals, spotted hyenas, ostriches, gazelles. Also, more than 500 (450) bird species nest in the park, including migratory birds that settle here from late October to January. There are also settled species: palm vulture, many species of weavers.


Tsavo West National Park - one of the oldest and largest national parks in Kenya. It is located in southeast Kenya, southwest of the Ati River, the Nairobi-Mombasa Highway and the railway, to the border with Tanzania in the southwest. The East Tsavo National Park adjoins the northeastern border. Tsavo National Park in the Ati and Tsavo basins was founded in April 1948, in the Eastern and Coastal provinces, in 1949 it was divided into Eastern and Western Tsavo for administrative purposes. Western Tsavo covers an area of ​​9065 km². Together with Western Tsavo forms one of the largest national parks in the world and covers an area of ​​about 4% of the entire country. Managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service.

The landscape of Western Tsavo is volcanic (solidified lava flows, volcanic cones), represented by a semi-desert plateau (300 to 2500 m high). Vegetation - tree savannah.

It is a reserve of animals. The wildlife of the reserve is very diverse. Here live: savannah elephants, black rhinos, ordinary hippos, African buffalos, various species of antelopes and other animals. Also in the park there are more than 450 species of birds