Pompeii City Walls and Towers

Pompeii City Walls and Towers


Pompeii City Walls and Towers  Pompeii City Walls and Towers

The most ancient walls and towers of Pompeii, which have survived today, date back to 4-2 centuries BC, although there are small fragments of the walls from the 6th century BC. They are built by Samnites and differ in size and strength. The Samnites also made an embankment on the inside of the walls in order to make it easier for the defenders to climb the walls. True, they did not help much against Sulla and his army. The Romans did not try to quickly take the city. Instead, they used catapults to gradually destroy the walls. In the 3rd century, an earthen mound was reinforced with stone. In many places on the walls are still visible traces of stones, running Roman machines. The entire wall of Pompeii has a total length of 3220 meters and seven gates. There was a version that there is the eighth gate, Capua gate, but archaeological excavations did not confirm this theory.

After the capture of the city in the 1st century BC, the Romans repaired the walls and built or repaired 12 towers in the most vulnerable places of the city, namely from its north eastern side. The western and southern sides of Pompeii were washed by the waters of the Gulf of Naples. They are distinguished by their architectural beauty rather than military power. The Herculaneum or Salt Gate, as he was known in antiquity, was altogether rebuilt into a three-span triumphal arch, essentially losing its protective function. By the way, it is on the northern side of Pompeii that traces of Roman weapons are visible. This is the highest part of the city and it was here that the Romans concentrated their blow. They were badly damaged during the earthquake in 62, but were quickly rebuilt. However, the eruption has completed the destruction of many walls and towers. And the ancient Samnite walls survived all the cataclysms and were best preserved.


Pompeii City Walls and Towers

Reconstruction of the walls and towers of the city of Pompeii