Palazzo Moro in San Barnaba, Venice

Palazzo Moro a San Barnaba, also frequently referred to as Palazzo Guoro or Barbini-Moro, is a building in Venice overlooking the Grand Canal and located in the Dorsoduro district, in the parish of San Barnaba, next to Palazzo Loredan dell'Ambasciatore and Palazzetto Stern .



The building, erected on an earlier Gothic structure, dates back to the early 16th century but was heavily remodeled during the 19th century. Tradition has identified the building as the home of Othello, a character in William Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name: it is assumed that this character was actually based on Cristoforo Moro, the future doge with an unfortunate family life.



The building is characterized by a clear, sober, almost minimalist facade for the times, without any decorative elements. The only elements of value are the two four-light windows, similar in appearance, distinguished by a balcony and simple floral elements at the apex and the meager water portal. The remaining decorative apparatus has a prevalence of single lancet windows and only a few rare mullioned windows on the side façade, which appears if possible even more bare and aseptic: the only elements worthy of note are the water portal and the overlying mullioned window.

The building has various small internal courtyards, the largest of which overlooks a trifora.


