


Location: Arequipa Region Map


Travel Destinations in Arequipa

Beautiful colonial town of Arequipa is the capital city of Arequipa Region of Peru.

Santa Catalina Monastery (Arequipa)


Calle Santa Catalina 301, Arequipa

Tel. 054 229 798

Open: 9am- 4pm daily

Monastery of Saint Catalina (Saint Catherine) is a Roman Catholic religious complex that belongs to the Dominican order. It was established in 1579 shortly after arrival of the armies of Spanish Conquistadors and settlers. Monastery of Saint Catalina was constructed thanks to donations of a rich widow Maria de Guzman.


According to the existing traditions at the time, the second son or a second daughter of a Spanish family had to dedicate their child to the service of the Roman Catholic Church. Additionally each family had to pay a dowry for admission of their daughters to the convent as they were said to engage with Christ. The amount of dowry could reach an incredible sum of 2,400 silver coins that is equivalent of about 150,000 dollars today. Families further donated carpets, silk curtains, dishes of English porcelain, jewels and many other valuable items. Every girl that entered the abbey had to bring 25 personal items including statues, paintings, lamps, clothing and etc. Monastery of Saint Catalina gained riches due to a fact that nuns here came from the high society of Spanish families. So every new nun would greatly increase the resources of the abbey.


Monastery of Saint Catalina was enlarged in the 17th century to a total area of 20,000 square meters as the city of Arequipa grew in size. Much of the Monastery of Saint Catalina was constructed in a so called Mudejar Architectural style with its destinct colored walls. During its heyday Monastery of Saint Catalina housed about 450 people, one third of its residents were servants and secular workers. In 1960 the abbey was badly damaged during two earthquakes. New living buildings had to be reconstructed for the nuns. Eventually the complex was reconstructed by Promociones Turisticas del Sur and World Monuments Fund. They also helped to add electrification and water supply to the Monastery of Saint Catalina. Today abbey is open to the public. Additionally a small community of 20 nuns live in the cells in the Northern part.


Cathedral of Arequipa

Plaza de Armas, Arequipa
Tel. 054 232 635
7am- 11:30am & 5pm- 7:30pm Mon- Sat
7am- 1:30pm & 5pm- 7pm Sun
Service: 7am, 8:30am, 5pm, 6pm and 7pm daily, 4pm Thu


Casona Iriberry (Arequipa)

Cnr of Santa Catalina & San Agustin, Arequipa

Tel. 054 204 482

Open: 9am- 1pm, 4pm- 8pm daily


Casa del Moral (Arequipa)

Calle Moral 318, Arequipa

Tel. 054 210 084

Open: 9am- 5pm Mon- Sat

Closed: 1pm on public holidays


Convento de la Recoleta (Arequipa)

Jiron Recoleta 117, Arequipa

Tel. 054 270 966

Open: 9am- 12pm, 3pm- 5pm Mon- Sat

Museo Santuarios Andinos de la Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria (Arequipa)


Museo Historico Municipal (Arequipa)

Plaza San Francisco, Arequipa

Open: 9am- 5pm Mon- Fri

Iglesia San Francisco (Arequipa)

Calle Zela, Arequipa

Tel. 054 223 048

Open: 7am- 9am & 5pm- 8pm Mon- Sat

7am- 8pm Sun

Convent: 9am- 12:30pm & 3pm- 5pm Mon- Sat

Iglesia La Merced (Arequipa)

Cnr of Calle Merced & Tristan, Arequipa

054 21 3233


Casa Tristan del Pozo (Arequipa)

Calle San Francisco 108, Arequipa

Tel. 054 212 209

Iglesia de la Compania (Arequipa)

Cnr of Calle General Moran and Alvarez Thomas, Arequipa

Tel. 054 212 141