Kaudulla National Park

Location: 197 km (122 mi) away from Colombo, North Central Province Map

Area: 6,900 ha

Entrance Fee: $6, children $3


Description of Kaudulla National Park

Kaudulla National Park is located 197 km (122 mi) away from Colombo in North Central Province of Sri Lanka. Kaudulla National Park is a fairly new area of protected biosphere, having been open in 2002. National Park covers an area of 6,900 ha and it is located just off Habarana - Trincomalee road. It was established as a natural corridor for the migrating elephants. The herd of these magnificent animals fluctuate throughout a year, but it usually counted around 250 animals. Other animals found in the area are Sri Lanka sloth bear, leopards, endangered rusty spotted cats, wild boar, axis deer, sambar deer and many others. The best time to visit the area is during relatively dry season that lasts here from July till November.


Physical characteristics

The area is about 1,500-2,000 millimeters (59-79 inches) annually, including rainfall from the northeast monsoon. The dry time is from April to October with temperatures of 34.5 degrees Celsius (94.1 degrees Fahrenheit) up to 20.6 degrees Celsius (69.1 degrees Fahrenheit). During the rainy season attract many plants and herbaceous grass species as well as a large number of food and water fields, while dry periods to grow.



The flora of the park depicts the beautiful evergreen forest of Sri Lanka. Cain is surrounded by fields of agriculture.

Recorded live species of 24 species of mangrove park, 25 species of snake, 26 species of fish, 160 species of bird. During the drought period, a minaret tank is taken to drink and eat Sri Lankan elephants. In September, elephants are taken to Kundula swimming for water and food exploration. Despite the human-elephant collision, an increase in the number of elephants and 211 persons in the dry area was recently counted in Kaudula in 2008. Kodula National Park is one of the places where Sri Lanka's deer are found. After a two-month search of his mother of the deer calf is missing, it is believed that Kadula is possibly the only National Park in Sri Lanka.



It has been reported that the attacker is capable of posing a threat to wild and exotic species, such as a Lantana spread camera park. A forest temple was announced in 2004 to include the Kadula-Minnaria Forest Corridor Miranda National Park Kadula.