Location: village of Madara, East of Shumen Map
Phone: (05313) 55 487 (info)
Open: summer 8 am- 6:30 pm; winter 8 am- 5 pm
Entrance Fee: 4 lv
Transport: taxi (cheap, but most don’t speak English well) or take bus from Shumen to Madara (Мадара) than walk 1.2 mi (2 km)
Madara Rider is one of the most famous symbols of Bulgaria depicting
a cavalry man killing his prey. Madara Rider was carved in the cliff
side of Madara Plateay East of Shumen. Since 1979 it was designated
as UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Madara plateau is located near
village of Madara. This prominent natural geologic formation was
recognized by the early people that settled here. Thracians that
lived in these lands during antiquity considered Madara as a sacred
land of their tribe. Later nations that settled the area seem to
share the same degree of veneration towards Madara as a special
place in their lives. Temples and shrines from 6 epochs were erected
in the vicinity in honor of various pagan gods including Zeus,
Heracles, Tangra, Heros, the three nymphs and other deities. Besides
ruins of the early Christian church was build here as a new religion
slowly took over the region.
However the most famous feature
of Madara Plateau is the Madara Rider or Horseman that was carved on
a face of a 100 meter cliff at a height of 23 meters. The horseman
was created in 710 AD at the time of khan Tervel to commemorate his
victory over Byzantine ruler Justinian II at the battle of Anchialus
(or Ankhialo) in 708. Below the horseman is partially preserved text
of the peace treaty that was signed between Bulgarian Kingdom and
Byzantine Empire after the battle. Other inscriptions on the cliff
side refer to the khans Krum (796-814 AD) and Omurtag (814-831 AD).
Madara Rider is on UNESCO World Heritage List.
The Madara Horseman is the main symbol of the Magdara
National Historical and Archaeological Reserve, which encompasses a
series of religious, cultural and military sites. It is located near
the village of the same name, 18.2 km from Shumen, but for the most
part is located in the municipality of Kaspichan. Nearby are the
archeological reserves of the medieval Bulgarian capitals Pliska and
The Madara Horseman was discovered
for modern science and first described in 1872 by Felix Kanitz. The
detailed study of the relief requires a scaffold, which was erected
in 1895, 1905 and 1954. In 1905 a plaster casting of the relief was
made. This historical monument is a rock relief (bas-relief), carved
in the VIII century AD. on a vertical rock at a height of 23 m.
Steep steps to the left of it lead to the Madara Plateau. The
dimensions of the image are 2.6 m in height and 3.1 m wide at the
base. It depicts a horseman, a lion, a dog, an eagle and
inscriptions in Greek. The rider is moving to the right, close to
life size and with an outer garment to the knees. With his left hand
he holds the reins of the horse he is riding, and with his right
hand he throws a short spear at the lion that has fallen under the
horse's front legs. Behind the rider's back is a high-back saddle of
the Eastern Caucasian type. The rider's right leg is tucked into a
stirrup, and the rider carries a bow case on his back. A flag is
visible on the spear stuck in the lion, and behind the horse there
is a running hunting dog. To the right, above the level of the
horse's head, is an eagle with outstretched wings. The composition,
symbolizing victory over the enemy, is reminiscent of the triumphant
scenes in the relief sculpture of the Iranian east and the ancient
artistic traditions of a Thracian horseman.
relief is a triumphant ruler and today is most widely perceived as a
symbol of the power of the First Bulgarian State. The details
determine the dating and support the most recognized thesis about
the proto-Bulgarian origin of the relief, connecting the image with
Khan / Khan Tervel (701 - 721). The surrounding inscriptions are in
Greek and report on political and cultural events in the relations
between Bulgaria and Byzantium from 705 throughout the VIII - IX
century, mentioning directly or with references the rulers Tervel,
Justinian II, Kormisosh and Omurtag. According to FI Uspensky, the
Madara relief is "the most ancient and intriguing Old Bulgarian
monument" and, although he defines it as "extremely unique",
according to the Russian scientist in Ravenna there is a similar
monument with a relief image of a horseman.
The bas-relief is
connected with the large cult complex created by Omurtag on the
terrace under the rocks, including a sanctuary, temples, palace and
residential buildings, and other buildings. At the foot of the rocks
there is a large cave called the "Cave of the Nymphs", where in
ancient times the Thracians worshiped their deities. Prehistoric
cult figurines and votive tablets dedicated to the Three Nymphs,
Zeus, Heracles, Dionysus, Cybele, the Thracian horseman-hero Heros
and others have been found in the reserve. It is possible that the
Madara Horseman is a monument of much more ancient origin and has
undergone appropriate adaptations for new purposes in later cultural
periods. In favor of this judgment are petrological studies,
according to which the lion in the relief was made earlier by the
dog, and the horse was remade over time. According to Rasho Rashev,
it can be assumed that "it is a generalized image of a divine ruler,
who in the minds of contemporaries intertwined with the features of
an image from the early medieval epic."
Around the figure of the horseman are carved inscriptions in Greek
with important information about Bulgarian history. Professor
Veselin Beshevliev suggests that the inscription may "stand in
connection with the name Asparuh". Interesting and important is the
inscription of Omurtag, found at the pagan sanctuary at the foot of
the Madara horseman: only it contains a direct mention of the
supreme god of the proto-Bulgarians Tangra (revered among all Turkic
peoples and tribes in the early Middle Ages under the name Tengri).
Significance and international recognition
The Madara
Horseman is the only rock relief in Europe from the Early Middle
Ages. In 1979, at the session of the UNESCO World Cultural and
Historical Heritage Committee, held in Luxor, the Madara Horseman
was included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.
As part of the historical and archeological reserve, the monument is
among the Hundred National Tourist Sites of the Bulgarian Tourist
Board. On June 29, 2008, after a national survey, the Madara
Horseman was declared a global symbol of Bulgaria.
The archeological reserve has summer working hours from 8:00 to
19:00 and winter working hours from 8:00 to 16:00. The site under
the bas-relief can be reached by a nearly 100-meter staircase. A
stamp certifying the visit is placed on the tourist site, stored in
the Madara Horseman hut.