Thy National Park

Thy National Park


Location: Stenbjergvej 120, Snedsted, Jutland

Area: 244 km2 (94 sq mi)  Map

Tel. +45 96 19 15 00

Official site


Description of Thy National Park

Thy National Park is an incredibly beautiful area that lies on the Northern coast of Denmark in the Jutland region. It cover an area of 244 km2 (94 sq mi) of sand dunes, pastures, magnificent meadows and picturesque views of the sea. Thy National Park is a famous for its beautiful pristine nature, but it is also famous for remains of military bunkers in the Museum of Hanstolm. It houses a collection of bunkers and military defenses that date back to the Second World War. They were constructed by the German military engineers as part of the Atlantic Wall that was intended to defend continental Europe against the Allied invasion. Here you will not only see them, but also can learn about the layout and principles of their work.
Another interesting feature of the Thy National Park is the Aquarium of the North Sea. Despite frigid temperatures, waters off the coast of the nature preserve contain a rich diversity of animals, crustaceous and other types of animals. Aquarium allows its visitors to see these creatures up close without interfering or hurting this unique preserve.


Nature and landscape values
The western part of Thy is shaped by centuries of sand escape and today holds great national and international natural and landscape values ​​in the form of coast, dunes, dunes, lakes and dune plantations.

The area can be characterized by large scale, openness, pristine, silence and rare habitats. In addition, there is an exciting and valuable interaction between cultural history and nature, which is a central part of the idea of ​​a national park in Thy.

Among the rare habitats, e.g. the clean clear lobel lakes found here. Some are even characterized as coral reef lakes, such as Nors Sø at the Hanstholm Game Reserve at the northern end of the park.

The landscape of Thy National Park
Western Thy was an archipelago until 4,000 years ago. The country has since risen and the sea has receded in many places a few kilometers. However, the Stone Age coast still stands out in some places as inland slopes. It can be seen, for example, at Nors and Vandet Søer, around Hanstholm Knuden and not least along the eastern edge of the Hanstholm Wildlife Reserve, where in particular the Blegsø slope draws a sharp line between the high limestone plateau and the sandy lowland.

The uplift brought large amounts of sand to the light of day, and it provided the basis for the sand escape which greatly characterizes today's landscape. Both in prehistoric and historical times there have been periods of sand escape, interrupted by long stable periods. Studies show that the sand escape has come during periods of cold climates.

The dune landscapes in Thy today are together a result of the sand escape periods. Generally, the dunes closest to the sea are formed during the recent sand flight, while the opposite is true of the dunes located in the plantations furthest to the east.

Nature in Thy National Park
Thy is characterized by great versatility from the salty beach and the flat, sandy areas in the west to the hilly and fertile agricultural land in the east. The habitats that characterize the National Park are dunes, dunes, dune plantations, limestone slopes, lobster lakes, the big lakes and beach meadows and lagoons furthest south.

Dunes and dunes
Thy National Park contains a large interconnected part of the country's total dune area. The dune landscape is very dynamic and can have significant variations, even at short distances. The different dune types are represented in the national park, from the foreshore dunes, to the white dunes characterized by continued sand dipping, to the more stable dune forms, the chalky and lush green dune and the drier gray dune.

The gray dune gradually turns into dunes, characterized by a continuous vegetation of dwarf shrubs such as shrubs, heather, bell and moss. The dune is a mosaic of dry areas with large dune formations and blow-off surfaces with temporary lakes and wet dune layers. In particular, the latter contains many rare plant species.

The largest and most important dunes in the national park are Hanstholm Wildlife Sanctuary, Vangså Hede, Ålvand Klithede and the area between Stenbjerg and Lodbjerg. A large stock of crowned animals, as well as tears, reels and thinkers breed here.

The lakes in the national park
There are a wide variety of clear, irrigated lobster lakes in Thy National Park. These are both smaller lakes on the moors or in the plantations, but also some of the area's large lakes such as Vandet Sø and Nors Sø are characterized as lobelie lakes and are the only places in Denmark where little najade grows.

Among other rare aquatic plants that are found in the lobel lakes in Thy, in addition to the character plant, there are double-lobed lobel, both the rare species yellow-green and black-green bream food as well as cruciferous herb leaves.

In the southern part of the national park are Ørum Lake and the brackish Flade Lake. Both lakes were formerly part of Krik Vig and are very shallow.

Dune plantations
The current dune plantations in Thy are the result of a long and determined effort to plant the dunes. The effort was motivated by the desire of the locals to stop the sand escape and replace the heaths with more productive areas of forestry.

The first attempts in the early 19th century failed, and so did the very first, Thagaard's Plantation. It was not until about the middle of the century that suitable methods and tree species were found. Today, the plantations are part of the landscape that characterizes Thy, and they offer good opportunities for practicing active outdoor activities.

As part of the nature-enhancing efforts in the National Park, alien species of wood are being replaced with native species, and in some places the plantation has been felled to make room for more cohesive dunes.


Chalk Cliffs
The high-altitude layers of subsoil appear in some places in ancient rocky seas from the Stone Age. They are found especially in the northern part of the national park and contain a distinctive flora that is very different from the sandy dunes and plantations. Here, among other things, species of ensian, white-gray drab and hillfnocurt grow, and not least dune consolation, which is found only in northern Jutland worldwide.

Beach meadows and lagoons
The farthest south of the national park lies Agger Tange surrounded by dikes and protected by headwaters facing the North Sea. Between the dikes are extensive meadows alternating with shallow lagoons, surrounded by forests.

Tens of thousands of birds pass their tongues each spring and fall. As it is an obvious place for rest and foraging on the birds' migratory route along the west coast of Jutland.