Schiller monument, Berlin

The Schiller monument in the Mitte district of Berlin stands in a central position on the Gendarmenmarkt, in front of the free staircase to the former royal playhouse, today's concert hall Berlin. The group of sculptures in honor of the poet Friedrich Schiller was created by Reinhold Begas, a prominent representative of the Berlin sculpture school in the 19th century. The monument was inaugurated in 1871, between 1936 and 1984 it was disassembled and outsourced. Since its reorganization in 1988, it has been a listed building. A bronze cast of the monument figure has been located in the Wedding district in the park named after Schiller since 1942.


History of origin

All over Germany, celebrations were intended for the 100th birthday of Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) on November 10, 1859. However, the Berlin police chief Constantin von Zedlitz-Neukirch-eleven years after the revolution of 1848-had a planned road parade for fear for fear of unrest. On the other hand, Prince Regent Wilhelm (the "Kartätschenprinz" from 1848 and later Kaiser Wilhelm I) donated 10,000 thaler for a Schiller monument. The Berlin magistrate also provided 10,000 thaler, a collection of the population resulted in another 12,680 thaler.

Since the early 1860s, the city council has been dealing with the question of the form of the poet in several sessions, the project "Places beautification matter" for the then Gensd’armes market was raised from baptism. The three best -known German poets - Goethe, Schiller and Lessing - should be honored with a monument.

A Schiller comitée was founded for the Schillerenschung.

On the day of the Schiller anniversary, a solemn foundation stone for the planned monument in front of the Schauspielhaus took place. A draft was not yet available at this point. The Berlin magistrate only wrote a competition in 1861 in which 25 artists took part. An academic jury with the participation of Adolf Menzel evaluated the proposals individually by means of an expert opinion. The completion and ceremonial unveiling of the monument was planned for 1869, on the 110th birthday of the poet.

At the beginning of 1864, the final decision - for Reinhold Begas, was made against his toughest competitor Rudolf Siemering. In Berlin, this was a first significant sign of the transition of late classicist style forms in the succession of Christian Daniel Rauch on the formal language of the neo -baroque, particularly in fabricity. For Begas, this monument was the first major order of his career at the request of the monument committee. As a result, he received orders for numerous monumental sculptures. For the work on the Schiller monument, he had a modern, hall-like studio built in Stülerstraße 4 in Stülerstraße 4 in Stülerstraße 4 in Stülerstraße 4 in Berlin Tiergartenviertel. Due to the Franco-German War in 1870/1871, the planned disclosure was delayed, it finally took place on November 10, 1871, i.e. on the 112nd birthday of Schiller.

The Schiller celebrations and corresponding applications of a Friedrich Wilhelmstadt district association led to the decision of the city council of describing the area of the Gendarmenmarkt between Jägerstrasse and Taubenstrasse (from the end of 1871) as "Schillerplatz". The traffic and horticultural redesign and an enlightenment of Schillerplatz were decided in March 1889 as a result of the list of the monument.

Soon there was criticism from Berliners and visitors that the “conservation of the monuments taken over by the city left some things to be desired. In particular, it is the Schiller monument that seems to be neglected in this regard. ”For example, further beautification measures of the square (including the construction of two large fountain fountains) and cleaning of the monument were carried out by means of a sum of around 155,000 marks by 1895. .

The name Schillerplatz was lifted in 1936 after the monument was removed and extensive renovation work on the area.


Description of the monument

The poet's statue made of white marble stands in the middle of four semicircular fountain shells on a post -agent of the basic shape of a cube. This in turn has its place on a hexagonal increased pedestal, to which five stages lead up.

The poet's figure shows a laurel -contrasted young man in a confident attitude. The model for the head of the statue was the Schillerbüste of the sculptor Johann Heinrich von Dannecker, which was created in 1794, who was friends with the poet. The foot of the monument is provided with wells and lion heads in the form of water diverse, from which thin water jet has flocked since the public inauguration of the monument. In 1902 the city administration brought the fountain up and running again.

Four allegorical figures are placed on the edge of the shells, with which the main creative areas of the poet are symbolized: the poetry with a swan dairy on the left; The tragedy on the right, originally provided with the attributes of dagger and mask, only the mask is still available; The philosophy at the back, in the hand a scroll with the ancient Greek text "Recognize yourself"; In the back the story, on their writing boards, alongside Schiller, the names of Lessing, Kant, Goethe and other celebrities are recorded. In addition to inscriptions that refer to Schiller, the post office carries two small flat reliefs; They show how Schiller gets a lyre from the muses and is introduced to the great poets of earlier times.


Further history of the monument

During the National Socialism period, the Gendarmenmarkt was converted into a marching area. Instead of the horticultural jewelry systems, large step plates were laid, the Schiller monument should be reorganized in the Schillerpark. However, it fell over during dismantling and was massively damaged. In a current newspaper report it says: "In particular, when examining the damage, the damage has proven to be so difficult that a permanent durable repair is no longer possible." Above all, the foot plate was broken and the coat was damaged, so that the statics no longer right. The plan for a realignment in Schillerpark had to be given up, the parts were temporarily placed in a shed in Treptow. As a resurrection, the figure should be re -poured into bronze and then received the planned replacement location. The copy made of bronze was poured out of the material of the removed Rathenau fountain in 1941 and built in the southern part of the Schiller Park in the Wedding district of today's Mitte district. (The monument to Emil and Walther Rathenau, which has stood in the Volkspark Rehberge since 1930, had the National Socialists removed from its location in 1934 for "ideological" reasons and melt in 1941.)

The restored marble original of the Schiller statue without a stair podium and without a fountain was in the Lietzenseepark since 1951, i.e. in the western sectors of the city shared after the Second World War. The heavily damaged allegorical figures of the monument were temporarily stored in the Friedrichsfelde zoo in East Berlin. An east-west agreement on the cultural exchange of May 6, 1986 was the prerequisite for the merging of all preserved individual parts in East Berlin. In December 1988, the partly reconstructed, partly restored monument was re -established at the original town on the Gendarmenmarkt. However, the fountain function was not restored.

When the Gendarmenmarkt was "revised" in autumn 2006, a comprehensive restoration of the Schiller monument had become inevitable. The entire ensemble had to be freed from pollution, small defects were supplemented and closed. The cast iron jewelry grille has been rusted and added with a new coat of paint.