Dunwich Heath

Location: Nr Westleton Map

Tel. 01728 648501

Open: dawn- dusk

Dunwich Heath


Description of Dunwich Heath

Dunwich Heath is a coastal lowland heath situated south of village of Dunwich. Dunwich Heath is situated in the area of the Minsmere-Walberswick Heaths and Marshes Site of Special Scientific Interest, Special Area of Conservation and Special Protection Area. It is famous for its rich variety of plants, birds, insects and reptiles. Heather that grows here give its distinct purple and pink appearance when they bloom. The most popular time of the season to visit these beautiful lands is between June and September when the slow rolling hills get a coverage of purple, yellow and blue flowers. Many species of animals and birds come to these lands in search of food. Insects that reside here are also notable. Emperor moth for example are medium to very large-sized moths, with adult wingspans ranging from 7.5 to 15 cm, in some cases even more.


Dunwich Heath

Dunwich Heath