Glen Canyon





Location: Vermilion Cliffs, Utah  Map


Description of Glen Canyon

Glen Canyon is a beautiful natural geologic formation carved by Colorado River in the Vermilion Cliffs in South- Eastern Utah. Glen Canyon is one of the most popular destinations in a state of Utah in United States. In 1956 parts of the Glen Canyon were flooded after the dam was constructed. It became known as Lake Powell, the second largest reservoir in the United States. Glen Canyon Recreational Area stretches for hundreds of miles and covers an area of more than 4,000 square kilometers. It offers tourists boating, water skiing, jet ski, fishing, hiking, cycling and car trips. Among most popular attraction in Glen Canyon is the Rainbow Bridge that is considered to be the largest natural bridge. Climbing this natural arch is forbidden and unadvisable.




Fees and permits

Entrance fees for a private vehicle are $15, while individuals (on foot, on bike, or on motorcycle) must pay a $7 entrance fees. All entrance fees are good for seven consecutive days. The Glen Canyon NRA Annual Pass is $30 and provides entrance for one year.

There are several passes for groups traveling together in a private vehicle or individuals on foot or on bike. These passes provide free entry at national parks and national wildlife refuges, and also cover standard amenity fees at national forests and grasslands, and at lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Reclamation. These passes are valid at all national parks including Glen Canyon National Recreation Area:

The $80 Annual Pass (valid for twelve months from date of issue) can be purchased by anyone. Military personnel can obtain a free annual pass in person at a federal recreation site by showing a Common Access Card (CAC) or Military ID.
U.S. citizens or permanent residents age 62 or over can obtain a Senior Pass (valid for the life of the holder) in person at a federal recreation site for $80, or through the mail for $90; applicants must provide documentation of citizenship and age. This pass also provides a fifty percent discount on some park amenities. Seniors can also obtain a $20 annual pass.
U.S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities can obtain an Access Pass (valid for the life of the holder) in person at a federal recreation site at no charge, or through the mail for $10; applicants must provide documentation of citizenship and permanent disability. This pass also provides a fifty percent discount on some park amenities.
Individuals who have volunteered 250 or more hours with federal agencies that participate in the Interagency Pass Program can receive a free Volunteer Pass.
4th graders can receive an Annual 4th Grade Pass that allows free entry for the duration of the 4th grade school year (September-August) to the bearer and any accompanying passengers in a private non-commercial vehicle. Registration at the Every Kid in a Park website is required.
In 2018 the National Park Service will offer four days on which entry is free for all national parks: January 15 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), April 21 (1st Day of NPS Week), September 22 (National Public Lands Day), and November 11 (Veterans Day weekend).