Tanjung Puting National Park

Tanjung Puting National Park

Location: Central Kalimantan Map

Area: 3,550 km2 (1,370 mi²)


Tanjung Puting (indon. Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting) is a national park in Indonesia. Located on the island of Kalimantan, in the province of Central Kalimantan. The park is known for preserving the population of orangutans.

It occupies 415 040 ha of tropical forests, mangroves, coastal and secondary forests. The park was created by the Dutch colonial government in the 1930s to preserve orangutans and nosas; declared the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1977 and the national park in 1982. In addition to orangutans and nosas, the park serves as a home for gibbons, macaques, smoky leopards, Malay bears, wild boars, porcupines and zambars. There are also many species of reptiles, including crocodiles, monitor lizards, pythons; birds: rhinoceros, kingfisher and insects.

Tanjung Puting is a popular ecotourism destination. Despite the protected situation, the nature of the park is greatly affected by illegal logging and clearing of forests for agricultural land, in 1997 and 1998 Tanjungputing was badly damaged by fires.


Dutch East Indies period
The Tanjung Puting National Park area was originally the Sampit Wildlife Reserve, which was established by the Dutch East Indies colonial government through Governor General No. 39 dated August 18, 1937 with an area of ​​205,000 ha. In 1941, the area was registered as Sampit Nature Reserve (205 thousand ha) and Kotawaringin Nature Reserve (100,000 hectares).

This nature reserve is intended primarily for the protection of orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) and proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus).

Indonesian period
Sampit Wildlife Reserve then changed its name to Tanjung Puting Wildlife Reserve around the 70s, which after being reorganized was set to an area of ​​270,040 hectares based on Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 43 / Kpts / DJ / I / 1978 April 8, 1978. A few months later, based on Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 698 / Kpts / Um / II / 1978 dated November 13, 1978, this wildlife reserve was expanded with a forest area between the Serimbang River and the Segintung River so that the total area would be 300,040 Ha.

Earlier in 1977, Tanjung Puting Wildlife Reserve was included in the list of Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia established by UNESCO.

Tanjung Puting was later declared as a national park candidate through the Minister of Agriculture's Decree No. 736 / Mentan / X / 1982 dated October 14, 1982. To base the field activities, the Director General of PHPA through Decree No. 46 / Kpts / VI-Sek / 84 dated December 11, 1984, stipulates that the working area (prospective) of Tanjung Puting National Park is Tanjung Puting Wildlife Reserve with an area of ​​300,040 Ha.

Furthermore, based on Minister of Forestry Decree No. 687 / Kpts-II / 1996 dated October 25, 1996 concerning "Changes in the function and designation of forest areas located in the District of West Kotawaringin II and East Kotawaringin II, East Kalimantan, in the Province of Tk. I in Central Kalimantan covering 415,040 Ha into Parks National ", this area was changed in function and designated as Tanjung Puting National Park. This new area is the result of the addition of the Tanjung Puting Wildlife Reserve area of ​​300,040 ha, with the production forest area of ​​the former PT Hesubazah concession area of ​​90,000 ha and the surrounding water area of ​​25,000 ha.