Ashab al-Kahf



Location: Ahel Al Kahef, El Rajib, South of Amman      Map


Description of Ashab al- Kahf

Ashab al- Kahf or "cave of the sleeping" in Arabic is a legendary underground tomb in the South suburbs of Jordanian capital of Amman. Ashab al- Kahf is a small ancient tomb cut in the solid rock during rule of the Ancient Roman Empire. Central room of the burial chamber is surrounded by niches and sarcophagi. One of the niches holds skeletons of seven individuals and remains of the dog. This strange burial has a long surviving legend. According to Jordanian Christians these seven young men lived during Roman persecutions of the Christians. The legend states that during one of these waves of persecutions many Christians were caught and massacred. Seven friends escaped Amman and tried to hide in the hills outside of the town. Accompanied by a faithful dog they made their way into one of the tombs (Ashab al- Kahf) to hide from the officials that were hunting them. Lord appeared to his faithful followers and put them to sleep, promising that they will wake up in another 300 years when Christians will not be persecuted anymore.



Christian Church and Muslims still honor and respect those who risked their lives in the name of a single god. Legendary dog that stayed with young men in Ashab al- Kahf tomb was named Kitmir. Over a course of centuries "Kitmir" acquired mystical and even magical function. Some Arabs even wrote its name as a lucky charm. Today Ashab al- Kahf is opened to the public. Keep in mind that women are sometimes forced to cover their heads, arms and legs so try to wear long sleeved tops and long pants to avoid possible unpleasant situations.