Amstetten, Austria

Amstetten is an industrial city in Lower Austria and the economic center of the Mostviertel. The city has about 23,000 inhabitants.


Attractions Amstetten

Edla Castle
Ulmerfeld Castle
Parish Catholic Church Amstetten-St. Stefan: The city's parish church, mostly Gothic, has ribbed vaults, numerous baroque paintings, a neoclassical high altar, late medieval gravestones and statuettes, well-preserved frescoes and a 15th-century triptych in the early Gothic baptistery.
Catholic parish church Amstetten-Herz Jesu, which was renovated after severe war damage in 1953 in the then simplified Bauhaus style.
The Catholic monastery church of the Congregation of School Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis, the interior of which is completely decorated with picturesque rows and ornaments in the neoclassical style.
Evangelical Church of the Redeemer in Amstetten
Parish Catholic Church Amstetten-St. Marien: In contrast, the youngest church in Amstetten, the parish church of St. Mary in the Allersdorf district, built in 1973, is a bold and energetic attempt to implement the new pastoral approaches of the Second Vatican Council.
Parish Catholic Church Ulmerfeld Hll. Peter and Paul
Catholic branch of the Eisenreichdornach hl. Agatha

In the urban area of ​​Amstetten itself, which is crossed by several streams, there are natural walking paths and parks. Among them, Edla Park, with the feature of a landscape park, which was a compilation of the flora of the then known world in accordance with the ideal of the Renaissance, with a simple country castle of Edla. In addition, the school park with large monuments to the fallen, as well as the Hofmühlpark in Hausmening. The town hall on the main square, which has now been turned into a pedestrian area (with regular markets), has kept its classicist façade almost intact during the reconstruction carried out in the 1980s, and the core of the building has been completely renovated.

From the Federal Gymnasium, the planetary path begins, which runs along the Mühlbach and the "Schwarzen Weg" to Pluto in Greinsfurt.

An important, mostly underestimated industrial monument is the former water tower on the territory of the railway station, which today is of enormous size (circa 1880), but cannot be viewed from the inside and was used for recreational purposes. The same can be said for the Ybbs power plant in Klein Greinsfurt, which, after modernization, still provides the majority of Amstett's power supply.

The psychiatric hospital in Mauer was built in the Art Nouveau style by Carlo von Boog.



In the municipal area are:
Mostfirtler Farm Museum, owned by the Distelberger family
private collection of a local resident Mostfirthler, very attached to the home and to the simple life of former eras
The collection of historic Ursitz weapons, owned by Amstettner, who until a few years ago produced weapons for the Swiss Guard of the Vatican.


Regular events

Every year on April 24 in the district of Ulmerfeld Georgi-Kirtag and September 29 Michaeli-Kirtag are celebrated. A weekly farmers' market on Thursdays and Saturdays in the pedestrian area is part of the permanent establishment.

Amstetten offers a wide range of cultural events: on the one hand, the concert and theater program of the Amstetten Event Center (AVB) is extremely popular both regionally and nationally. On the other hand, the city's cultural office offers other cultural events such as cinemas in the park, tokens, demonstration exhibitions, the town hall gallery, exhibitions at Ulmerfeld Castle or a street art festival.

Since November 2017, sessions have been held in the city every last Thursday of the month. They are organized by the association JAMstetten - make music together.

Amstetten's city marketing ensures a good mood in the center all year round, for example with the Amstetten shopping night, the city's flea market, the car mile and much more.


Culinary dishes

Amsteteten, as the center of the bridge, is deliberately trying to offer the products that the Earth produces there. First of all, it should be noted a wort whose cognac products are already using a reputation throughout Europe. Many wine taverns, as well as restaurants, often almost hidden village hotels in Amstetten and its immediate vicinity offer a kitchen that is aware of its strengths and in some cases rises to the level of Touque. Here, too, in recent years, a restructuring occurred, after Amsteteten, after a ten-year period of the huge gastronomic standards of the middle class kitchen, also rolled into the crisis of identity in this area, from which, however, once came out. He was again convincingly freed.




The municipality of Amsteteten is located on historical -poisoning, topographically predetermined through tracks - as a narrow place between the foothills of the Alps in the south and the granite foothills of the Bohemian plate, cut by the Danube of Neustadtler, and borders on the lush farmers of the bridge in the west and east. These factors - transit and agriculture - also formed historical development up to the New Year, and especially the development of the economic and shopping center in the today's harmony with historical changes - the loss of the importance of military security, which led Amsteteten to the limit of the existing and the increased value of transport, with which The value of amstettten is traditionally directly related.

Today, the city is located on Westautobahn a 1 and Westbahn and is not only important gates to Annstal, but also became the Economic Center of the Western Mostfiger with the Judicial District Amsteteten with a population of about 110,000 people.

The municipality consists not only of the actual central part of the city, but also applies to six cadastral communities: Edla, Hausmening and Mauer near Amstesteten. In addition, the community was joined by the Obinnsbach, Shenbihl and Ulmerfeld.



In addition to several streams, some of which are quite many -water (including ghirbas, Edlabach, Provinsbach and Mülbach), Amstetten has two rivers in the Malaya Url, which flows into the main river of the region rich in water, YBBS, shortly before Amsteteten. It is also the heraldic river Amstettten. Only the extensive structures of dams - as the third line that separated the urban territory near the railway and roads, which is the biggest problem of urban planning to this day - were able to prevent the regular flooding of the city of Ibbus. It separates (several times connects) the southern parts of Allerysdorf, Grainsfurt, Ulmerfeld and Hausmening from the rest of the city. The IBBS river, which initially bordered with Amstetten in the south, and now crosses it, was a popular river for swimming in the inhabitants of Amstesteten until the 1960s, and its water also had an old open pool. However, it was almost completely destroyed by the cellulose-paper industry of Ibstali. The river, which used to be used as a drift, has now become a popular place for local rest (fishing, bathing) after radical measures to improve water quality.



Amsteteten is located in the climate province of the Austrian foothills of the Alps and in the transition zone between the moist ocean climate in Western Europe and the dry continental climate in the east. Due to the protected location, an average of 3-6 ° C is warmer than in nearby areas. The average annual temperature is from 9 to 12 ° C. The average annual rainfall is 1000 mm, while the most frequent precipitation in the form of rain and in the summer months.

In the autumn and winter months, in particular, persistent inversion clouds often occur due to the location of the pool, which means that the duration of sunlight is very short.

The wind usually blows from the weak to moderate force 2-3 points on the box scale, mainly from the west. Eastern winds often occur only in conditions of high pressure. They blow very constantly and often for several days and can be very strong, but rarely reach wind strength more than 7 points.

Strong storms happen quite rarely, they come only from the west, but occasionally reach the wind speed of more than 100 km/h, which once every few years causes severe wind damage to the surrounding forests.



Findings show that the area was inhabited as early as the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. The Mauer area contains important excavation sites where ancient Roman finds were made. In Roman times, Mauer was part of the Locus Felicis fort. In 1937 Austria's most important Roman treasure was found here: an inventory of a sanctuary dedicated to the god Jupiter Dolichen. Bronze figurines and bronze vows, silver vows, bronze utensils and iron utensils were probably buried around 233 AD. Today they are in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Amstetten was located on what was already an important through line: the Roman linden road anticipated all later through roads (B 1). By the time of the migration of peoples, the country was again largely depopulated, only the Slavs settled. In the 7th century, the Avars used the Roman road. The troops that Charlemagne led in the fight against the Avars later moved along it. The battle of 788 is documented. "In Campo Ibose" - on Ybbsfeld near Neumarkt an der Ybbs.

In the 9th century, the area that became known as the "Slavic land" (the names of many places and fields still date back to Slavic words) was settled and converted to Christianity from both Salzburg and Passau. It is no longer entirely clear whether the parish of St. Stephen, with the surrounding properties and the vicarage, existed before the actual city of Amstetten, even if it did not belong to the original parishes of the area. In any case, this must be the oldest part, which called itself Amstetten. From 903 to 955, the territory was initially occupied by Hungary - up to the Enns. At that time, a courtyard surrounded by a thorny fence must have existed in the Eisenreichdornach district or along the Roman road to St. Georgen.


Period from the 10th century

In 976, Leopold I received the Margraviate of the Danube Valley (from which Austria later emerged) as a fief, including Amstetten. Today's Ulmerfeld area is first mentioned in a document from 995 as the Freising market. As a place itself, it is mentioned in documents only in 1111 as the market of the Bishop of Passau, and its fortification, which c. a. strengthening the parish of St. Stephen's was probably just a push of Passau away from the original Salzburg parish of Winklarn, then "Ipus" (Ybbs). The name "Amstetten" probably comes from Ahd. ambahtsteti, office, administrative city. The core of the oldest surviving building in Amstetten also dates from around this time: the northern part of the Gothic (only slightly Baroque) parish church of St. Stephen.

1321 castle in Ulmerfeld under Bishop Conrad III of Freisinger. built and place with the consent of the first Habsburg, as the Romano-Germanic king Rudolf I expanded with the city wall.

The trading city of Amstetten also received permission to build a fortification, but almost never used it. There were only temporary ditches and mounds, some of which can still be seen today. Not least because of this, the history of the market during the late Middle Ages and early modern period is a series of robberies, arson and ruin - by peasant uprisings, Hungarians, Hussites or other disputes. The place burned down completely in 1509 and during the Turks in 1529, which is described as "its deepest and most terrible decline", so that the place was abandoned and empty until about 1542 and thus lost its market privileges for decades. Imperial documents were simply burned.


The Thirty Years' War did less damage to this boom than might have been supposed, because the area enjoyed imperial privileges due to its proximity to "Eisenwurzen" (as an armory), which was important to the war effort. Nevertheless, Amstetten, which had its first post office in 1640, was bled dry and weakened by billeting and supply obligations, as well as by plague. Even if the Merian engraving of 1649 with probably the most historically famous view of the market place, she is again depicted with a respectable row of brick townhouses around the central main square.

By the end of the 17th century, the city began to slowly prosper again. With the economic position as a market, the importance as a place of jurisdiction and taxation has increased, but still only with market rights. The fact that in the metric books of the oldest parish of St. Stephen, an extremely high percentage of marriages with "foreigners" is noted, which speaks of the amazing development of supra-regional relations. Often there are those who have previously found work in Amstetten.

The spirit of baroque optimism that also touched Amstetten through a flourishing pilgrimage system (the Sonntagberg, sometimes visited by more than a million pilgrims a year), also suffered from the worst European plague of 1679, which half depopulated the place, or the devastating Ruhr epidemic of 1684, which wiped out about 110 lives, only a little tired. When the Turks and Tatars invaded again in 1683, which caused panic throughout the country and the fortified Ulmerfeld became a place of refuge for the Amstetteners, the imperial troops really managed to defend the bare village and save it from the worst devastation. In any case, they organized the supply of troops "from the country." Why is not clear - Amstetten may have lost the entire 18th century in regards to its market rights. Parish report of St. Stephen for 1718 shows, including the branch of the church in Viedorf, 1870 adults and 523 children.


19th century

In 1803 the reign of the two spiritual principalities of Passau and Salzburg ended with the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss. In 1805, a major battle took place near Amstetten. The French advancing to Vienna from Bavaria after the defeat of the Austrians near Ulm (who were supposed to evacuate Bavaria) met the retreating Russians under the command of Kutuzov, who "settled on the heights of Amstetten" (Napoleon) and were defeated here. As a result, the place was looted and heavily burned. Napoleon reports in his memoirs "My Life" about 400 killed and wounded and 1,500 captured Russians. The battle is also mentioned by Leo Tolstoy in War and Peace.

In 1850 and 1868 Amstetten became the seat of the district administration. In the same year, he received the district court of one prison.

At this time, Amstetten finally experienced its breakthrough, namely with the opening of the Empress-Elisabeth-Westbahn, today's Westbahn (1858) and, above all, the Kronprinz-Rudolf-Bahn (1872). The latter was an "emergency decision" because the people of Blindenmarkt spoke out against the expected dirt and noise pollution, so the railway line was not allowed to be built in the village itself, as in Amstetten. This made Amstetten an important railway junction with the Styrian ore and forest regions and Ennstal. The significance of the railway for Amstetten cannot be overestimated, and not only because the emperor stopped here from time to time during his trip to Bad Ischl, for example, to visit the newly opened monastery church of the Sisters of the School. One of the most important 19th century foundations for the village in its significance as a school place was the establishment in 1876 of a branch of the Judenau School Sisters, which soon became their largest. In the first half of the 20th century there were periods, such as during World War II, when up to 5,000 people worked in and around the station. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the city's population grew.

Under mayor Johann Wagmeister, dikes were also built on the Ibb, which later had to be raised after new floods. A devastating fire on June 17, 1877 brought bad luck: almost the entire city burned down, which explains the small number of old buildings. In 1897 Emperor Franz Joseph I finally made Amstetten a city. This grew rapidly: Greimpersdorf, Edla, Dornach, Eggersdorf were included. In 1898, the construction of the Herz-Jesu-Kirche began, which since 1939 became the center of the second parish.


From Monarchy to World War II

Amstetten was also the garrison of the city of kuk. Army of the Austrian Armed Forces (Melck Command), which became part of the Wehrmacht after the annexation of Austria in 1938. For Cold War strategic reasons, Amstetten was a "key military area".

The Commercial Academy and Commercial School in Amstetten were founded in 1932.

A large war memorial in the city park, a memorial to the victims of ideological persecution in 1934 and 1938-1945, testifies to the large losses of the population in the world wars of the twentieth century. in the "new cemetery", two monuments to the dead Red Army soldiers in prominent places. In 1978, a decision was made to build the Ostarrichi barracks, which was inaugurated in September 1982.

In 1937, Austria's most important Roman treasure, Jupiter Dolichen, was made in Mauer near Amstetten, which is today in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.

Towards the end of the war, women's and men's camps were established in Amstetten as a subcamp of the Mauthausen concentration camp. After the end of Nazi rule, few residents of the city said they saw or knew anything about local Nazi crimes.

The Jewish religious community in Amstetten existed from 1861 to 1938.


End of the war and reconstruction

As a railway junction, Amstetten was of strategic importance as a military target during the war and was therefore heavily bombed several times by American and later Soviet forces. Repair work on the infrastructure was mainly carried out by prisoners of concentration camps. The city, crowded with refugees and retreating units of the Wehrmacht, only in the last days of April 1945 was subjected to heavy shelling, caused by the long senseless anti-aircraft reaction of the SS troops guarding the prisoners of the concentration camp. . This attack alone claimed more than 200 lives, in addition to major destruction, including one of the few surviving buildings from the Middle Ages, "Kilianbrunnen", on the site of a medieval pillory.

Bricks have been fired in Amstetten since the 16th century, giving the western part of the city its topographical character (Kreuzberg and Sonnleitenberg). This played an important role in the fact that the reconstruction after 1945 proceeded relatively quickly.

Shortly after the war, new democratic structures were created, resulting in a struggle of the population for an Austrian identity and resulting in disputes between "blacks" (ÖVP) and "reds" (SPÖ), much like Don Camillo from today with the weekly newspapers Amstettner Bote (later Niederösterreichische Nachrichten ; founded in 1946 by Josef Wagner and Franz Biberauer) and the Amstettner Zeitung (expropriated by the Nazis from the private property of the Kweiser family, transferred to the SPÖ by the Russians in 1946, abandoned in 1947) adopted by the Soviet military administration. played with the true "shield bourgeoisie" .

The municipality of Amstetten reached its current size in 1972 under mayor Johann Pölz, with the inclusion of the then independent municipalities of Preinsbach, Mauer and Ulmerfeld-Hausmening, with Ulmerfeld and Hausmening having merged earlier. Amstetten has finally become the economic and educational center of western Lower Austria, even if the high growth has only been digested and Amstetten has to fight for its historical identity again.

Thanks to ongoing building work, Amstetten has a very modern infrastructure. Last but not least, in recent decades the city center has been completely redeveloped, giving Amstetten the character of a purely transit, industrial and banking centre, whose territory is surrounded by the Westbahn high-speed line and important federal roads (B 1 and B 121 Weyerer Straße in Ybbstal) , lost something. Image change, which, among other things, should be carried out through international musical summer productions.

On May 24, 2001, Mondi Neusiedler's obsolete high-bay paper warehouse burned down.

In 2008, the city attracted worldwide attention with the Josef Fritzl case.


Getting there

By car via the West Autobahn A1. Coming from the west exit Amstetten West, coming from the east exit Amstetten Ost. By train: The Amstetten train station is on the Vienna - Salzburg line (Westbahn) and is a stop for many international trains.



A shopping center is on the western outskirts of the federal highway 121

The CityCenter Amstetten (CCA) is located in the center. Most of the well-known retail chains are rented in this center. The CCA is the largest inner-city shopping center in Austria. For regional products, especially fruit juices, musts, sheep's cheese and farmhouse bread, there are several farms in the vicinity of Amstetten that sell their goods "ex-farm".



Musical performances take place in Amstetten in summer.



Amstetten is sometimes known as a dangerous city, but generally not that much more dangerous than other cities.

It is up to you whether you go for a walk in the evening.



The municipality of Amstetten is located on historically traditional, topographically predetermined routes - as a bottleneck between the foothills of the Alps in the south, as well as the granite foothills of the Bohemian Plate, the Neustadtler Platte cut here by the Danube, and borders in the west and east on the lush peasant landscapes of the Mostviertel . These factors - transit and agriculture - have also shaped the historical development up to modern times, and especially the development to today's economic and trading center in harmony with historical changes - the loss of the importance of military security, which led Amstetten to the limit of existence, and the increased importance of transport, with which Amstetten's importance is traditionally directly related - promoted.

Today the city is located on the A 1 western motorway and on the western railway and has not only become an important gateway to the Ennstal, but also the economic center of the western Mostviertel with the judicial district of Amstetten with around 110,000 inhabitants.

The municipality consists not only of the actual city core area, but extends over six cadastral communities: Edla, Hausmening and Mauer near Amstetten. Preinsbach, Schönbichl and Ulmerfeld are also affiliated to the community.



In addition to several streams, some of which are quite water-rich (including Gschirmbach, Edlabach, Preinsbach, Mühlbach), there are two rivers in Amstetten: the small Url, which flows into the main river of the water-rich region shortly before Amstetten, the Ybbs. It is also the coat of arms of the Amstetten river. Only extensive dam structures - as the third line next to the railroad and road, which used to separate the urban area and which is still the biggest urban development problem today - were able to prevent the Ybbs from regularly flooding the city. It separates (bridged several times) the southern parts of Allersdorf, Greinsfurth, Ulmerfeld and Hausmening from the rest of the city. The Ybbs, which originally bordered Amstetten in the south and now cuts through, was a popular bathing river of the Amstetten until the 1960s and its water also fed the old outdoor pool. But it was almost ruined by the paper and pulp industry of the Ybbstal. The river, which used to be used as a wood drift, is now a popular destination for recreational areas (fishing, swimming) after dramatic measures to improve the quality of the water.



Amstetten is located in the climatic province of the Austrian Alpine foothills and in the transition area between a humid oceanic climate in western Europe and a dry continental climate in the east. Due to the protected location, it is on average 3 to 6 ° C warmer than in the surrounding communities. The average annual temperature is around 9 to 12 ° C. The average annual rainfall is 1,000 mm, with the most frequent precipitation occurring in the form of rain and in the summer months.

Especially in the autumn and winter months, due to the location of the basin, persistent inversion clouds often occur, which means that the duration of sunshine is very short.

The wind usually blows only weakly to moderate with strengths of 2 to 3 Beaufort, mainly from the west. East winds only occur frequently in high pressure weather conditions. These blow very constantly and often for several days and can be very strong, but rarely reach more than wind force 7.

Strong storms are rather rare, come exclusively from the west, but occasionally reach wind speeds of over 100 km / h, which leads to strong wind breaks in the surrounding forests every few years.