Matsalu National Park

Matsalu National Park

Location: Matsalu Bay    Map

Area: 486.4 km2 (120,192 acres)


Description of Matsalu National Park

Matsalu National Park is a national park in Western Estonia, created for the protection of nesting, moulting and migrating birds. The national park lies within the territory of Lääneranna and Lääne-Nigula parishes.

The area of the protected area is 486.6 km², of which 224.6 km² is land and 264.0 km² is water. Matsalu National Park includes the Matsalu Bay, the part of the Väinamere around its mouth, the lower reaches of the Kasari River from the Risti-Virtsu road bridge, the coastal reeds of the bay and the river, the floodplain of the Kasari River, mussel pastures, wooden meadows and about 50 sea islands, the largest of which are Tauksi, Liia, Sõmeri, Kumari and Papillae. Other well-known lakes are Antirahu and Tondirahu.

Matsalu nature reserve was created in 1957. In 1976, it was included in the Ramsar list of wetlands of international importance. Since 2004, it has been called Matsalu National Park and also manages the Puhtu-Laelatu and Nehatu Nature Reserves and the Lihula and Tuhu Landscape Reserves. Matsalu National Park also overlaps the Natura areas Väinamere bird area and Väinamere nature area. Matsalu National Park is also a HELCOM protected area.

275 species of birds, 49 fish and 47 mammals and 772 species of vascular plants have been registered in Matsalu National Park. Among the birds, the most numerous nesters are the cormorant, the osprey and the herring gull.

Seven bird watching towers have been created for tourism: Penijõ, Kloostril, Haeska, Suitsu, Jugasaari, Küdeva and Keemus, and three hiking trails in Penijõ (5 km), Salevere Salumäi (1.5 km) and Suitsu.



Settlements that are partially or completely in the Matsalu National Park:
Lääne-Nigula municipality: Allikotsa, Kabeli, Keravere, Kesküla, Keskvere, Kurevere, Laiküla, Liivaküla, Männiku, Oonga, Rannajõki, Rõude, Tammiku and Tuka villages
Lääneranta municipality: Esivere, Keemu, Kelu, Kirbla, Kirikuküla, Kloostri, Kõera, Laulepa, Lautna, Liustemäe, Matsalu, Meelva, Metsküla, Mõisaküla, Pagasi, Penijõe, Petaaluse, Poanse, Rooglaiu, Rannu, Saastna, Salevere, Seli, Ullaste and Võigaste village
Haapsalu city: Haeska, Kiideva, Koidu, Mäeküla, Puiatu, Puise, Põgari-Sassi, Saardu, Sinalepa and Tuuru villages

The Matsalu National Nature Reserve included: Penijõe center (central and adjacent buildings, boat shed, sauna, outdoor base, residence) — Läänemaa, Lihula parish; Puise cordon — Läänemaa, Ridala parish; Haeska manor house; Lihula cordon — Läänemaa, Lihula town; Kudri farm — Läänemaa, Martna parish; Kinga farm — Läänemaa, Ridala parish; Matsalu manor — Läänemaa, Lihula parish.

Protected breeding species
little frog eagle Aquila pomarina, shrike Bonasa bonasia, shrike Botaurus stellaris, black warbler Chlidonias niger, white stork Ciconia ciconia, reed-barred owl Circus aeruginosus, barred-barred owl Circus cyaneus, marsh-barred owl Circus pygargus, hornbill Crex crex, white-backed woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos, peregrine falcon Falco columbarius, kestrel Gallinago media, common crane Grus grus, white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla, red-backed gobbler Lanius collurio, hornbill Pernis apivorus, little tern Porzana parva, spotted tern Porzana porzana, little tern Sterna albifrons, tern Sterna hirundo, sand tern Sterna paradisaea, bush bird Sylvia nisoria, grouse Tetrao tetrix

Protected migrants
Lesser merganser Anser erythropus, White-cheeked lapwing Branta leucopsis, Little swan Cygnus columbianus, Whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, Common crane Grus grus, Lake otter Gavia arctica, Red-crowned otter Gavia stellata, Water plover Phalaropus lobatus, Field plover Pluvialis apricaria, Red-breasted plover Recurvirostra avosetta, mud tern Tringa glareola

Other protected animal species
otter Lutra lutra, toad Bufo calamita, marsh frog Rana arvalis