
Mantua (Mantua in Latin) is an Italian town of 49 440 inhabitants, the capital of the province of the same name in Lombardy. Since July 2008 the Lombard city of art, with Sabbioneta, both united by the legacy left to them by the Gonzagas who made them two of the main centers of the Italian and European Renaissance, has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. . Given its importance as the capital of the marquisate and then the duchy of Mantua, it is represented among the fourteen noble cities of the Vittoriano, as a symbol of "noble mother" and precursor of the subsequent Savoy monarchy and the unity of Italy.

In 2016, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism awarded Mantua with the title of Italian capital of culture. In 2017 Mantua and its province, together with those of Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona, were awarded as the European Region of Gastronomy under the name of Eastern Lombardy. Mantua was also a European city of sport in 2019.

Mantua is the only city, understood as a widespread urban museum, present on the Google Arts & Culture platform, with more than 1,000 digitized works, 40 virtual exhibitions set up in 8 different virtual museums.

Furthermore, according to what is reported in the Legambiente report "Urban Ecosystem 2017", the city was ranked first in the ranking of the best Italian cities for quality of the environment and life.



How to orient yourself
It is possible to visit and discover the city interactively with the Mantua App for smartphones. A city map is available here.

The historic core of the city consists of:
1 Sordello Square. Center of the old city (Civitas vetus), overlooked by some of the most important historical buildings of the city: Palazzo Ducale, Duomo, Palazzo Bianchi, Cà degli Uberti, Palazzo Bonacolsi, Palazzo degli Acerbi.
2 Castle Square. With the Castle of San Giorgio and the National Archaeological Museum.
3 Santa Barbara Square. With the Basilica of Santa Barbara.
4 Lombard League Square. Overlooking part of the Palazzo Ducale with the Corte Vecchia and the Apartment of Isabella d'Este.
5 Via Tazzoli. With the Zuccaro Tower.
6 Via Cavour. With the Tower of the Gabbia.
7 Via Academy. With the Accademia Virgiliana and the Teatro Bibiena.
8 Broletto square. With the Arengario and the Torre del Podestà.
9 Herb Square. With the Rotonda di San Lorenzo, the Palazzo della Ragione, the Clock Tower, the Palazzo del Podestà and the Casa del Mercante.
10 Piazza Mantegna. With the Basilica of S. Andrea and the Torre del Salaro.
11 Matilda of Canossa square. With Palazzo Canossa and the Church of the Madonna del Terremoto.
12 Piazza Virgiliana. With the Monument to Virgil, the Diocesan Museum and the Great Hospital of San Leonardo.
Going along Via del Principe (from Piazza Sordello along Via Roma, Via Principe Amedeo and Via Giovanni Acerbi, where the Casa del Mantegna is located), you reach the complex of

13 Palazzo Te. Monumental residence, commissioned in 1524 by Federico II Gonzaga to the architect Giulio Romano.

Historical centre, Valletta Paiolo, Lunetta, Valletta Valsecchi, Pompilio-Due Pini, Borgo Chiesanuova, Te Brunetti-Trincerone-Camattino, Cittadella-Mulina-Montata, Colle Aperto, Castelnuovo-Angeli, Dosso del Corso, Belfiore, Formigosa, Frassino, Virgiliana , Borgo Belgioioso, Ponte Rosso, Castelletto, Gambarara, Migliaretto, Pioppe-Mezzalana, Boccabusa, Te, Valdaro, Prade-Cantelma, Industrial Zone.

Castelletto Borgo, Cittadella, Formigosa, Frassino, Gambarara, Lunetta, Virgiliana.


Religious architecture

St. Peter's Cathedral (Duomo)
dedicated to St. Peter, the current cathedral in Romanesque style with Gothic additions, was built between 1395 and 1401 after a fire, centuries earlier, had destroyed a previous early Christian temple. It was restructured in 1545 by Giulio Romano, who left the façade intact but modified the forms, taking inspiration from the early Christian basilicas. The current façade, in Carrara marble, dates back to 1761. The side features Gothic inserts such as rosettes, cusps and pinnacles, remnants of the ancient façade. Inside you can admire the coffered ceiling that overlooks the three naves: the main one is decorated with statues of sibyls and prophets dating back to the sixteenth century. Under the main altar is the incorrupt body of Sant'Anselmo da Baggio, patron saint of the city. The Cathedral, located in the monumental Piazza Sordello, is the bishopric of Mantua.
St. Andrew's Basilica
designed by Leon Battista Alberti, it was built starting from 1472 and completed 328 years later with the construction of the dome based on designs by Filippo Juvarra. The relic of the Precious Blood of Christ brought to Mantua by the Roman centurion Longinus is kept in the crypt inside the Sacred Vases. In one of the chapels is the funeral monument of Andrea Mantegna, dominated by the bronze effigy of the painter of the Gonzaga court.
Palatine Basilica of Santa Barbara
The church of the Gonzaga court was commissioned by Duke Guglielmo who commissioned the Mantuan architect Giovan Battista Bertani with the project. An integral part of the Doge's Palace, the building of the church was completed in 1572.
Roundabout of San Lorenzo
it is the oldest church in the city, built in the 11th century during the Canossa domination. With a central round plan, the Rotonda di San Lorenzo is located at a lower level than Piazza delle Erbe and preserves inside a women's gallery and traces of Byzantine school frescoes dating back to the 11th-12th centuries. Over the centuries it underwent radical transformations; deconsecrated, it became a warehouse so much so that at the beginning of the twentieth century it was incorporated into buildings subsequent to its construction. Expropriated in 1908, the rotunda of San Lorenzo was restored and reopened in 1911 and finally returned to its original religious destination in 1926.
San Sebastian Church
begun in 1460 by Luca Fancelli based on a project by Leon Battista Alberti, it was completed in 1529. Deconsecrated in the 18th century, it was used for various uses until 1925 when, after a questionable restoration which added the two entrance stairways, it was transformed into famedio of the Mantuan fallen of all wars.
Norsa Torrazzo Synagogue
it was transferred and faithfully rebuilt in its current location, when the demolition of the Jewish quarter was decided, between 1899 and 1902.
Bishop's Seminary
the building, located next to the Cathedral in Via Fratelli Cairoli, was restructured in 1825 in a neoclassical style as can be seen in particular in the façade and in the internal courtyard.
Church of Sant'Apollonia – via Benzoni 20
Church of San Barnaba – piazza Bazzani
Church of Santa Caterina – Corso Garibaldi
Church of San Cristoforo – via Acerbi
Church of Sant'Egidio – via Frattini
Church of San Filippo Neri – via Pasquale Miglioretti (Borgochiesanuova)
Church of San Francesco – piazza san Francesco d'Assisi 5
Church of Saints Gervasio and Protasio – via Trento 1
Church of San Giuseppe Artigiano – via Indipendenza
Church of San Leonardo - Piazza San Leonardo
Church of San Luigi Gonzaga - via Semeghini Defendi 8 (Te Brunetti)
Church of Our Lady of the Earthquake – piazza Canossa
Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli – via della Certosa (Borgo Angeli)
Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli - piazza Frassino 2 (Frassino)
Church of Santa Maria del Gradaro – via Gradaro
Church of Santa Maria della Carità – via Corridoni 33
Church of Santa Maria del Carmine
Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria – via Fernelli
Church of San Martino – via Pomponazzo
Church of San Maurizio – via Chiassi
Church of San Michele Arcangelo - via Verona 47 (Citadel)
Church of Ognissanti - corso Vittorio Emanuele 146
Church of Sant'Orsola - corso Vittorio Emanuele 53
Church of Santa Paola – piazza dei Mille
Church of Pope St. Pius X - viale don Luigi Sturzo 22
Church of Santi Simone e Giuda – via Fernelli
Church of Santo Spirito – via Vittorino da Feltre
Church of Santa Teresa – via Mazzini

Religious buildings disappeared
Church of the Forty Hours
Church of San Domenico
Church of San Giovanni al Tempio
Church of Sant'Agnese
Church of Santa Maria di Capo di Bove
St Stephen's Church
Oratory of Santa Maria del Melone


Civil architectures

Ducal Palace
it is perhaps more correct to speak of a "city-palace", as the architectural complex is made up of numerous buildings connected to each other by corridors and galleries, and enriched by internal courtyards, some hangings, and vast gardens. The Gonzaga palace, by extension of the roofs, is the second in Europe surpassed only by the Vatican. It does not appear improper to define the Gonzaga palace as the Palazzi Ducali, given the habit of almost every Duke of building his own residence which was added to what was previously built. Even before the coming to power of the Gonzagas, the first nucleus of the Palazzo had been built, but the history of the complex is identified above all with that of the family that governed the city until 1707. Among others, the so-called Camera degli Sposi is very famous ( Camera picta) in the Castle of San Giorgio, part of the "city-palace", frescoed by Andrea Mantegna and dedicated to Ludovico III Gonzaga and his wife Barbara of Brandenburg. Having become Austrian Mantua, the renovations continued until the second half of the 18th century by the governors sent by the Emperor.
Palazzo Te
it is the work of Giulio Romano who in 1525 designed it on commission from the Marquis Federico II Gonzaga who used it for his leisure. He made his "official" lover Isabella Boschetti stay there. The "Palazzo dei lucidi inganni" stood in the center of an island full of woods and surrounded by the waters of a lake, now dried up: mysterious, rich in symbols and myths that stand out in the stupendously frescoed rooms also by Giulio Romano himself, like the famous Sala dei giganti and that of Cupid and Psyche and, last but not least, the hall of the horses which celebrates the Gonzaga stables famous throughout Europe at the time.
Palace of Reason
it was built when Guido da Correggio was podestà (1242), in the municipal era, with public functions and for the purpose of allowing city assemblies and gatherings. On the ground floor, the building housed, as now, numerous shops, while justice was administered in the large hall on the upper floor. On the walls of this room, the remains of recently restored medieval frescoes from the end of the 12th and 13th centuries are visible. This hall is accessed via a steep staircase located under the Clock Tower built in the 15th century, the same period as the porticoes overlooking Piazza Erbe. The Palazzo is now used as an exhibition venue hosting art exhibitions organized by the Municipality of Mantua.
Palazzo Bonacolsi (Castiglioni)
it is located in Piazza Sordello, it was built by Pinamonte dei Bonacolsi around 1272 and readapted by Luigi Gonzaga after the conquest of power in 1328. It was the ancient residence of the Bonacolsi family, who governed the city from 1272 to 1328. The building is currently still the residence of the Castiglioni counts family, descendant of Baldassarre Castiglione, politician and scholar of the 16th century, author of Il Cortegiano. On the ground floor the original entrance door with a large two-tone pointed arch decorated with shields with the Bonacolsi coat of arms.
Palazzo del Podesta
also called "Palazzo del Broletto", it was built in 1227, commissioned by the Brescian Laudarengo Martinengo appointed podestà of Mantua. From 1462 it underwent an important restructuring by Giovanni da Arezzo on behalf of Ludovico III Gonzaga.
San Sebastian Palace
it was built between 1506 and 1508 at the behest of the Marquis Francesco II who lived there and died there in 1519. It was used by the Gonzagas for thirty years and already in 1536 abandoned and stripped by successive dukes.
In the main hall of the building there were nine paintings by Mantegna depicting The Triumphs of Caesar which were sold to the English crown and are now kept in Hampton Court. It underwent multiple transformations until 1998 when the restoration work began. Since 2005 it has been used as a City Museum. In the rooms that still preserve traces of frescoes from the glorious past such as the Chamber of the Crogiuolo, the Chamber of the Arrows, the Chamber of the Sun and in the Loggia dei Marmi, paintings, statues, busts, friezes and other architectural finds are exhibited.
Arc Palace
it was built in 1784 on a pre-existing 15th century building by the architect Antonio Colonna for the D'Arco family of Trentino origins. Characterized by the large neoclassical facade inspired by the art of Palladio, the palace is a museum venue for the art treasures it contains: still furnished with the family's furniture, it houses important art collections among which the eighteenth-century canvases by Giuseppe Bazzani stand out, a library of over six thousand volumes and a collection of scientific instruments. Frescoes (1520) attributed to Giovanni Maria Falconetto can be seen in the Sala dello Zodiaco. The trial of Andreas Hofer, hero of Tyrolean independence against French domination, was celebrated in the Palace in 1810.
House of Mantegna
home of the painter Andrea Mantegna, it was built on land donated by the Marquis Ludovico Gonzaga who appointed him court painter in 1457. It is a square red brick building with a cylindrical courtyard in the center opening onto a circle of sky, re-proposed in the famous Camera degli sposi in the Doge's Palace.
House of Rigoletto
Giuseppe Verdi set its story to music and the Mantuans gave him their residence; towards the end of Piazza Sordello is the house of "Rigoletto", the Gonzaga court jester.
In reality, the character has little Mantuan, Verdi's opera of the same name was in fact taken from a drama by Victor Hugo and readapted in the Mantuan territory, transforming the king of France into the duke of Mantua, and changing the name of the protagonist from Triboulet to Rigoletto .
The fifteenth-century structure houses the sculpture of Rigoletto, by Aldo Falchi, placed in the small internal courtyard.


Other palaces and historic houses

House of Blessed Osanna Andreasi
in via Frattini 9. It is a unique example of a Mantuan residence built in the 15th century, in the Fancellian style, where the Blessed Osanna Andreasi lived, a member of an illustrious family who participated in the ruling and cultural class of the Gonzaga state.
Bertani's house
in via Trieste 8. It was the residence of Giovan Battista Bertani, architect in the service of the Gonzaga dukes, who between 1554 and 1556 transformed the pre-existing 1300 building owned by the Striggi marquises. Singular was the idea of inserting in the facade two tombstones with engraved texts of Vitruvius and two Ionic columns, one of which sawn in half with engravings and decorations that didactically report the rules deducible from the Vitruvian treatise, De architectura. Subsequently, the ownership of the Bertani house changed numerous times, reviving a new brief artistic season when in the fifties of the twentieth century it was purchased by the Mantuan painter Vindizio Nodari Pesenti.
House of Giulio Romano
located in via Carlo Poma 18, it was Federico Gonzaga who convinced Giulio Pippi known as Giulio Romano to come to Mantua. In need of a home Giulio Romano, in the year 1544, in what was then Contrada Larga, built the residence which, despite an intervention in the 19th century by the architect Paolo Pozzo, keeps the architectural style of Romano unchanged.
Merchant House
Corner between Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza Mantegna. It is also known as the "Casa di Boniforte da Concorezzo", the former owner who had it built in 1455. The building is characterized by an astonishing terracotta facade with Venetian-style decorations.
Market house
Marconi Square. The building, presumably corresponding to the Domus Mercati, was rebuilt in 1462 by the architect Luca Fancelli on commission from the Marquis Ludovico Gonzaga. During the restoration work (1997-2001), important frescoes attributed to the school of Andrea Mantegna came to light.
Rabbi's house
in via Giuseppe Bertani 54. It was built in the years around 1680 by the Flemish architect Frans Geffels, in Mantua as prefect of the Gonzaga factories. Four-story building, the facade is characterized by stucco panels depicting biblical places and episodes. It was built inside the ghetto established a few decades earlier, welcoming, as per tradition, the families of religious leaders of the large Jewish community of Mantua.
Great Hospital of San Leonardo
in Piazza Virgiliana. Commissioned by Ludovico III Gonzaga for public assistance and finished around 1470 by the architect Luca Fancelli, in 1797 it was transformed into a prison and subsequently into barracks. It currently houses offices of the State Police.
Palace of the Academy
in via Accademia, piazza Dante. Based on a project by Giuseppe Piermarini in 1770, between 1773 and 1775 it was the architect Paolo Pozzo who took care of the reconstruction works of the palace of medieval origin which had first become the seat of the Accademia degli Invaghiti and then of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Fine Letters, current Virgilian National Academy. The neoclassical building includes a typical example of Baroque represented by the Scientific Theater of the Academy known as del Bibiena, named after the architect Antonio Bibiena who built it between 1767 and 1769
Palace of Agriculture
in Piazza Martiri di Belfiore. It was built in 1926-27 as Palazzo dei Sindacati on a project by Eng. Charles Finzi. It took on its current name, becoming the headquarters of the major provincial organizations linked to agriculture such as the Agricultural Consortium, the Federation of Direct Farmers, the Federation of Farmers and the Agricultural Inspectorate.
Bank of Italy building
In via Baldassare Castiglioni 3. It was built between 1914 and 1923 to a design by the architect Gaetano Moretti, exponent of Liberty and Eclecticism. The latter style is evident in the finishes and decorations of the facades which recall Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance and exotic architectures. Built to house the provincial headquarters of the Bank of Italy, this function ceased at the end of 2008 with the closure of the Mantua branch of the issuing institution. In the meantime, on 29 January 2007 the palace was classified of historic-artistic interest by the Lombardy regional directorate for cultural and landscape heritage.
Canossa Palace
located in Piazza Canossa. The palace was built in the seventeenth century on commission from the Marquises Canossa, a family of ancient lineage from Verona. The facade, in ashlar, recalls the sixteenth-century solutions of Giulio Romano and is characterized by a marble portal guarded by two dogs from the family coat of arms. Another detail of particular architectural value is a monumental Baroque staircase that leads to the noble floor of the building.
Capilupi Palace
in via Conception. It became the residence of the noble Capilupi family in 1414. The entrance portal was designed by Giulio Romano.
Palazzo Cavriani
on Trent Street. From the fifteenth century it was the residence of the noble Cavriani family. It was rebuilt in 1756 by the architect Alfonso Torreggiani. The exterior has a series of windows with sturdy grilles, while those on the upper floor have triangular and crescent-shaped roofs. The interior opens with a large hall full of stuccos and frescoes by Mantuan painters including Giuseppe Bazzani and Francesco Maria Raineri.
Colloredo Palace
in via Carlo Poma 11. The building also known as "palazzo Guerrieri-Gonzaga", was purchased by Giovanni Battista Guerrieri in 1599 who entrusted its renovation to the architect Antonio Maria Viani. The pre-Baroque facade is characterized and decorated by twelve herms made of lime mortar with a surface finish in marmorino alternating male and female figures. Having become the property of the Colloredo counts with Carlo Ludovico Colloredo husband of Eleonora Gonzaga (1699-1779) of the Vescovato line, on 30 March 1872 it was purchased by the Municipality and used as the seat of the Judicial Offices of the Court. It has since become the city's "Palace of Justice".
Palace of Bath
in via Principe Amedeo 30,32. Eighteenth-century building underwent nineteenth-century interventions on the prospects by the architect Giovanni Cherubini. The internal rooms were decorated by valuable painters such as Giuseppe Bazzani and Giovanni Cadioli. It is currently the seat of the Prefecture and of the Provincial Administration.
Municipal building
in via Roma 39. It is home to the offices and council chamber of the municipality of Mantua. The building that belonged to the Gonzaga di Bozzolo branch from the 15th century, after numerous changes of ownership, was purchased by the civic administration in 1819, which ordered its restructuring, both internally and externally, between 1825 and 1832, with assignment to the neoclassical architect Gian Battista Vergani.
Deaf Palace
in via Pomponazzo 23. Benedetto was the first marquis of the Deaf family to want the building of the same name to be built. He commissioned the project and the follow-up of the works, which began in 1680, to the Flemish architect Frans Geffels, prefect of the Gonzaga factories. One of the rare examples of Baroque in the Virgilian city was born. Of particular value above the entrance portal, a tondo with the Madonna and Child, high relief by Giovanni Battista Barberini, a work inserted in a facade of the Doric order and in plaster and partially in rusticated ashlar, rich in other decorations and bas-reliefs in marble and stucco. The Palazzo is private and therefore closed to the public.
Valenti-Gonzaga Palace
in via Pietro Frattini 7. Residence of the Marquis Valenti Gonzaga since 1500, the palace underwent a radical transformation in the 17th century, constituting a gigantic architectural structure, sumptuous on the outside, the internal courtyard richly decorated in stucco astonishing, and full of frescoes and author's statues inside. Since then it has been one of the most important examples of architecture and decorations of the Baroque period in Mantua. As with other works of this style, the author was the architect Frans Geffels (1625-1694). Recently restored, it is used as offices.
also called Loggia di Giulio Romano, they were precisely designed by the great architect of Mannerism. The work, carried out in 1536, consisted in the transformation of the medieval bridge that crossed the Rio with the construction of two parallel porticoes which were destined for the fish trade.

Villa Nuvolari
in viale Piave 28. Originally called Villa Rossini; it was in fact commissioned by the skeet shooting champion Romolo Rossini, to the architect Luigi Corsini, in 1926. Its construction began in 1929, while in the forties it was purchased by Tazio Nuvolari, who never lived there, limiting himself to using the garden as a garage. Upon the death of the racing champion, his widow Carolina Nuvolari gave the villa to the city hospital Carlo Poma in exchange for an annuity. Since 2005, the building has become the headquarters of banking institutions.
Ca' degli Uberti – piazza Sordello
Casa della Cervetta – Piazza delle Erbe
House of Marco Antonio Antimaco – via Porto
Casa de' Speziali – via Giovanni Chiassi
Tortelli house – Broletto square
Palazzo Acerbi – piazza Sordello
Palazzo Andreani, also known as the "palace of the chamber of commerce" – via Calvi
Palazzo Andreasi – via Cavour
Arrivabene Palace, attributed to Luca Fancelli – via Giovanni Arrivabene
Palazzo Benzoni – via Mazzini
Palazzo Bianchi, also known as the "bishop's palace" – piazza Sordello
Palazzo Biondi – via Cavriani
Palazzo Bonoris – via Cavour
Palazzo Cadenazzi-Risi – via Cavour
Palazzo Cantone del Bonsignore from the 18th century – via Giulio Romano
Palazzo Cantoni-Marca – via Giovanni Chiassi
Palazzo del Capitano, later part of the "Palazzo Ducale" – piazza Sordello
Palazzo Capilupi De Grado - Piazza San Giovanni
Palazzetto dei conti Casali – via Fratelli Bandiera
Magician's Palace - Piazza San Leonardo
Palazzo del Massaro – Broletto square
Palazzo Gonzaga di Vescovato – via Principe Amedeo
Palazzo Mainoldi, used in the 19th century as a Mainolda prison – Via della Mainolda
Palazzo Nievo - Via Ippolito Nievo
Palazzo Plattis then Siliprandi - via Giovanni Arrivabene
Palace of San Cristoforo – via Giulio Romano
Palazzo Strozzi - corso Vittorio Emanuele
Palazzo degli Studi – via Roberto Ardigò
Palazzo Valentini – corso Vittorio Emanuele



Bridge of the Mills
the bridge was designed by the engineer Alberto Pitentino, built in the XII century in order to regulate the waters of the river Mincio and avoid its swamping. A difference in height of a few meters between Lake Superiore and Lake Mezzo was therefore artificially created, which from the year 1229 fed 12 mills. The ancient medieval building was destroyed by air raids during the Second World War.
St George's Bridge
the bridge was included in the military defense system uniting the fortified village of San Giorgio with the Gonzaga court. At first in wood, it was built in masonry by Ludovico Gonzaga at the end of the 14th century, thus dividing the Mezzo lake from the Lower lake. In 1922 the arches were filled in and the bridge assumed its current shape.



Bibiena Theatre
in via Accademia 47. The "Teatro Scientifico dell'Accademia", a masterpiece by Antonio Bibiena (1697-1774) was inaugurated on 3 December 1769. A few weeks later, on 16 January 1770, it hosted a concert by the young Mozart, not yet fourteen years old. The austere neoclassical façade, by Piermarini, seems to conceal the imaginative late-Baroque expression of the theater which aroused so much enthusiasm in Mozart the father. The Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana founded in 1768 is located in the same building.
Social Theater
in Piazza Cavallotti. The Teatro Sociale was born on the initiative of a group of citizens constituting a company of ninety boxes. The architect Luigi Canonica was commissioned to design a neoclassical-style theater which, after four years of work, was opened to the public on the evening of 26 December 1822. The hall of the Teatro Sociale in Mantua is made up of five tiers: three tiers of boxes, two orders of galleries (loggia, gallery). Canonica decided to rely on Hayez for the interior decorations. The Teatro Sociale is still open and in operation. It is a private theatre, owned by around eighty boxes who take care of its maintenance and proper functioning. It is a theater recognized by the law of 14 August 1967 nº800 as one of the 29 Italian Traditional Theaters.
Court Theater of the Gonzagas
it has not been active since 1896. The area now occupied by the National Archaeological Museum of Mantua was included in the perimeter of the Palazzo Ducale and starting from 1549, commissioned by Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga and designer by the architect Giovan Battista Bertani, the first theater of the Corte dei Gonzaga. Destroyed by fire, it was rebuilt between 1591 and 1592. A third theater designed by the architect Antonio Maria Viani was inaugurated in 1608 with the representation of Claudio Monteverdi's tragedy L'Arianna. In the Austrian era, a fourth theatre, Nuovo Teatro Arciducale, was inaugurated on 27 February 1733. The first designs were by Ferdinando Galli da Bibbiena and the work was completed by one of his pupils, Andrea Galluzzi. A fifth theatre, designed by Giuseppe Piermarini, was opened on 10 May 1783. The Regio, as it was called during the 19th century, was gradually abandoned due to competition from the new Teatro Sociale. In 1896 the Teatro Regio, sold by the state property, was purchased by the Municipality of Mantua which radically transformed it first into a cocoon market, then into a fruit and vegetable market and finally destined for its current function as the headquarters of the National Archaeological Museum of Mantua.


Civil towers

Clock tower
the tower, with a rectangular plan, was erected in 1472 to a design by Luca Fancelli and the mechanical clock designed by Bartolomeo Manfredi was placed there the following year. In the niche below, created in 1639, a statue of the Immaculate Virgin has been placed.
Tower of the Podesta
the "Torre Civica" del Broletto (another name for the tower), which Casa Tortelli leans against, stands on the homonymous square, has a height of almost 47 meters and since 1227 on the initiative of the mayor Laudarengo Martinengo, has been an integral part of the majestic Palazzo del Podestà. On the side towards Piazza Broletto the coat of arms of the podestà Gabriello Ginori, dating back to 1494, stands out.
Zuccaro Tower
the tower, 42 meters high, was built in the first half of the 12th century. The first written records date back to 1143. It is located in via Enrico Tazzoli. The name derives from the family that would have owned it, even if the popular imagination has fueled the idea that the name arose from the presence of sugar stored nearby, in fact it is called "Tor dal Sücar" in the local dialect. It was bought by Pinamonte dei Bonacolsi in 1273 from the Ripalta family.
Gambulini Tower
the tower, 37 meters high, stands in via Ardigò. From documentation of the time it already existed in 1200, deriving the name from the family that owned it. From these it was sold to the Ripalta family and then to the da Oculo, in 1289 it became the property of the Gonzagas, not yet sovereigns of Mantua. The building annexed to the tower became the occasional residence of Aloisio Gonzaga, lord of Castel Goffredo. Here the leader Giovanni dalle Bande Nere died on 30 November 1526. It was later merged into the Jesuit college and convent and since 1883 it has been part of the Mantua State Archive complex.
Recently, a project has been launched to transform the tower into a panoramic terrace that allows a 360-degree view of the historic center of Mantua.
Salaro Tower
from the 13th century, it was used as a salt deposit.
Arrivabene Tower
the corner tower stands in via Arrivabene and was erected at the same time as the family palace of the same name, attributed to Luca Fancelli, in 1481.
Tower of San Domenico
It stands next to Giulio Romano's Pescherie and is what remains of the church and convent of San Domenico built in the Gothic style in 1466.
Civic tower of the Palazzo del Podestà
Tower house of the Boateri, from the 13th century
Burgo paper mill
The building was designed by Pier Luigi Nervi on commission from Cartiere Burgo and built between 1961 and 1964. The primary objective was to place in a single room 250 meters long, a single continuous cycle machine for transforming pasta of wood in newsprint. The solution found by Nervi for the roof meant that the building was called a "suspended factory" in particular for the four steel cables suspended from two 50-metre high reinforced concrete frames.
On 9 February 2013 the machines of the Burgo paper mill stopped, marking the end of paper production. In 2015 the factory was acquired by the Treviso group Pro Gest of the Zago family to be reconverted into the production of recycled paper for packaging under the name of Pro Gest Mantova and with an investment of 150 million euros.


Military architectures

St George's Castle
manor house to defend the fortress-city of Mantua, it was built from 1395 to 1406 by Bartolino da Novara commissioned by Francesco I Gonzaga on the ruins of the Church of Santa Maria di Capo di Bove.
Fortress of Sparafucile
built in medieval times, it was part of the eastern fortifications of Mantua, used in particular to defend the bridge of San Giorgio, so much so that for a long time it was exclusively called Rocchetta di San Giorgio. Its current name was established after the setting on the "deserted bank of the Mincio", of the tavern of the assassin Sparafucile, place of the tragic epilogue of Rigoletto, one of the best known works by Giuseppe Verdi.
Fort of Pietole
the fort of Pietole, although rising today in the municipality of Borgo Virgilio, was part of the defensive system of the city of Mantua together with the Castle of San Giorgio and the Forte di Belfiore. It was built by the French in 1808.
Defensive towers
Cage Tower
the tower was built by the Bonacolsi in the last decades of the 13th century and acquired its current name in 1576 when Duke Guglielmo Gonzaga had the large iron cage built as an "open-air prison" where the condemned were exposed to public ridicule.
Tower of Sant'Alò or Torre Nuova
the tower is a construction of 1370 located in Piazza Arche, which was part of the defensive system of the city.
Tower house of the Bonacolsi
the tower, which stands at the end of vicolo Bonacolsi, is part of the 13th century Palazzo Bonacolsi.



Door Julia
Porta Giulia is the only current evidence of the medieval and Renaissance fortifications. Already existing in the Bonacolsian era, it was rebuilt in 1549, probably designed by Giulio Romano. It owes its name to the existence, at the time of its first construction, of the adjacent church of Santa Giulia, which was later destroyed.
Vault of St. Peter
"Voltone di San Pietro" or "Porta di San Pietro", until the end of the XIII century, was one of the three ancient gates which, inserted in the first wall of the city, closed the access to Piazza San Pietro (now Piazza Sordello), center of the civitas vetus.
Portals of the Eagles
the two "Portals of the Eagles", equipped with gates, had the function of delimiting the landscape space surrounding Palazzo Te. The project of the portals and the green area that contemplated tree-lined avenues to be used for public promenades was entrusted in 1805 to Giovanni Antonio Antolini, Royal Architect and Inspector of the Royal Palaces of Mantua. The eagles that surmount the portals were designed by the Bolognese architect and sculpted in 1808 by the Veronese Gaetano Muttoni. In 1990 the Portals of the Eagles were restored on the initiative of the F.A.I. Fund for the Italian Environment.


Squares and streets

Sordello Square
is the ancient hub of Mantua's artistic and political life, of modest dimensions (150 × 60 m) it houses among the main monumental buildings of the city, such as the Ducal Palace (Palazzo del Capitano and Domus Magna), the Acerbi palace, to which inside is the Bonacolsi chapel, dominated by the Torre della Gabbia, the Bonacolsi palace (now Castiglioni), the bishop's seat of Bianchi palace (from the name of the family that built it in the eighteenth century) and the Cathedral. A recent accidental archaeological discovery (December 2006) has brought to light the mosaic floors and the remains of a Roman domus from the imperial age which can currently be visited within a temporary structure.
Via Broletto
important road artery that connects Piazza delle Erbe to Piazza Sordello, passing under the Voltone di San Pietro.
Broletto square
with the expansion of the city beyond the primitive historic nucleus, towards the year 1190, Piazza Broletto was created which is still surrounded by buildings from the municipal period such as the Palazzo del Massaro, the Arengario and the Palazzo del Podestà, called also Palazzo del Broletto, with the Town Tower. On the facade of the latter building stands out a thirteenth-century statue of the Veronese school depicting Virgil enthroned, traditionally called "la vecia" (the old woman) in the local dialect. In the center of the square, a fountain with a Veronese marble basin and three dolphins placed vertically was placed in the center of the square in 1894.
Herb Square
always a place of trade, it opens to the south with the "Casa di Giovan Boniforte da Concorezzo" (or "Casa del Mercante") of 1455, continues with the Romanesque Rotonda di San Lorenzo, the Clock Tower, the Palazzo della Ragione and closes with Palazzo Broletto (or Palazzo del Podestà) built in the XII century, which separates it and gives its name to the adjacent square.
Matilda of Canossa square
The seventeenth-century Palazzo Canossa, the church of the Madonna del Terremoto and, on the third side, a porticoed building from 1720 overlook the square. From the sixteenth century to the present day, the square changed its name several times, assuming in sequence the denominations of Plateola cum uno puteo (small square with the well), "piazza alberriggia" and, in the 17th century, "piazza del fieno" when it was transformed definitively with the construction of Palazzo Canossa. On the square there is also an ancient Art Nouveau newsstand, dating back to 1882 and restored by the FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano.
Virgil Square
originally there was the port of "Ancona" with the time partially buried. Piazza Virgiliana was commissioned by General Sextius Alexandre François de Miollis, governor during the French occupation, who induced the city authorities to transform the shapeless space, often partially submerged by the flooding of Lake Mezzo, into a square used for military exercises and to host a monument that recalled that Mantua was the birthplace of Virgil. The assignment was given to the architect Paolo Pozzo. The depressions were filled and the constructions of little value that surrounded the clearing were demolished to allow the insertion of trees, plants and shrubs. The monument inaugurated in 1801, was destroyed in 1919 to be replaced by the current work in Carrara marble, whose project was entrusted to the architect Luca Beltrami. The inauguration took place in 1927.
80th Infantry Square
Leon Battista Alberti Square
Ancona square
Piazza Ferrante Aporti
Arche Square
Cesare Bazzani Square
St. Peter's Rectory Square
Piazza Castello
Piazza Felice Cavallotti
Concord Square
Piazza Carlo d'Arco
Philippine Square
Square of the Thousand
Piazza Teofilo Folengo
Piazza Lega Lombarda also Piazza Pallone
Andrea Mantegna Square
Martyrs of Belfiore square
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi formerly Piazza Purgo
Piazza Giovanni Paccagnini formerly Piazza Paradiso
Powder Square
St. Francis of Assisi square
San Giovanni square
San Leonardo square
Santa Barbara Square
Piazza Adolfo Viterbi


Libraries and archives

State Archive of Mantua - Via Roberto Ardigò, 11
Mantua municipal archive - Corso G. Garibaldi, 88 - Piazza B. Aliprandi, 3
Diocesan historical archive of Mantua - piazza Sordello, 15
Archive of the Jewish Community of Mantua - via Gilberto Govi, 13
Teresian Library - Via Roberto Ardigò, 13
Gino Baratta Media Library - Corso Garibaldi, 88
Library of the Mantuan Institute of Contemporary History - Corso Garibaldi, 88
Library of the Civic Museum of Palazzo Te - Viale Te 13
Library of the Virgilian National Academy - Via Accademia 47
Library of the Polytechnic University of Milan - Mantua Regional Center - Via Scarsellini, 15
Bam Foundation Library - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 13
Library of the Carlo Poma hospital - Viale Albertoni 1
Research center on Lombard emigration - Non-profit association of Mantuans in the world - Via Mazzini 22



Secondary schools:
"Virgilio" high school, classical and linguistic
"Belfiore" scientific high school
"Enrico Fermi" high school (technical institute in the technological sector, scientific high school of applied sciences)
"Isabella d'Este" High School and "Carlo d'Arco" High School
"Alberto Pitentino" technical and economic institute
Technical Economic Institute "Andrea Mantegna"
Higher Education Institute "San Giovanni Bosco" (ex IPSIA "Leonardo da Vinci")
"Bonomi-Mazzolari" high school (state professional institute for clothing, fashion, commercial, social and tourist services)
"G.Romano" State Art Institute and High School
"Strozzi" higher education institution
Conservatory of Music "Lucio Campiani"
"Redentore" Institutes (classical, linguistic, scientific and four-year linguistic high school)
Institutes "Santa Paola" Mantua, founded by Don Antonio Bottoglia in the sixties



UniverMantova Foundation is, since June 2015, the new denomination of the Mantua University Foundation, which was established on 20 December 2001, which in turn replaced the Mantua University Consortium, active from 1992 to 2001. Its main purpose is to promote and manage the university system in Mantua, made up of degree courses established by the Milan Polytechnic, the University of Brescia, the University of Milan, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the University of Republic of San Marino.

With the 2018-19 academic year, the master's degree course in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage of the Santa Paola Mantua Institutes was inaugurated.


Cultural institutions

Virgilian National Academy of Science, Letters and Arts - via Accademia
Company for the Ducal Palace of Mantua, founded in 1902 – via Certosa
International center of art and culture of Palazzo Te – viale Te
Foundation "Umberto Artioli" Mantua European capital of entertainment – Largo XXIV Maggio
"Leon Battista Alberti" study center foundation – Largo XXIV Maggio
"Giuseppe Franchetti" institute foundation – via Pescheria
"Francesco Campogalliani" Theater Academy – small theater in Palazzo d'Arco
Jewish Mantua cultural association – via Gilberto Govi
Mantovana Agricultural Bank Foundation – corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Mantuan Community Foundation – via Portazzolo


Museums and galleries

Palazzo Ducale - Mantua Museum Complex - Piazza Sordello
Civic Museum of Palazzo Te and Egyptian collection Giuseppe Acerbi – viale Te
MACA - Mantua Ancient Collections - Largo XXIV Maggio
National Archaeological Museum – piazza Castello
Francesco Gonzaga Diocesan Museum – Piazza Virgiliana
Palazzo d'Arco Museum – Piazza Carlo d'Arco
Virgilian National Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts – via Accademia
Roundabout of San Lorenzo – piazza Erbe
Clock Tower and Museum of Time – piazza Erbe
Mantegna's house – via G. Acerbi
House of Blessed Osanna Andreasi – via Pietro Frattini
Madonna della Vittoria, former church of Santa Maria della Vittoria – via Claudio Monteverdi
Jewish Synagogue "Norsa Torrazzo" – via Gilberto Govi
Historical Gallery of the National Fire Brigade – Largo Vigili del Fuoco
Numismatic collection of the Banca Agricola Mantovana Foundation – Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Art Gallery of the BAM Foundation – Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Gallery "Arte e Arti" - The artistic heritage of the Chamber of Commerce - via Pier Fortunato Calvi
Gallery Museum of Palazzo Valenti Gonzaga – via Pietro Frattini
Tazio Nuvolari and Learco Guerra Museum, former Carmelino church, Via Giulio Romano – corner via Nazario Sauro
Science Park – viale Mincio
Museum of the Gazzetta di Mantova – piazza Mozzarelli


Events and parties

In the city
Updated list of events on the Mantova news and Turismo Mantova website.

Festivaletteratura (Various appointments every year in September in the historic centre. The places.), ☎ +39 0376 223989, fax: +39 0376 367047, Cultural event born in 1997, in which meetings with authors, readings, shows, concerts, artistic installations follow one another.
Signs of childhood (Various appointments every year in November in the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 1511955, Artistic event aimed at children and young people from 18 months to 18 years dedicated to the world of schools and families.
Mantova Comics & Games, Via Melchiorre Gioia (Palabam) (Appointment every year in March), Comic fair.
Mantova Jazz Festival (Various appointments during the year), ☎ +39 349 5904186, A series of concerts in various theaters of the city and the province.
Mantova Chamber Music Festival (Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 September 2020), ☎ +39 0376 368618, A series of concerts at the Doge's Palace, at the Bibiena Theater and at Ca' degli Uberti, at the Rotonda di San Lorenzo and at the Basilica of Santa Barbara, for a fee and with free admission.
Sbrisolona & co. (Festival of Sbrisolona and Italian sweets), Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza Sordello, ☎ +39 059 643664, in October. Series of events and meetings in the city.

Out of town
I Madonnari, Piazza del Santuario - Grazie di Curtatone (appointment every year in August).


What to do

Sport facilities
1 Danilo Martelli football stadium, Via Te, 7/9, ☎ +39 0376 362626, fax: +39 0376 356373, Venue for Mantova Calcio matches.
2 Dugoni swimming center, Viale Monte Grappa, 8, ☎ +39 0376 367572.
3 Canottieri Mincio (Persevering Arrivals), Via S. Maria Nuova, 15, ☎ +39 0376 391700 , +39 0376 391719, fax: +39 0376 391727, The Rowing Club Mincio Soc. Coop. it has sports facilities for practicing the following sports: rowing, tennis, canoeing, sailing, diving and swimming.
4 Campo Canoa Sparafucile, Lower Lake, Sparafucile, ☎ +39 0376 372824. Mon-Sat 2.30pm-5.30pm. Canoe and Kayak Training and Competition Center.

River navigation
Navigation services on the lakes of Mantua for naturalistic excursions to discover the flora and fauna:
5 Onlus Park Association, Portici Broletto 22/a, ☎ +39 0376 225724, fax: +39 0376 225724,
6 Motonavi Andes Negrini, Via San Giorgio 2 (Embarking in Mantua: Via Lungolago Gonzaga (Lower Lake) and Ponte dei Mulini (Upper Lake), ☎ +39 0376 360870-322875-224727, fax: +39 0376 322869, andes@motonaviandes .it. Routes: Mantua-River Po and back; Laghi di Mezzo and Inferiore in Mantua and in the Mincio Park reserve.

Concerts and congresses
7 PALABAM, Via Melchiorre Gioia,3 (Zona Boma), ☎ +39 0376 220055, fax: +39 0376 366111, 9:00-13:00 and 15:00-19:00. The Palabam hosts congresses, conventions, fairs and Expos, concerts, sporting events.

8 Chiringuito, Via Parma, 22, ☎ +39 331 8191010.


Getting here

By plane
Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport (Caravaggio), Via Aeroporto 13, Orio al Serio (BG), ☎ +39 035 326323.
Brescia-Montichiari Airport (Gabriele D'Annunzio), Via Aeroporto, 34, Montichiari (BS), ☎ +39 030 9656599, fax: +39 030 9656514.
Verona-Villafranca Airport (Valerio Catullo), Caselle di Sommacampagna (VR), ☎ +39 045 8095666, fax: +39 045 8619074. Daily connection Mantua-Verona Airport with APAM bus; departure from the railway station and piazza Sordello at 8:30, 12:00, 15:00 and 17:00. From Verona to Mantua: 11:00, 13:00, 16:00 and 19:30.
Parma Airport (G. Verdi), Via Emilia - Golese, ☎ +39 0521 951511.
Bologna Airport, Via Triumvirato 84, ☎ +39 051 6479615.

On the train
Mantova station in Piazza don Leoni is located along the Verona Porta Nuova-Mantova, Modena-Mantova, Milano Centrale-Cremona-Mantova, Monselice-Mantova routes. Direct trains once a day also from Bologna Centrale, Parma and Venice Mestre.

Trenord offers season-ticket holders in possession of an electronic card and customers the possibility of visiting various cultural realities in the city of Mantua at discounted prices.

By boat
Embarkation of the Andes Negrini Motor Ships (Embarkation: Via Lungolago Gonzaga (Lower Lake) and Ponte dei Mulini (Upper Lake), ☎ +39 0376 360870-322875-224727, fax: +39 0376 322869, Routes: Mantua- Po River and back; Mezzo and Inferiore lakes in Mantua and in the Mincio Park reserve.
Embarkation of the Andes Negrini Motor Ships (Embarkation in Mantua: Via Lungolago Gonzaga (Lower Lake) and Ponte dei Mulini (Upper Lake), ☏ +39 0376 360870-322875-224727, fax: +39 0376 322869, Routes: Mantua-River Po and back; Laghi di Mezzo and Inferiore in Mantua and in the Mincio Park reserve.

By bus
Bus station, viale Risorgimento. The connections with the city are made by the APAM company and by ATV.
The "Nugo" smartphone app allows you to examine the possible solutions to reach your destination, combining different means of transport and indicating the duration of the journey and the relative fare for each one. Through "Nugo" it is possible to buy or book all the tickets in a single solution. For info: +39 0376 230339. change

By car
From Cremona : (65km) SS10
From Legnago : (45 km) SS10
From Casalmaggiore : (35 km) SS420
From Ferrara : (85 km) SS16 and SS434
From Verona : (45 km) SP62 and A22
From Modena : (70km) A22

Brennero A22:
Mantova Nord exit (for Mottella di San Giorgio and Mantova). At 4km. from the centre.
Mantova Sud exit (for San Biagio, Cerese, Mantova). At 11.5km. from the centre.

Access routes to the city:
Street of the Mills. For those coming from the north.
Via Legnago. For those coming from the east.
Via Parma. For those coming from the south.
Via Cremona. For those coming from the West.

Ponte di San Giorgio (east of the city). It was built in wood (1198 - 1199) as part of the hydraulic intervention carried out by the engineer Alberto Pitentino, who transformed the marshy environment surrounding the city of Mantua into a complex of lake basins, the so-called "lakes of Mantua". having the function of protection from floods and from enemy armies. It was Ludovico III Gonzaga at the end of the 14th century who built the San Giorgio bridge in masonry, dividing the stretch of water formed downstream of Lake Superiore by the Mulini dam-bridge into two, Lago di Mezzo and Lago Inferiore. The bridge of San Giorgio was later covered up as evidenced by a plaque from 1417 conserved in the museum of Palazzo Ducale in Mantua. The roof will be demolished in 1634 following the damage suffered in 1630 during the siege of the Landsknechts. A splendid view of the bridge can be seen in the background of the painting Death of the Virgin by Andrea Mantegna from 1462 and kept in the Prado Museum in Madrid.
Ponte dei Mulini (north of the city). It is a dam-bridge created with other hydraulic works in order to regulate the waters of the river Mincio which surrounded the city of Mantua, a frequent cause of floods. This grandiose project, begun in 1188, was concluded in 1199. . Thus, the system of four lakes was artificially created, currently three due to the subsequent silting up of Lake Paiolo, which until the end of the eighteenth century made Mantua an island easily defensible from enemy armies. During the Second World War, in 1944, the historic bridge was destroyed by air raids. The bridge was rebuilt losing the twelve mills and the covered passage.

Parking lots
Canoe field, Cipata road. free parking. Shuttle: Mon-Sun 7am-9pm. There is a free 9-seater shuttle bus service, arranged by Aster, which connects the parking area with the historic center of Mantua (Piazza Sordello) and vice versa. Wait times should be around ten minutes.

Viale Te (Near Palazzo Te). free parking.
Viale Isonzo (Near Palazzo Te). free parking.
Viale Risorgimento (Near Palazzo Te). free parking.
Ancona square. free parking.
Piazzale Ragazzi del '99 (Stadium). free parking.
Piazzale Montelungo (Stadium) (Palazzo Te Parking). free parking. A free shuttle operated by APAM connects the Palazzo Te car park and the city center (Corso della Libertà). The service operates every Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 9.00 to 21.00 and every Thursday morning from 7.00 to 13.00. Circular service every 10 minutes.
Piazzale Gramsci. free parking.

For a fee
With the free Tap&Park smartphone app, you can pay for parking without coins.

Piazzale Nodari Pesenti. toll parking.
Gonzaga lakefront. toll parking.
Piazza Virgiliana (In the historical centre). toll parking.
Piazzale di Porta Cerese (stadium area). toll parking.
Piazzale Gramsci. toll parking.
Piazza d'Arco (In the historical centre). toll parking.
Piazza San Giovanni (in the historical centre). toll parking.
Piazzale Seminario (In the historical centre). toll parking.
Piazza Viterbi (in the historical centre). toll parking.
Apcoa car park, Via Scarsellini (in the historic centre), ☎ +39 045 596500. paid parking. For each hour or fraction: €1.50. Maximum daily rate (24h): €10.00.
Viale Mincio. toll parking. edit

Covered parking
Mazzini car park, via Mazzini 7 (in the historic centre), ☎ +039 0376 321607, Toll parking. For each hour or part of it: €2.00; maximum daily rate (24h) €13.00.
Quick Mondadori car park, Largo di Porta Pradella (near the railway station), ☎ +39 081 5542253, Toll parking. For each hour or fraction: €1.50.
Autorimessa Garage Centrale, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 59 (In the centre), ☎ +39 0376 221439. Paid parking.
Garage Principe Amedeo, Via Principe Amedeo 4 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 328269. Paid parking.

Equipped camper area
Sparafucile car park, Via Legnago 1/A - Mantua (The car park is close to the historic center of Mantua (it is located 800 m after crossing the S. Giorgio bridge) and is located in a strategic position. For info: Aster) . €15.00 for a 24h stop - €10.00 for a 12h stop - €5.00 for a 6h stop. Open from Friday to Monday, the entry of campers into this parking area used for them is only allowed between 7:00 and 23:00. In case of frost the services will be closed! The car park is equipped (with payment by parking meter), very shaded on flat ground distributed in pitches, and is able to accommodate 54 campers.
Parco Paganini Grazie di Curtatone, Via Fiera 11 - Grazie di Curtatone (10 km from Mantua), ☎ +39 331 1126846. 103 pitches of approx. 45 each. Fixed structure, also accessible to people with disabilities, equipped with showers and toilets. Info: Mantua Solidarity Camper.

By bike
Mincio cycle path, connects Mantua to Peschiera del Garda (43.5 km)
Mantua-Sabbioneta cycle path, connects Mantua to Sabbioneta (46 km)
Mantua-Grazie cycle path, connects Mantua to Grazie di Curtatone (8 km)
Mantua Lakes cycle path, route around the Mantua lakes (14 km)
Read more about getting around by bike on this site.

Here you will find the complete map of the cycle paths.


Transport around the city

The easiest way to visit the historic center of Mantua is on foot, since it is quite small and mostly in a pedestrian area. The bicycle is especially useful if you want to leave the center to go to the suburbs.

By car
Car rental
Car rental Polato, Piazza San Giovanni 4, ☎ +36 0376 323824.
AVIS-Mantova car rental, Strada Dosso Del Corso 1, ☎ +36 0376 371735.
Hertz, Via Verri 11, ☎ +36 0376 248830, fax: +39 0376 248828.

By public transport
APAM Info Ticket Office, Piazza don Leoni (FS Station), ☎ +39 0376 230346. Monday to Friday: 7.30 - 17.45, Saturday: 7.30 - 12.45.
APAM Info Ticket Office, Corso della Libertà 17. Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 13.30 and from 14.30 to 17.00.

The public transport service is managed by APAM and develops over nine lines that form a transport network divided into two zones: zone A (city of Mantua) and zone B (the Municipalities of the urban area: Porto Mantovano, Virgilio, Curtatone and San Giorgio Bigarello).
CC line: city circular
Line 4: Due Pini - Lunetta/Virgiliana/Tripoli
Line 5: Verzellotto - Angeli- Valsecchi - Hospital
Line 6: Buscoldo - Formigosa
Line 7: Hospital - Libertà open road/Bancole est/M.Carra
Line 8: Bancole Sgarzari - Cappelletta
Line 9: Mantova - Montanara
Line 11: Mantova - Ospedale - Levata - S.Silvestro
Line 12: Emanuele - Lunetta - Boma

Line tickets can be purchased:
at vending machines in the city: Piazza don Leoni through station (opposite side of the railway station); Viale Risorgimento through station (external waiting room); in Via Avis (in front of the old hospital entrance); in Corso della Libertà (on the two opposite sides); in Vittorio Emanuele (near the terminus shelter)
on board the bus (one-way tickets with a €2 surcharge). Urban tariffs
at APAM Info Ticket Office in Piazza Don Leoni and Corso della Libertà 17
the automatic ticket machine in Piazza don Leoni
APAM authorized points of sale
with "Mobile Ticket": the 75-minute A+B urban ticket can be purchased with a text message to 4850201 or with the APAM Mobile app.

With Bicibus
Bicibus, ☎ +39 0376 230339. from April to October on line 46 Mantova–Peschiera every Sunday and on public holidays. For groups of more than 8 people, the Bicibus can also be booked on weekdays. It is an APAM service that connects Mantua (viale Risorgimento through station, IPSIA Borgochiesanuova stop or piazza Don Leoni stop) to Peschiera del Garda (via Caduti delle Foibe) for all lovers of cycling and cycling enthusiasts. tourism. It is possible to bring your own bicycle thanks to a special trolley pulled by buses, which contains up to 35 vehicles. Active service by reservation (minimum 8 participants). There are also stops in Pozzolo (via Boschi – Pantificio) and Valeggio sul Mincio (p.le Vittorio Veneto). Attention: it is necessary to arrive at the stop to load the bicycle at least 15 minutes in advance.

Free shuttle buses
Canoe field. free. Mon-Sun 7am-9pm. Departure from Campo Canoa and arrival in Piazza Sordello and vice versa every 15 minutes.
Canoe camp for the disabled (with telephone booking) (number of people on board: 1 disabled person + 1 companion), ☎ +39 338 3592688 (at least 30 minutes before). free. Mon-Sun 7am-9pm.
Palazzo Te park. free. Sat-Sun and holidays 9:00-21:00, Thu 7:00-13:00. Departure from via Calvi 38, arrival at the Palazzo Te parking lot, and vice versa, every 15 minutes.

By taxi
Radiotaxi Mantova, ☎ +39 0376 368844. 05:00-01:00.
Taxi train station, Piazza don Leoni, ☎ +39 0376 325351. 05:00-01:00.
Piazza Cavallotti Taxi, Piazza Felice Cavallotti, ☎ +39 0376 324407. 07:00-20:00.
Piazza Sordello Taxi, Piazza Sordello, ☎ +39 0376 324408. 07:00-20:00.
Taxi Carlo Poma Hospital, Strada lago Paiolo, ☎ +39 0376 362491. 07:00-20:00.

By bike
Numerous bike routes in the city.
Lakes of Mantua cycle path
Mincio cycle path

Bike Sharing (Stations: Railway Station/Piazza Don Leoni; Porta Cerese/Piazzale Porta Cerese; Campo Canoa; Castiglioni/Via Castiglioni; Anconetta/Piazza Anconetta; Umberto I°/Corso Umberto I°/; Museums/Piazza Vittorio Veneto 10 (being activated); San Giorgio/Via San Giorgio 20 (being activated)). buy a pass which consists of issuing an electronic card or download the Bicincittà App. The first half hour is always free, the following hours cost €0.50/hour. The user can choose between three types of subscription: 1) annual subscription (€20 with €5 for the first top-up); 2) 4FORYOU subscription (€ 7.00 for 24 hours of validity and includes 4 hours of consecutive use of the bike); 3) 8FORYOU subscription (€ 12 for 48 hours of validity and includes 8 hours of consecutive use of the bike. How to access the service:

By purchasing the season ticket online on the Bicincittà website
By purchasing a season ticket from an authorized reseller: Aster Mantova office - via Imre Nagy 2/4/6 - Mon-Fri 8:00-12:30, Sat 8:00-12:00 / Aster San Giorgio office - via San Giorgio 20 - Mon-Fri 8:00-12:30, Sat 8:00-12:00 / Palazzo San Sebastiano - Largo XXIV Maggio - Mon 8:00-13:00 Tue-Sun 9:00-18:00 / Infopoint Casa of Rigoletto - piazza Sordello 23 - Mon-Sun 9:00-19:00
By downloading the "Bicincittà" App, a route valid only for credit card holders.
Further info: Aster - +39 0376 263370.
Bikexperience (Biciglill Mantova), ☎ +39 338 1208689, Delivery at La Zanzara, on the shore of Lake Superior.

Pedestrian streets in the historic centre:
Via Pescherie
Via Orefici
Via Goito
Piazza delle Erbe
Via Broletto
Broletto square
Verdi street
Via della Mainolda
Canossa Square
Via Umberto I
Via Rome
Via Ippolito Nievo



The visit itinerary includes the heart of the historical center for a peaceful walk in the pedestrian area of the centre:

Starting from Piazza Mantegna, with the Basilica of Sant'Andrea.
A short distance away is Piazza delle Erbe, with the arcades on the left and the Rotonda di San Lorenzo, the Clock Tower, the Palazzo della Ragione and the Palazzo del Podestà on the right.
Below, Piazza Broletto with the circular fountain and the statue of Virgil enthroned against the Palazzao del Podestà.
Not far away, on the left stands the Torre del Gabbia and after passing the Voltone di San Pietro, there is Piazza Sordello, the center of the old city, with the Palazzo Ducale, the Cathedral, Palazzo Bonacolsi and the Palazzo Vescovile.
Finally, Piazza Castello with the Basilica of Santa Barbara and the Castle of San Giorgio, which encloses the "Camera degli Sposi" by Andrea Mantegna in the north tower.

This pedestrian itinerary can be combined with a second itinerary which, starting from the historic centre, leads to a place of notable artistic interest, Palazzo Te:
From Piazza Sordello, take via dell'Accademia which leads to the Bibiena Scientific Theatre.
Taking via Pomponazzo, the Palazzo della Finanza and Palazzo Sordi are worth seeing.
Along Corso Garibaldi you pass in front of the house of the architect Giovan Battista Bertani who was in the service of the Gonzagas and you reach Via Gradaro to visit the Church of Santa Maria del Gradaro.
Taking via Isonzo, leave the football stadium on the left to arrive at Palazzo Te.
The return to the center is via Acerbi, with the Casa del Mantegna.
Via Acerbi with the Palace of Justice and the House of Giulio Romano.
Via Giovanni Chiassi leads to via Pescheria, with the Pescherie building built by Giulio Romano and the view of the Rio.
Itinerary Corso della Libertà with the Teatro Sociale and via Marangoni you visit the Church of San Francesco.
A short distance away is the Palazzo d'Arco in the homonymous square and then the park of Piazza Virgiliana, with the statue of Virgil.

The Street of the Prince
It is an itinerary that takes place through the city. It connects the two extreme points of the city and retraces the itinerary that the Gonzagas, lords of Mantua, used to take from their palaces in the city center to outside the walls at Palazzo Te.



For the more popular and daily shopping, there are numerous shops in the city, in the center and semi-centre area, which cover all needs.

The shopping streets of the historic center are:
1 Corso Umberto I. Corso Umberto I is the main street of Mantua's chains. The shops in Corso Umberto I in Mantua are: DoppelGanger, Foot Locker, Wind3, Stradivarius, Numio, Set Uomo, Phonup, Marella, Intimissimi, Tezenis, Luisa Spagnoli, Max Mara, Pinko, Intimissimi Uomo, Naturhouse, O Bag Store and Kiko.
2 Piazza Marconi.
3 Via Roma.
4 Via Orefici.
5 Via Broletto.
6 Via Verdi.

Shopping centers
7 La Favorita shopping centre, P.le C. Beccaria (A22 Mantova Nord exit), ☎ +39 0376 248948, In addition to the Ipercoop hypermarket, there are many shops and some bars and restaurants in this shopping centre.
8 Virgilio shopping center, P.le Commercio, 1 - Borgo Virgilio (Southbound), ☏ +39 0376 280450, edit
9 Quattroventi shopping center, State Road 10 - Curtatone (On the state road to Cremona).
10 Fashion District Mantova Outlet Village, Via M. Biagi - Bagnolo San Vito (11 km from Mantova) (A22 Mantova Sud exit), ☎ +39 0376 25041, fax: +39 0376 253397, Mon-Sun 10am-8pm. There is a wide range of shops in this outlet plus a few restaurants. On the site you can find the official list of all the shops of this outlet.

The city market is held weekly in the center on Thursdays, with stalls of all kinds (clothing, accessories, objects, flowers and plants and foodstuffs) that occupy the squares and streets of the historic center from Via Spagnoli to Piazza Sordello.

Every Saturday morning on the Lungorio near Piazza Martiri di Belfiore the Farmer's Market takes place with fruit, vegetables and other agri-food specialties from producers in the area.

Antiques lovers can find a fixed appointment every month with the Antiques and Curiosity Markets and precisely on the third Sunday of the month in Piazza Sordello, from 9.00am to 6.00pm. The appointment foresees the presence of about 60 exhibitors with various objects and small antiques.


How to have fun

1 Cinema Cinecity Mantova, Piazzale Cesare Beccaria, 5 (c/o La Favorita Shopping Center), ☎ +39 0376 340740.
2 Ariston Multiplex, Via Principe Amedeo, 20, ☎ +39 0376 328139.
3 Cinema Mignon, Via Benzoni 22, ☎ +39 0376 366233,
4 Starplex Multiplex, Via Montanelli - Curtatone (c/o Quattro Venti Shopping Centre), ☎ +39 0376 348395.

5 Teatro Bibiena, Via Accademia, 47, ☎ +39 0376 327653, Admission: full price €2.00, reduced price €1.20. From Tuesday to Friday: 10.00-13.00 and 15.00-18.00. Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 10.00 to 18.00 (not open to visitors in case of conferences or performances in progress). The ticket office closes at 17.30. It was built by Antonio Bibbiena between 1767 and 1769 and decorated, in 1773, with a facade by Giuseppe Piermarini.
6 Teatro Sociale, Piazza Cavallotti, 14A, ☎ +39 0376 197 4836.
7 Auditorium Claudio Monteverdi, Via della Conciliazione, 33 - 46100 Mantova, Italy (c/o Conservatorio di Musica di Mantova), ☏ +39 0376 324636, fax: +39 0376 223202, The auditorium named after Claudio Monteverdi contains over 180 seats. Concerts, conferences and meetings are held here.

Night clubs
8 Mascara, Viale della Favorita 17, ☎ +39 0376 391467.
9 Gusto Musical Restaurant, Via Melchiorre Gioia, 3, ☎ +39 393 9253297.

10 Bowling Mantova, Via don Grioli 23 - Cerese di Virgilio, ☎ +39 0376 440189.

Wine bars
11 At Buca Della Gabbia, Via Cavour, 98, ☎ +39 345 6336101.
12 Porto Catena Enoteca, Via Pomponazzo, 9, ☎ +39 391 4324838.

13 Doolin Irish Pub, Via G. Zambelli, 8, ☎ +39 0376 362563.

14 Pub Chez Vous, Via Tezze, 4, ☎ +39 0376 321376.


Where to eat

Mantua is the gastronomic capital of Mantuan cuisine, whose typical dishes are:

Coppa and Mantuan salami
drink in wine
pumpkin tortelli
pilot risotto
lambs in broth
risotto with saltaréi
donkey stew with polenta
pike in sauce with polenta
sbrisolona cake
Elvezia Cake
noodles cake
Mantuan wines.

Modest prices
1 Bigoleria Al Torchio, Via Solferino e San Martino 31 (near the railway station), ☎ +39 348 0466563.
2 Contadinostrano Ciapa and Porta a cà, Via Orefici, 18 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 1961484.
3 La Bottega della pizza, Via Fabio Filzi, 6 (In the centre), ☎ +39 331 7255655.
4 La Piadineria, Via Giovanni Battista Spagnoli, 18 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 288231.
5 Osteria Le Quattro Tette, Vicolo Nazione, 4 (in the central area), ☎ +39 0376 3329478.
6 La Bottega di Paolo restaurant, Via Accademia 56 (in the historic centre), ☏ +39 0376 364344.
7 Zzino Tramezzino, Via Principe Amedeo, 13A (in the central area), ☎ +39 346 6606413. Snacks.
8 McDonald's Mantua, Via Legnago 10 (in the suburban area), ☎ +39 0376 1906594. Sun-Thu 07:00-23:00; Fri-Sat 07:00-00:00. McDrive, McCafe.
9 Burger King San Giorgio di Mantova, Via del Commercio (In the suburbs, A22 Mantova Nord exit, 8 km from the centre), ☎ +39 0376 374547. Mon-Sun 11am-10pm. The services of this restaurant are: King Drive, Parking, Play King, Wifi, Party.

Average prices
10 Antica Osteria Ai Ranari, Via Trieste, 11 (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 328431, fax: +39 0376 328431,
11 Antica Osteria Fragoletta, Piazza Arche, 5 (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 323300, fax: +39 0376 323300,
12 Hosteria Leon d'Oro, Via Leon d'Oro, 6 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 338 1242111,
13 Osteria dell'Oca, Via Trieste, 10 (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 327171, fax: +39 0376 327171,
14 Pizzeria La Mamma, Via Leopoldo Camillo Volta, 2 (in the Palazzo Te area), ☎ +39 0376 324500,
15 Pizzeria Ristorante Marechiaro, Largo XXIV Maggio, 7 (in the Palazzo Te area), ☎ +39 0376 363526,
16 Cento Rampini Restaurant, Piazza delle Erbe 11 (in the historical centre), ☏ +39 0376 366349,
17 Grifone Bianco Restaurant, Piazza delle Erbe, 6 (in the historic centre), ☎ +39 0376 365423.
18 Masseria Restaurant, Piazza Broletto, 8 (in the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 365303, fax: +39 0376 287049,
19 Ristorante Pizzeria Al Quadrato, Piazza Virgiliana, 49 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 368896.
20 Ristorante Pizzeria Valentina, Strada Castelletto, 63 - Castelletto Borgo (In the suburban area), ☎ +39 0376 302131,
21 Trattoria 2 Cavallini, Via Salnitro 5 (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 322084,
22 Trattoria La Stella, Via della Libertà 129 - Soave di Porto Mantovano (in the suburban area), ☎ +39 0376 300635,
23 Roadhouse Restaurant Mantova, Piazzale Aldo Levoni 11 (in the suburban area), ☏ +39 0376 248185. Sun-Thu 12:00-14:30 and 18:30-22:00, Fri-Sat 12:00-14:30 and 18:30-22:30.

High prices
24 La Lampara, Strada Dosso del Corso, 13 (in the suburbs), ☎ +39 333 9258945. Fish restaurant.
25 Lo Scalco Grasso Osteria Contemporanea, Via Trieste, 55 (In the semi-central area), ☎ +39 349 3747958.
26 Aquila Nigra Restaurant, Vicolo Bonacolsi, 4 (in the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 327180, fax: +39 0376 226490,
27 Carlo Govi Restaurant, Via Gorizia 13/b (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 355133,
28 Il Cigno Restaurant, Piazza d'Arco, 1 (in the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 327101,
29 Taverna del 500, Via Bertani 78 (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 327772,
30 Corkscrew, Piazza L.B. Alberti 30 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 322366.

Ethnic restaurants
31 Asmita, Vicolo San Gervasio, 13 (In the semi-central area). Indian cuisine.
32 Nuova Cina, Via Montegrappa, 10 (in the suburbs), ☎ +39 0376 327439. Chinese cuisine.
33 Orient Sushi Restaurant, Via Cisa, 27 - Cerese di Virgilio (In the suburban area), ☏ +39 0376 448862. Japanese cuisine.
34 Osaka Japan Sushi, Corso Garibaldi, 157 (In the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 365485. Japanese cuisine.
35 Beijing Chinese Restaurant, Strada Cipata, 41 (In the suburban area), ☎ +39 0376 374863. Chinese cuisine.
36 Zushi Japanese Restaurant, Corso della Libertà, 8 (in the central area), ☎ +39 0376 364463. Japanese cuisine.

Ice cream shops
37 Pappa Reale, Via G. Chiassi, 90 (in the central area), ☏ +39 0376 261517.

38 Pasticceria Antoniazzi / Bar Borsa, Corso della Libertà (in the central area), ☎ +39 0376 225818.
39 Pasticceria Bignè d'oro, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 62 (in the central area), ☏ +39 0376 325425.
40 Pasticceria Cavour, Via Cavour 69 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 363597.
41 Pasticceria La Tur dal Sucar, Via S. Longino 3 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 322320.
42 Pavesi Bakery Bakery, Via Broletto 19 (In the historical centre), ☏ +39 0376 322460.


Where stay

In Mantua, the "Tourist tax" was established on 1 January 2018, intended to finance interventions for tourism. The tax is determined per person and per overnight stay and is broken down in a differentiated manner based on the type of accommodation facility. The flyer on this page.

Modest prices
1 Hotel Meublè Abatjour, Via Cremona 27 int. 10 - Belfiore (In the suburban area), ☎ +39 0376 380373,
2 B&B Casa Casari, Via Isabella d'Este 29 (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 340 9623365,
3 B&B La Ventana, Via XX Settembre 31 (in the central area), ☎ +39 329 7140394,

Average prices
4 Hotel ABC, Piazza don Leoni, 25 (opposite the railway station), ☎ +39 0376 322329, fax: +39 0376 310303,
5 Hotel Bianchi, Piazza don Leoni, 24 (opposite the railway station), ☏ +39 0376 321504, fax: +39 0376 321504,
6 Hotel Broletto, Via Accademia, 1 (in the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 221297, fax: +39 0376 221297,
7 Hotel Dante Residence, Via Agazzi, 9 (in the suburban area), ☎ +39 0376 326425.
8 Hotel Dei Gonzaga, Piazza Sordello 52 (in the historical centre), ☎ +39 0376 321533,
9 Hotel Italia, Piazza Cavallotti, 8 (in the central area), ☎ +39 0376 322609,
10 Hotel Mantegna Meublé, Via Filzi, 10 (in the central area), ☎ +39 0376 328019,
11 Hotel Rechigi, Via Calvi, 30 (in the central area), ☎ +39 0376 320781,

High prices
12 Hotel Abacus, Strada Martorelli, 92/94 - Porto Mantovano (2 km from the historic centre), ☎ +39 0376 392903,
13 Hotel Antica Dimora, Corso V. Emanuele 89 (in the central area), ☎ +39 0376 325002,
14 Palazzo Castiglioni Luxury Suites (Palazzo Bonacolsi), Piazza Sordello, 12 (In the historical centre), ☎ +39 338 1824408, In a period building.
15 Hotel Casa Poli, Via Garibaldi, 30 (in the semi-central area), ☎ +39 0376 288170, fax: +39 0376 362766,
16 Hotel La Favorita, Via S. Cognetti de Martiis, 1 (2 km from the historic centre), ☏ +39 0376 254711,

17 Mantua Camping Corte Oppietti, Strada Spineda 14 (Provincial road 61) - Gazzuolo (22 km from Mantua), ☎ +39 347 9758311.



Visiting the city of Mantua and its center in particular is generally considered safe. The center is patrolled day and night by the police and there are video surveillance cameras in the municipality; however, it is better to avoid the darker areas of public parks at night.

When visiting the stalls during the market and in general in the midst of crowded events, the necessary attention should be paid to your purse and wallet, as these situations attract pickpockets.

In case of emergency you can call the following numbers (here a list):

Single European emergency number 112, ☎ 112.
Police, Via Chiassi 26, ☎ +39 0376 4651.
Anti-Violence Centre, ☎ +39 349 9011590.
Red Cross, ☎ +39 0376 262626.
Green Cross, ☎ +39 0376 366666.
Al Pozzo Pharmacy, Via Corridoni 30.
S. Lucia Pharmacy, Via XX Settembre 34.
Al Moro Pharmacy, Piazza Cavallotti 12.
Guardia di Finanza, ☎ +39 0376 322770.
Animal guards, ☎ +39 338 1209509.
State Police, Piazza Sordello 46, ☎ +39 0376 2051.
local police, ☎ +39 0376 338888.
Traffic Police, Piazza Virgiliana 27, ☎ +39 0376 330611.
Veterinary Service, ☎ +39 0376 334505.
Telephone Friend, ☎ +39 0376 771708.
Telephone Blue, ☎ +39 0376 19696.
Telephone Rosa, ☎ +39 0376 225656.
Fire Brigade 81 Fire Brigade, Viale Risorgimento 16, ☎ +39 0376 22771.

ASL Val Padana, Via dei Toscani, 1, ☎ +39 0376 3341.
Emergency medical service (Continuity of Care Service), ☎ 800 533167. Mon-Sun 20:00-8:00.
Ambulance Emergency Port, Piazza Marinai, 1 - Porto Mantovano, ☎ +39 0376 396000, fax: +39 0376 396414, Emergency interventions and remote assistance, coordinated directly by the 118 of Mantua.
Carlo Poma Hospital Emergency Room, Strada Lago Paiolo 10 (Carlo Poma Hospital), ☎ +39 0376 201404, ☎ 118,
San Clemente Nursing Home, Via Pompilio, 65, ☎ +39 0376 2071


Physical geography

Mantua is located in south-eastern Lombardy, not far from Lake Garda and the border with the Veneto and Emilia-Romagna regions. The closest cities are Verona, 40 km north-east, Brescia, 70 km north-west and Modena, 70 km south.



"Not far it runs before it finds a plain
In which it spreads itself, and makes it marshy,"

(Dante Alighieri, Inferno, canto XX, vv. 79-80)

In the twelfth century the architect and hydraulic engineer Alberto Pitentino, on behalf of the Municipality of Mantua, organized a defense system for the city, taking care of the arrangement of the Mincio river in order to completely surround the town with four pools of water, so as to form four lakes: Superiore, di Mezzo, Inferiore and Paiolo; Mantua, in fact, was an island.

The countryside was accessed through two bridges - the Ponte dei Mulini and the Ponte di San Giorgio - still existing.

In the municipal age the Rio was traced, a canal that cuts the city in two, connecting the Lower Lake to the Upper one. Other dams and locks allowed for adequate protection from the water.

In the seventeenth century a strong flood began a rapid decline: the Mincio, transporting the solid materials, transformed the lakes into unhealthy swamps which conditioned any further development; Lake Paiolo to the south was drained at the time, so that the city remained bathed by water only on three sides - like a peninsula - and today it still looks like this.

There are, therefore, three bodies of water, not of natural origin, obtained in the bend of the Mincio river that give Mantua a very particular characteristic, which to some seems almost magical as it appears as a city born from water . In 1984 the Mincio Park was established, of which the territory of the Municipality of Mantua belongs.


Flora and fauna

Flora and fauna of the territory inevitably revolve around the presence in Mantua of the lakes and waters that surround it. In Mantuan lakes, lotus flowers (Nelumbo nucifera), originating from South East Asia, are unusually present. From the banks of the public park of Belfiore, on Lake Superior, the floating island of lotus flowers is clearly visible with the spectacular flowering in July-August-September. Their beauty is undoubted but from an environmental point of view the introduction of the lotus flower was a questionable operation given that it is an alien species with a strong weed capacity that makes them subject to massive periodic mowing interventions for preserve the integrity of the lakes. Their introduction in Italy is the work of the Xaverian fathers of Parma in 1914 who decided to use the starch obtained from the rhizomes for food, as the Chinese had done for centuries. Maria Pellegreffi, a young graduate in Natural Sciences, took care of the transplanting of rhizomes in the Upper Lake of Mantua in 1921. The flour was not successful in Mantuan cuisine but the flower colonized the lakes. The exciting and surreal landscape that the expanse of lotus flowers helps to create has also given rise to a legend about their birth in the territory. It is said that a young man traveling to the East met a girl with almond eyes and with perfumed skin like the petals of the lotus flower. Having come to Mantua, the poor girl, in looking at herself in the lake, fell there, losing her life. The boy then threw seeds of the flower into the lake so that, blooming every summer, they could remember his bride with their perfume and their delicate beauty and, defeated by pain, he took his own life by disappearing in the lake too.

In addition to the undisputed king of the lake, it is easy to see native species such as the water chestnut (Trapa natans), also known as trigol, particularly developed on Lake Mezzo with its pyramid-shaped and edible fruits, the buttercup islets of water (Nuphar luteum) with their golden yellow flowers, which open only partially, maintain their particular rounded shape and the white water lilies with a fragrant flower that forms plant groups together with other water lilies and floating herbs (frog bite, salvinia, Ceratophyllum demersum etc).
On the edge, together with the marsh reeds, weeping willows and sedges (the famous carésa used to stuff chairs and make hats and other handicrafts), grows the native and very rare swamp hibiscus, which is found in the Mincio Valleys only in Tuscany, Friuli and Veneto.

Now disappeared in these territories, as in almost all of Italy, the scargia (Stratiotes aloides).
The birds find in the reeds and in the waters of the marshy territory the ideal place to lay their eggs and find food. The avian fauna is therefore the most representative of the area even more adjacent to the city.

The purple heron, the moorhen, the coots with typical black plumage in contrast with the white that extends on the frontal region, and other anseriformes use the lake to "build" floating nests at the edge of the reeds on the shore or on accumulations plants never too far off, the gray heron, on the other hand, nests in the trees near the numerous waterways for irrigation that branch out to the fields of the province, nesting and hunting places for buzzards, bitterns and more " reserved "owls.

The family of herons present in the waters of the Mincio Park, in addition to the red and the gray, also includes the egrets, grebes, squacco herons and night herons. Usually these birds were observed only in the months between April and September because they are migratory species, but in recent years they have preferred to stop even in winter.

Among the reeds hide the nests of the reedbill and the sideburn. But the sweet waters of the lake and the marshes of the Mincio and Po are also populated by catfish, tench, carp, perch, eel, pike and catfish.

It is possible to navigate the lakes of Mantua, with cruises that allow you to see the whole city from the water. Combining the historical, artistic and architectural aspect with the nature of a more unique than rare natural oasis.

Hares, pheasants and foxes can be the protagonists of some nocturnal encounters in the Mantuan countryside.
Stuffed up by the generous hands of visitors, even ducks and swans are to be counted among the species present in Virgilian "soil", populating, now without too much fear of human presence, the shores of the lakes and giving a perhaps unexpected contact with nature to the tourist of the city of art.



Seismic classification: zone 3.
The Emilia earthquake of May 2012 caused significant damage to the historic buildings of the city.



Being a city in the hinterland of Northern Italy, it has a subcontinental climate where snowfalls are not infrequent in January. Being surrounded by a lake, it has the consequence that, in all periods of the year, the climate is characterized by high humidity: in winter the phenomenon of fog occurs very frequently. Insisting in an enclosed space, such as the Po Valley, in summer the climate is sultry and humid, with little ventilation. The historic minimum occurred on February 16, 1929 with 19 degrees below zero while the maximum was recorded on July 7, 1957 with 38.2 degrees in the shade. In the winters of 1930 to 1955 it was quite common for the lakes around the city to freeze, at least partially; after an exceptional frost in the very rigid winter of 1985, a new complete frost of the lake surface, which lasted for more than a week, occurred in the first fortnight of February 2012.


Origins of the name

The myth of the foundation of the city is doubly linked to the story of the prophetess Manto, who according to Greek tradition is the daughter of the Theban soothsayer Tiresias. The events narrated in the myth see a dichotomy of this character (as also happened for that of Longinus): Greek sources narrate that Manto, who fled from Thebes, stopped in present-day Turkey; others instead describe her arrival, after a long wandering, in the territory, then completely marshy, which today hosts the city. In this place she created a lake with her tears; according to legend, these waters had the magical property of conferring prophetic abilities on those who drank them. Manto would have met and married the river divinity Tybris (the Tiber) king of the Tuscans, and their son Ocno (also called Bianore) would have founded a city on the banks of the river Mincio calling it, in honor of her mother, Mantua. This mythical version of the foundation of the city of Mantua is reported in Virgil's Aeneid. According to another theory, Mantua derives its name from Manth, the Etruscan god, lord of the dead of the Tyrrhenian pantheon.

The myth of the foundation of Mantua also finds space in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy in the XX Canto of the Inferno, in which Dante himself and his Mantuan guide Virgil meet the soothsayers. Just pointing to one of these souls, Virgil describes the surroundings of the city, Lake Garda and the course of the Mincio which plunges into the Po at Governolo to affirm, referring to the legend of the soothsayer Manto:

«He built the city over those dead bones;
and for her whom the place first chose,
Mantüa l'appellar without other fate»
(Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy-XX Canto dell'Inferno.)



Servio says that Mantua was one of the cities founded by the ancient Umbrian people. It was later inhabited by the Etruscans, who were followed by the Celts. The Romans provided for their expulsion by starting fortification works. During this period the poet Virgil (70 BC-19 BC) was born.

In the year 1000 the dominion of the Canossa family began over Mantua: first Tedaldo di Canossa and the countess Matilde expanded their properties and saw to the building of churches and convents. After Matilda's death in 1115, frequent clashes ensued with the neighboring populations: Veronese, Cremona and Reggio. Ezzelino da Romano in 1246 conquered the city with his army but after two months of battles he was defeated and an era of prosperity began for Mantua. In this period the Palazzo del podestà and the Ponte dei Mulini were erected and the city was equipped with mighty walls.

In 1276 began the rise of one of the most powerful families of the time, the Bonacolsi, who built important crenellated palaces. On August 16, 1328, the last of the Bonacolsi, Rinaldo known as "Passerino" was mortally wounded by Luigi Gonzaga, supported by the Della Scala family of Verona, who aspired to take possession of the city.

Thus began the centuries-old domination of the Gonzaga family, who reigned over Mantua until 1707. It was Mantua's most important period which became one of the most prominent cities and one of the greatest art centers in Europe. Pisanello, Leon Battista Alberti, Andrea Mantegna, Giulio Romano and Luca Fancelli left an indelible mark on the architecture of the city.

Mantua suffered a war of succession and a looting by the lansquenets, who in 1630 spread the plague. The slow decline of Mantua began, accompanied by the decline of the lordship of the Gonzagas who, in 1707, left the city in Austrian hands. French and again Austrian domination followed in 1815, when Mantua became the cornerstone of the Quadrilatero, together with Peschiera, Verona and Legnago.

The last of the Gonzaga-Nevers, Ferdinando Carlo fled to Venice in 1701.

In 1852 the massacre of the Martyrs of Belfiore took place, which anticipated national unity. In 1866 Mantua became part of the Kingdom of Italy.



Mantova Comics & Games (February), comics and games fair, has been held annually since 2006 at the PalaBam ideally continuing Ludamente, an exhibition that was hosted for a few years from 2003 in the squares of Mantua, entirely dedicated to non-technological games.
Nuvolari Grand Prix. Since 1991, a regularity competition reserved for historic cars
Arlecchino d'Oro Award (June), born in 1999 on the initiative of the "Mantua European Capital of Performing Arts Studies Center" now a Foundation, aims to pay homage to Tristano Martinelli, a Mantuan actor to whom we owe the invention of the Harlequin mask . Inserted in the program of a theatre, music and dance review, the award is given to an artist of the world of entertainment of international value and fame. Since 2006, the prize has been included in the Festival Teatro - Arlecchino d'Oro, which the Mantova European Capital of Entertainment Foundation organizes and directs in the last ten days of June on behalf of the Municipality of Mantova.
National meeting of the Madonnari (August 14th and 15th) since 1973, every year in the square of the Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine delle Grazie in the municipality of Curtatone, dozens of painters from all over the world paint with chalk on the asphalt of the square of the Sanctuary during the Ferragosto Fair.
Festivaletteratura (September), since 1997 organizes and hosts meetings with authors, readings, shows, concerts, workshops for adults and children.
Signs of childhood (November), international art and theater festival for children. Born in 2006 from an idea by Dario Moretti, Segni d'infanzia is a great artistic event aimed at the world of childhood, with particular attention to children aged 18 months to 12 years. The artistic and organizational direction of the festival, promoted by the Municipality of Mantua, is by Teatro all'Sumptuo, a professional theater company for children.
Medieval Mantua: since 2006, with the support of the Municipality, the edition of Medieval Mantua has been held every year between August and September, an event organized by La Compagnia della Rosa a.d. 1403. A medieval village was set up in the spaces adjacent to the Gonzaga lakefront and the lawn in front of the Castle of San Giorgio. Re-enactors from all over Italy and from European countries including Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic enliven the camp and show their equipment. The most anticipated attractions are Danish ax throwing, archery and medieval games of skill. At the end of the event, the pitched battle is staged in front of the castle of San Giorgio.
Mantova Musica Festival: for four editions since 2004 a music review interested in new trends and frontiers was organised, following in the footsteps of the consolidated and best-known Mantuan literary festival: electronics, jazz and contemporary music. With spaces for debates, book presentations, musical bands, satire and the encounter between music and theatre.
Mantova Chamber Music Festival, chamber music festival.
Mantua was the first Italian city to have its faithful counterpart in Second Life. He reproduced the real Mantua as faithfully as possible, using measurements, photos and the layout of the buildings as if from life. Operating on three levels, the historic center, Palazzo Te and Castello di San Giorgio, it extended over two Sims. The Tazio Nuvolari museum, the Bibiena Theater and the Basilica of Sant'Andrea were rebuilt. Sim was the scene of cultural events and aggregation having the possibility of proposing real and virtual events.
In 2002 the Celeste Galeria, the museum of the Dukes of Mantua, was set up in the Fruit Bowls of Palazzo Te and in Palazzo Ducale. 5 years of scientific studies, 60 scholars involved in the research, 519,000 visitors, with a daily average of 3923 tickets for the exhibition which brought back to its ideal setting, from all over the world, part of the prestigious and impressive Gonzaga collection from the second half of the Six hundred.
Between September 2006 and January 2007, the city – together with Verona and Padua – organized a cultural itinerary on Andrea Mantegna's art, on the occasion of the fifth centenary of his death, which took place in Mantua. Already in 1961 an exhibition was held which earned Mantua the title of "Città del Mantegna". For a pictorial exhibition that was the first major mass event that brought more than 200,000 visitors to the Virgilian city.



Retail trade and tertiary services play an important role in the city's economy. Among the latter, the local newspaper "Gazzetta di Mantova" stands out, considered the oldest newspaper in Italy, and the Banca Agricola Mantovana founded in 1871 which, following a public tender offer in 1999, became part of of the Montepaschi banking group. The acquisition process ended with the merger by incorporation of Banca Agricola Mantovana Spa into Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena on 22 September 2008. Since 2000, Banca Popolare di Mantua sold in 2008 by Banco Popolare to Banca Popolare di Milano. Relevant are the activities related to livestock and agriculture and to the processing industries of their productions: we speak above all of the production of butter, cheese and cured meats (among which the Mantuan salami stands out). The importance of the primary economic sector for the Mantuan economy is demonstrated by the presence in Mantua of one of the most important agricultural commodity exchanges in the Po valley which, since 30 September 2010, has been the seat of the Single National Commission for slaughter pigs. On 1 October 2006, the first Italian farmer's market opens in Mantua, anticipating the ministerial decree that will regulate its activity only at the end of 2007.

In the first years of the second post-war period, the Burgo paper mill and chemical and petrochemical industries took office. The first was the oil refining company ICIP, today IES Italiana Energia e Servizi s.p.a., which was built starting in 1947 and began production on 20 December 1953 and was acquired in 2007 by the Hungarian group MOL. An important chemical plant is the Versalis of the Eni group which continues the activity of the chemical plant built in 1956 on the initiative of Edison, then continued under other names such as Montedison, Montedipe and Polimeri Europa.

The clothing sector is also very active, with important establishments present in the municipal area of the city, Lubiam, Valstar and Corneliani, in particular specialized in men's fashion, and the mechanical sector where Belleli stands out, having gone through a serious crisis in the past years , and SOGEFI, by now a multinational active in the automotive components sector listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 1986 which in 2008 announced the closure, definitively completed in January of the following year, of the historic first factory in Mantua.

In the handicraft sector the ancient workings of ceramics and porcelain are still widespread and renowned.

Main companies operating in the city
MOL (refinery)
Versalis (energy and basic chemistry)
TEA (energy, gas, water)
Immsi S.p.A. (motor/naval industry)
Lubiam (clothing)
Corneliani (clothing)
Bottoli (food: crushed bread)
Grossi Carta (paper mill)
Plastisac (packaging)
Virgilio Dairy Consortium (food: milk, yoghurt and cheese)
APAM (public transport company)
Gazzetta di Mantova (information)
Banca Agricola Mantovana (now Mps) (bank)
Banca Popolare di Mantova
Belleli Energy (plant engineering)
Sisma S.p.A. (hygiene)


Infrastructure and transport

Mantua is crossed by the former state roads:

10 Padana Inferiore, 62 della Cisa, 236 Goitese, 420 Sabbionetana and 482 Alto Polesana.
There are two toll booths on the A22 Modena-Brennero motorway, called Mantova Nord and Mantova Sud, located in the neighboring municipalities of San Giorgio di Mantova and Bagnolo San Vito, on which the city's traffic gravitates.

Mantua is also served by two ring roads:
Northern ring road of Mantua, which crosses the municipalities of Mantua, San Giorgio, Porto Mantovano and Marmirolo.
South ring road of Mantua, which crosses the municipalities of Mantua, Borgo Virgilio and Curtatone.

Railways and tramways
Mantua station, served by regional reports carried out by Trenitalia, Trenord and Tper. Located on the Verona-Modena line, this plant is also the origin of the lines for Monselice and Cremona. Another line, the Mantova Peschiera railway, was in operation between 1934 and 1967.

On the line to Monselice there is a second station, Mantova Frassine, from which the connection to the port of Valdaro branches off.

On 9 December 2012, the Borgochiesanuova stop was opened for service on the Verona-Modena line.

Two other stations are present in the city hinterland: the Sant'Antonio Mantovano station in the municipality of Porto Mantovano, and that of Levata in the municipality of Curtatone.

In the past Mantua was also affected by the route of some suburban tramways, the Brescia-Mantova-Ostiglia line, operated by steam by the Società Italiana Tramvie e Autovie di Lombardia and Romagna, active between 1882 and 1933 and the lines for Asola and Viadana, in charge of the Tranvie Provinciali Mantovane, active between 1886 and 1953 in their terminal part, electrified in 1926.

By 2023, Mantua will be connected directly to Reggio Emilia and to the Reggio Mediopadana station, underlying the Reggio Emilia AV Mediopadana station, via Suzzara and Guastalla in just over an hour's journey. Currently the connection already exists, but much slower (from two hours to two hours and forty) due to the double change in Suzzara and Guastalla, the long waiting times and the diesel trains currently in use. Once the Reggio Emilia-Guastalla railway has been electrified (by summer 2020) and at least the section between Guastalla and Suzzara of the Parma-Suzzara-Poggio Rusco railway (by 2022), a direct and fast connection will instead be possible.

You bring
The port of Mantua is located in Valdaro at the mouth of the Mantua-Venice canal also known as the Fissero-Tartaro-Canalbianco-Po di Levante waterway which allows 5th class ships to have a direct connection with the Adriatic Sea 365 days a year 135 km away and with the Venice lagoon. The basin of San Leone near Governolo connects the port of Mantua via the Fissero canal with the river Po. A railway link connects the port to the Mantua-Monselice line.

Porto Catena is the ancient commercial port of Mantua, already active since 1200, now used only for tourist functions. It is located in a small inlet of the Inferiore lake into which the Rio flows, an artificial canal that has crossed the city since the 12th century.

Urban mobility
The city has a bus service managed by APAM, acronym of Azienda Pubblici Autoservizi Mantova. The urban public transport service which also affects the territory of neighboring municipalities such as Porto Mantovano, San Giorgio di Mantova, Bigarello, Borgo Virgilio and Curtatone, i.e. the so-called "Grande Mantova", is provided through nine lines. APAM also handles the management of a long-distance network, mostly with terminus in the capital.

The ATV company instead fulfills the connection with the city of Verona through the itinerary for Castelbelforte.

The tramway network of Mantua, active between 1908 and 1953, was a set of relationships consisting of two purely urban lines belonging to the municipality and three further suburban lines managed by the Province, built in part by exploiting the infrastructure of the pre-existing steam tramways .

Mantua is served by Verona-Villafranca Airport, which is about 30 km from the city center and operates a service of strategic importance for the provinces of Verona, Mantua, Brescia, Trento and Bolzano. The airport is connected daily with the main national cities (Rome, Palermo, Catania, Naples, Olbia, Bari, Cagliari) as well as with some international cities such as Amsterdam, London, Paris, Barcelona, Frankfurt am Main, Moscow-Domodedovo, Brussels, Bucharest, Warsaw, and can be reached by car via the A22 or the SR62.

The city of Mantua has some airfields and airfields, even within its own province. The local Aero Club is based at the City of Curtatone airfield and is named after the Pilot General Alessandro Bladelli, Mantuan and one of the founders of the Getti Tonanti Acrobatic Patrol, forerunner of the current Frecce Tricolori. Motorized flight activities are carried out at the City of Curtatone Airfield with both ultralight and general aviation.



The city of Mantua boasts important figures who have distinguished themselves in the sporting arena. The most famous is undoubtedly Tazio Nuvolari, also known as the flying Mantuan. A museum temporarily housed in some rooms of the Palazzo Ducale in Piazza Sordello is dedicated to the two Mantuan "champions" par excellence, Nuvolari and the cyclist Learco Guerra.

Mantova, in its centenary history, was in fact founded in 1911, has played 12 Serie A championships, of which 5 in the Prima Divisione in the 1920s, and 17 Serie B championships. of time that goes from the 1958/1959 championship to that of 1961/1962, thanks to a super formation that went down in history with the name of Piccolo Brasile led by Edmondo Fabbri, future coach of the Italy national football team. That team passed in four years from the fourth series to the Olympus of football. After two consecutive relegations, since 1973 the red and white (these are the social colors of Mantova) have gotten by for years in Serie C, suffering the shame of two bankruptcies (1983,1994) and recovering following the arrival of presidents Alberto Castagnaro and Fabrizio Lori. We owe the return to C1 (2003/2004) to the first, the transition from C1 to B to the second. It is also necessary to remember Romano Freddi, who, although little loved by the square, was the architect of the safeguarding of football in Mantua, when in the summer of 1994 the company went bankrupt for the second time.
The city's soccer team had returned to Serie B at the end of the 2004/2005 season, after a 32-year absence. The cadetteria was conquered at the end of the play-offs, played and won against Frosinone and Pavia. The 2005/2006 season saw Mantova narrowly miss out on immediate promotion to Serie A in the play-off final against Torino, a 4-2 victory in Mantova and a 3-1 defeat in Torino after extra time.
After five years of discrete Serie B championships, at the end of the 2009/2010 championship, Mantova were relegated to Lega Pro. On 30 June 2010, the Virgilian team failed to register for the Lega Pro championship, thus disappearing from professional football . A.C. Mantova failed, football was reborn as Mantova Football Club which immediately won the Serie D championship immediately bringing Virgilian football back among the professionals, in Lega Pro, but after a few seasons tormented by various management changes with bankruptcy results, in the summer of 2017 the red and whites are excluded from Serie C after saving themselves on the field by starting again from Serie D with the name of Mantova 1911.

In football Mantua was the birthplace of Roberto Boninsegna who reached the Italian national football team, playing in major Serie A teams such as Cagliari, Inter, Juventus.

The sporting tradition of Mantua is good with regard to men's volleyball. Volleyball Mantova conquered Serie A1 at the end of the 1986-87 championship. He played two championships in the top flight, then being replaced for three years by Griamo Virgilio, however both were enmeshed at the bottom of the standings.
In the nineties, Volleyball Mantova played several times in the A2 series.
With the 2006/07 season, which culminated with the victory of the promotion play-offs, the Top Team Volley Mantova landed in the Serie A2 championship. Top Team Volley itself won the Italian Serie B Cup in 2006 and 2007.

Since 2012 Mantua has also hosted Pallacanestro Mantovana, known until 2013 as Pallacanestro Primavera Mirandola of the Modena town of the same name, currently playing in the A2 Gold and which plays the internal matches at the PalaBam. Furthermore, there is the San Pio club which plays in C silver with considerable youth activity.

In 1931 Learco Guerra won the cycling world championship in Copenhagen (Denmark). In the same year, the pink jersey was established as a symbol of supremacy in the standings and it was Learco Guerra who wore it first, resulting in the victory of the inaugural stage of the 19th Giro d'Italia, which started from Milan and ended in his native Mantua. The "Giro" has finished a stage in Mantua on ten occasions. In 1963 the Virgil city was only the starting point of the stage which ended in Treviso.

Stages of the Giro d'Italia with arrival in Mantua:
1923 9th stage Trieste-Mantova, won by Alfredo Sivocci
1931 1st stage Milan-Mantova, won by Learco Guerra
1935 2nd stage Cremona-Mantova, won by Domenico Piemontesi
1946 16th stage Verona-Mantova, won by Elio Bertocchi
1956 5th stage Voghera-Mantova, won by Miguel Poblet
1967 15th stage Lido degli Estensi-Mantova, won by Michele Dancelli
1971 11th stage Sestola-Mantova, won by Marino Basso
1981 16th stage Milan-Mantova, won by Claudio Torelli
1983 1st stage Brescia-Mantova, (team chronology) won by Bianchi
1989 11th stage Riccione-Mantova, won by Urs Freuler

In 2008 with a prologue time trial in front of Palazzo Te won by the Dutch Mirjam Melchers, the "Women's Giro d'Italia" started. On the same viale Te, in 2015, the third stage of the Giro Rosa 2015, the Curtatone > Mantova, ended with the victory of the Dutch Lucinda Brand.

Mantua was also the arrival point of an important cycling race, the Milan-Mantua, held 24 times starting in 1906 and held for the last time in 1962 with the victory of Pierino Baffi.

Mincio rowers
Canottieri Mincio was born in 1883 as a multi-sport club. Its origins are linked to sports, especially water sports: swimming, diving, sailing, rowing and canoeing are the disciplines that distinguish it and which have exported its name to Italy and the world. There are also several personalities who have made its history: from Gabriele D'Annunzio, who in 1928 coined the company motto (still in use today) "Persevering you arrive", to Azeglio Mondini, born in 1923 who from 1937 was a great master of rowing and who trained high-level sportsmen such as Marco Penna; or Giacomo Bottoli and Andrea Bonezzi (high-level sailors) and Bruno Pizzamiglio who gave birth to the Mantuan diving school where great sportsmen such as Francesco Priori and Massimo Nibioli were born.

Mantua has acquired considerable importance in recent years in the context of motocross competitions held on the Migliaretto circuit. The Italian Grand Prix was held in 1991, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2007, 2008, and the Lombardy Grand Prix in 2010, 2015 and 2016, trials that were part of the Motocross World Championship.

Other sports
The tradition of rugby in Mantua is discreet, thanks to "Rugby Mantova", a sports club founded in 1974 which competes permanently in the national B series. Rugby Mantova participated with a small share in the Italian rugby union franchise led by Rugby Viadana, called Aironi Rugby, which participated for two years in the Celtic League.

In late spring in Mantua the "Minciomarcia" street race is held, a non-competitive foot race open to all. Now in its 38th edition in 2011, it sees the participation of a number of participants often exceeding 5,000. Since 1987, with the victory in the first edition of the marathon runner Orlando Pizzolato, a competitive race called the "Maratonina di Mantova" has been held. After a few years of suspension, it has been held continuously since 1997, reaching its 20th edition in 2011.

The A2 series was conquered twice, at the turn of the year 2000, by the "Circolo Scacchistico Mantovano" which, reborn in 1995, was able to organize the final of the 56th Absolute Italian Chess Championship in Mantua in 1996 and the final of the 28th Italian Women's Championship. There was another brief presence in Serie A2 in 2010.

A 5-a-side football team has been active in Mantua since 2013 and participates in the national Serie B championship and plays internal matches at the PalaLù sports hall in the Lunetta district.

Sport facilities
Stadio Danilo Martelli is the main sports facility in the city. Inaugurated in the 1930s, it has undergone numerous renovations over the years to stabilize the structure. Mantova plays its matches inside and has a capacity of 14,822 seats.
PalaBam, Mantua's main sports hall, inaugurated in September 2005, owes its name to the acronym BAM of Banca Agricola Mantovana, a city credit institution incorporated in 2008 by Banca MPS. It has a capacity of almost 4,000 spectators which, with mobile grandstands placed on the parterre, reaches the figure of 5,000. The PalaBam has often hosted concerts and theatrical performances of national and international appeal, also in the adjacent exhibition center which hosts sector exhibitions which has acquired national renown Mantova Comics & Games.
PalaLù is the second sports arena in Mantua, located in the popular district of Lunetta. Inaugurated in 2012, Mantua women's handball matches are played inside.
Campo scuola Tazio Nuvolari is a track and field facility with a tartan surface located in Via Learco Guerra near the Virgiliano forest.
Tazio Nuvolari motocross field, in Via Learco Guerra, in the Migliaretto area, is a competitive facility that also hosts competitions from the motocross world championship.




Gazette of Mantua
The Voice of Mantua
The Citadel
The Day (mantua local edition)
The new Chronicle of Mantua

Periodicals Online
The Other Mantua
Mantua News

Universitas Studiorum



List of major films and television miniseries that had Mantua as a set:
The mill of the Po, 1948, by Alberto Lattuada.
Sensuality, 1952, by Clemente Fracassi.
Sense, 1954, by Luchino Visconti.
War and Peace, 1956, by King Vidor.
Italian women and love, 1961.
The March on Rome, 1962, by Dino Risi; leading actors Vittorio Gassman and Ugo Tognazzi.
The visit, 1963, by Antonio Pietrangeli.
La parmigiana, 1963, by Antonio Pietrangeli.
The seasons of our love, 1965, by Florestano Vancini; leading actor Enrico Maria Salerno.
Spider strategy, 1970, by Bernardo Bertolucci.
Goodbye cruel brother, 1971, by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi.
The devil in the brain, 1972, by Sergio Sollima; leading actress Stefania Sandrelli.
Power, 1974, by Augusto Tretti.
Salò or the 120 days of Sodom, 1975, by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Poor Christ, 1975, by Pier Carpi.
Novecento, 1976, by Bernardo Bertolucci; leading actors Robert De Niro and Gérard Depardieu.
Gran bollito, 1977, by Mauro Bolognini; lead actress Shelley Winters.
Ligabue, 1977, by Salvatore Nocita.
The body of ragassa, 1979, by Pasquale Festa Campanile with Enrico Maria Salerno and Lilli Carati.
State crime, 1982, by Gianfranco De Bosio, TV miniseries in five episodes.
The Charterhouse of Parma, 1982, by Mauro Bolognini, TV miniseries in six episodes.
Don Camillo, 1983, by Terence Hill.
Tomorrow I'm getting married, 1984, by Francesco Massaro.
Miss Arizona, 1987, by Pál Sándor.
The match, 1988, by Carlo Vanzina
The Betrothed, 1989, by Salvatore Nocita, TV miniseries, TV drama.
Just to say goodbye, 1991 directed by Sergio Sollima, TV miniseries.
Il Portaborse, 1991, by Daniele Luchetti; leading actors Silvio Orlando and Nanni Moretti.
The Ricordi family, 1995, by Mauro Bolognini, TV miniseries in four episodes.
The kingfisher's goal, 1996, by Ruggero Miti with Mara Venier.
Marquise, 1997, by Véra Belmont.
Radiofreccia, 1998, by Luciano Ligabue
Monella, 1998, by Pier Carpi
Viola kisses everyone, 1998, by Giovanni Veronesi.
Love in the Mirror (1999), by Salvatore Maira; leading actress Anna Galiena.
The craft of arms, 2001, by Ermanno Olmi.
First give me a kiss, 2003, by Ermanno Olmi.
Renzo and Lucia, 2004, by Francesca Archibugi, TV miniseries in two episodes.
Agate and the storm, 2004, by Silvio Soldini.
Monamour, 2005, by Tinto Brass.
Sandrine in the rain, 2007, by Tonino Zangardi.
Rigoletto in Mantua, 2010, by Marco Bellocchio, live television film, transposition of the opera of the same name by Giuseppe Verdi.
The Process, 2019, by Stefano Lodovichi, television series



Among the typical products of the Mantuan cuisine we find:

valance (bread)
Sorbir d'agnoli
Mantuan cured meats and parmesan cheese
Polenta, crushed fat and flat bread

First dishes
Pumpkin tortelli
Agnolini in broth
Pilot risotto
Risotto with puntèl
Mantuan omelette with frogs
Frittata with saltarèi (lake shrimp)
Second courses
Pike in sauce
Donkey stew
Cospettone with polenta
Capon alla Stefani
Marinated eel
Schiacciata with onions and greppole

crumble Cake
Ring of Monk (seasonal dessert of the Christmas season)
Hot desserts (seasonal for All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day)
Elvezia Cake
Grape sauce
They compass
Noodles cake
Mantua bignolata
Greek pie
Cake of roses