Zinaida Kolmogorova


Zinaida Kolmogorova (Зинаида Колмогорова) was born on January 12th, 1937. 22 years old. Not married.

Zinaida was born in 1937 in a village of Cheremhovo, Kamensky district of Sverdlovsk region and lived there until 1948. She was 4th year student at UPI University at Radio Engineering Major. She was an experienced hiker with six major trips into the wilderness who had her share of difficulties. During one of her trips she was bitten by a viper. Despite pain and suffering that this bite caused her she refused lighten her load, unwilling to cause hardship to others.

She was very outgoing and energetic. People who knew her say that she was the "engine of the University" or "the soul of the company". She was always full of ideas and was liked by everyone. Despite her popularity in school she always treated everyone with interest and respect. As a result people were naturally drawn to her. Diary events mention that incredible gift. According to the eye witnesses after the hike Zina intended to return home and see her parents whom she missed.

Her body was found on February 26th, 1959 in 630 meters from a fire under the cedar and a tent. She came closest to the tent.

Cause of death was ruled as hypothermia with internal and external damage to the body. Additionally there was noted that she had minor traumatic brain injury, probably due to hypothermia. It is possible that she could hit her head during convulsions immediately before her death.

She was buried in Yekaterinburg on a Michaylovsky (Saint Michael) Cemetery.