Radiograms from the Dyatlov Pass

Radiograms from the search party that was sent to the Dyatlov Pass give us an interesting perspective to the search and rescue operation that was carried out on the mountain. Interestingly not all official findings correlate with what was seen on the spot.


Sheet 136
To Baranov
Immediately organize search at all costs

Sheet 137
Recieved byTemnikov №103  32 words 23/2 (February 23rd) at 1130
To Sulman
Mansi have agreed to join the search party for a fee of 500 rubles per 4 individuals. Mansi discovered prints 90 km from Suevat Paulo (town name) toward the Ural Mountains. Give your consent to the search


Sheet 138
№401 of 13 words 23.2 (February 23rd) 14:30 (2:30 pm)
Give 500 roubles per day to the Mansi. Agreed. Warn them about timely and organized search

Sheet 140
From Suevat- Paulo 23  (February 23)
To Sulman
We're going to take out at 2 pm,  but locals say that two days is not enough for a search since we need to travel to the watershed ridge where they were seen by the hunters. Kurikov Stepan and three of my man, 5 in total. No one have seen the tourists, but they saw prints from their skis as well as a place where they slept. It seems that the group passed through those woods.


Sheet 141
Radiogram, number 426, words 46, 24.2 (February 24) 10 (hours) 50 min.
Hand over immediately
Our ongoing search for a group of students today. At 1130 it became known that the hunters saw fresh tracks ski and a camping place of a group of people at the dividing range from Suevat Paulo. We organized a group of Mansi headed by Kurikova Stepan with our radio operator who will use available reindeer to travel with a first aid kit and the products. We also sent our representative on the plane to search for survivors. He took a direction of Suevat Paulo at 11-40 taking a course to watershed ridge.
Please inform the Polytechnic Institute

Sheet 142
Radiogram 24.2  (February 24) 10-30
Shepherd Andrew Anyamov saw some prints from narrow sport skis about 8-9 days ago. The Number of persons is not established.
The prints are starting from the upper Auspii from her eastern slope towards the north of the upper Lozvy river. We need to look at the upper Auspii river and upper Vania and Vishera rivers.

Sheet 143
Recieved by Temnikov №26. 10-45
To Sulman
We are located 6- 10 km from the mouth of Auspii river. At the mouth of Auspii river we found tracks of narrow sport skis. It is a pretty good trail, it was a lot of people. It might be 8-10 people who traveled here 15 days ago, as the forest tracks are clearly visible, although in some parts it is quite covered with snow in the open areas. We will follow these tracks to the upper Auspii where we will look in the mountains and in the valley of Auspii river where we will spent the night.


Sheet 144
Took Temnikov. Radiogram to Sulman. 26.2 13 hours.
Contact the Vizhay rescue squad. They surveyed the upper Lozvy and traces were detected. They crossed into (valley of) the upper Auspii. Their  trails that follow the ridge of the mountains are lost. Their people are divided into 3 groups, one group is on the ridge of the river Auspii
The ski track goes to the ridge where it disappears. Rescue Squad is divided into 3 groups of which one will search at the ridge. Returning unit will discuss how to find the best approach. There is only one representative who stayed to meet us.

Sheet 145
Ask Blinov or Karelin if they met a group of tourists from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute of seven people early this February.
27.II (February 27) 17-25 hours

Sheet 146
Recieved by Temnikov
№1712 sl 27/2
Immediately. Soon after we descended we discovered four corpses of Dyatlov Zolotarev Krivanischenko Kolmogorov. The victims were thrown out of the tent by a hurricane, some without boots or pants. The hurricane blew in the North- east, East direction so they are all on the same line from the tent. The farthest body was found about two kilometers from the tents. In the mouth of the creek which flows into the Lozvy river we found remains of a fire with several charred logs. Nearest (to the tent) Kolmogorova has a broken head. Examination will continue tomorrow. We will set up a camp (in the valley of river) Auspii so we won't disturb the traces of the accident. We tried to contact Axelrod, but they didn't respond. I think they should contact us.

Comment. First of a body that was identified was that of Doroshenko, not Zolotorev. Secondly a damage to a Kolmogorova head was not reported in the official autopsy. In fact until the last four bodies were discovered many of the strange details found on the bodies were either ignored or were not reported. It wasn't until the last four bodies discovered in the den that the damage was very obvious and these circumstances couldn't be hidden anymore. So either autopsy intentially lied about damage to the head of Kolmogorova or it was a mistake made by the rescue team. I mean after all they did assume the group was blown out of their tent.

Sheet 147 (?)
№27.2 9-00 hour
Artyukova Sulmanu
We inform that the on-site tent Dyatlova search was launched yesterday and today have left four people if we catch up with them then give to temporarily stop the search before the arrival of the dog. Now quietly visibility over 10 km

Sheet 148
took Temnikov
№27 / 2 cl 1540 MSK
The rest of it is difficult to identify because in the hands of the face of the legs there is a lot of damage. Some people camp equips prosecutor with Maslennikov identify people, the search continues for the remaining part was nine

Sheet 149
took Temnikov
№27 / February 1745 MSK
The tent did not have time to explore all probably been inundated with heavy snow food tent ripped people standing, suffered wind down pt Axelrod can be removed by helicopter to put us pt Three corpses were partially visible from the snow fourth found the dog.


Sheet 150
No. 27.II 8-45 (Februaru 27, 8::45 am)
to A Nevolin
Hold the group of Mansi until the end od searches. We will pay for all days. Let them assist in the search.
Try to catch up with the departed search party on deer or ski. Help them dismantle tents before the arrival of the dogs

Sheet 151
27.II 17-20 hours
Why was the tent left behind if the people were gone from the tent.
How did you manage to find the corpses.
Let your opinion whether we should leave Axelrod on Otorten


Sheet 152
Took Temnikov
No. 27/2
To Sulman
To determine the time of the accident to request the weather report between January 20 and February 2. Position and placing of corpses testifies where was a hurricane
Maslennikov Nevolin

Sheet 153
Took Temnikov
No. 27/2 SL 1500 GMT
To Sulman
By 16 hours (4 pm) we found four people in different places, all lightly dressed and barefoot which suggests that there blown out during the storm. We only could identify only Zinaida Kolmogorov. the search continues. all the groups are in the tent area. There is no communication with the group of Axelrod
Brusnitsyn Nevolin Chernousov

Sheet 154
Took Temnikov
No. 27/2 SL 1755
To Sulman
A group of guys from Rostov passed a yurt (Mansi traditional house) of Alexander Bakhtiyarov the end of January. At the request of the Prosecutor, call Sverdlovsk Ivdel medical examiner to do the autopsy.

Sheet 155
Took Temnikov
No. 27/2 SL 1740
To Sulman
Group established a camp. Everyone is OK. Most of members of the Dyatlov's group were discovered here so we should search here. We found a bag of Dyatlov with all the documents. We wall talk tomorrow at 3pm
Proposed session is at 1300 GMT (1 pm)
Maslennikov Nevolin

The sheet 156
To Maslennikov
Did you communicate with Axelrod?
Did you find the groups diary? Why did it tell You?
List the found items in the tent
Will notify the district of Your searches

Sheet 157
To Maslennikov
Grebennik Group left Ivdel'. Second helicopter has arrived

Sheet 158
No. 28.2 SL 1305
To Sulman
We didn't find anythin new. We are recording all the items in the tent. Bodies of the Dyatlov group will be moved on top of the mountain. Waiting for the helicopters.