Bureinsky Nature Reserve, Russia

The Bureinsky Nature Reserve is a reserve for the reference area of mountain taiga in the eastern BAM zone. It is located on the territory of the Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory in the basins of the Levaya and Pravaya Bureya rivers, between 51 ° 40 ′ and 52 ° 30 ′ north latitude and 134 ° 20 ′ and 135º10 ′ east longitude. The nearest settlement to the reserve, pos. Sofiysk is located 40 km from its western border.

The relief of the reserve is typically mountainous: the highest mark of the reserve is at an altitude of 2241, the lowest is 550 m above sea level. For 252 km, the reserve is bounded by ridges with a height of 1100 to 2300 m above sea level: in the north by Aesop, in the east by Dusse-Alinsky and in the south by Bureinsky. The southern border runs along the ridge of the Lan - Balaganakh watershed (48 km) and along the river. Left Bureya (about 20 km).

The area of ​​the reserve is 356.99 thousand hectares, the buffer zone is 53.3 thousand hectares.


Natural conditions, fauna and flora

The Bureya mountain range is formed by the meridional and submeridional ridges of the Small Khingan, Yam-Alin, Aesop and Dusse-Alin. This is an area of ​​conjugation of ancient Archean-Proterozoic rocks of the Bureya middle massif and younger Paleozoic-Mesozoic formations, distinguished as part of the Selemdzhino-Kerba structural-facies zone belonging to the Amur-Okhotsk geosynclinal-fold system. In the era of intense geological movements, some parts of the massif, especially the northern ones, were split. In the area of ​​the reserve, there is an intersection of large sub-latitudinal and sub-meridional striking faults. In the Devonian, a significant area of ​​the Bureya massif was covered by the sea.

The relief of the reserve is typically mountainous. Mountain ranges of various heights are combined with individual hills, filling most of the territory, and river valleys, in which accumulative terraces and floodplains are developed. The highest absolute mark is 2325 m, the lowest is 600 m above sea level. m. The upper surfaces of the watersheds are smoothed convex spaces 50-400 m wide - alpine fields. Goltsovy peaks are dome-shaped, their slopes are convex and descend into the valleys at an angle of 25-45 °, or with sheer walls. At the headwaters of the Bureya, the drainage funnels have been transformed into tarn niches with a characteristic semi-circus shape, steep walls up to 150-200 m high, and a flat swampy bottom with small lakes. The territory is characterized by erosion-denudation processes, which are especially pronounced within the main mountain systems (Aesop, Dusse-Alin, Bureinsky ridge). In the alpine parts of the mountains, there are curum and landslide-talus deposits of stone blocks and crushed stone, in the subalpine and mountain-taiga belts - slope defluction and solifluction block-rubble-loam formations. In river valleys, pebble and pebble-sandy deposits are observed.

The entire territory of the reserve is crossed by numerous rivers. The total area of ​​the hydrosphere is about 1950 hectares (0.5% of the reserve). All rivers belong to the Pravoy and Levoy Bureya basins.

The right Bureya originates from the southern slopes of the Aesop ridge. Its length to the confluence with the Levaya Bureya is 106 km. The river valley has not been worked out, there are almost no terraces of a higher order in it. It is rapids throughout its entire length and flows in one channel. The main tributaries of the Pravoy Bureya: Ipat, Vanga, Kitima, Alakan, Sibinda.

The sources of the Levaya Bureya lie on the southwestern slopes of Dusse-Alin. Its length is about 90 km. The river valley has a developed floodplain, channels and islands. Large tributaries are Korbokhon, Brai, Kuraigagna, Kitima-Makit, Kolbondyo, Burgalekan, Burgale, Bolchekta, Imganakh, Lan, Balaganakh, Chapkhoz. Significant height differences (1500-600 m) determine the speed of the flow of rivers and streams, which reaches 2.5-4 m / s. The degree of drainage of the territory is high - on average, 0.3 km of sewers per 1000 hectares. Rainwater supply accounts for 50-60% of the annual river flow. Snow and ice waters make a significant contribution. There is also ground recharge, although it is delayed by permafrost processes. Precipitation is unevenly distributed throughout the year. Winters have little snow, which leads to small spring floods. Annual water discharge is mainly determined by summer floods associated with monsoon rains. They usually start from the end of June and reach their maximum in July-August. Permafrost and deep permafrost play the role of a water-resistant horizon. During floods, a rapid rise in water level is characteristic, and after - an equally rapid decline. Very strong floods (water rise up to 800 cm) occur once every 13-15 years, strong (up to 700 cm) - once every 5 years, ordinary (up to 600 cm) - once every 3-4 years.


Notable objects of the hydrosphere are mountain lakes in the circuses of glacial erosion. The circus with the Bear Lake is located on Dusse-Alin at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level. m. To the west it is open, and on three other sides it is fenced with almost sheer rocky walls of porphyry granites up to 300 m high. The slopes of the ledges descend to the lake, the shores and bottom of which are lined with blocks. The runoff from the lake is hidden under rocks and comes to the surface after about 100 m. Downstream this stream flows into another circus, with Lake Dolgiy (1500 m above sea level), which is notable for its shallow depth and swampy shores. The largest of the lakes of the reserve is Korbokhon, located at an altitude of 1160 m in the upper reaches of the river. Korbokhon, a tributary of the Levaya Bureya. The bottom of the lake falls gently down to 2.5 m, and then abruptly drops down to a depth of 8-12 m. In the middle, the bottom is almost flat. The lake looks like a black oval with a light border, although the water is crystal clear. On the eastern side of Dusse-Alin, already outside the reserve, there is Lake Gornoe. In the same area, there are picturesque streams with cascades of waterfalls belonging to the river basin. Nilan. According to the degree of mineralization, the waters in the reserve are classified as ultra-fresh, according to the pH value - to neutral, according to the chemical composition - to the hydrocarbonate class, the calcium group, the first type. The maximum concentration of ions is observed during the winter low-water period, the minimum - during the spring flood and summer-autumn floods. The content of biogenic and organic substances reaches a minimum during the winter low-water period, and during the periods of spring floods and summer floods it rises to the highest values. In terms of microbiological indicators, the Pravaya and Levaya Bureya are standard clean rivers, despite the fact that the microbial community of the Bureya and its tributaries has a low cleaning capacity.



The climate is defined as the northern variant of the monsoon, since the prevailing air masses are formed outside the region: in winter - on the continental spaces of Eastern Siberia, in the Siberian anticyclone, in summer - in the ocean, which contributes to the creation of local fronts and an abundance of precipitation. Characterized by the change of northeastern winds (speed 2-4 m / s) in winter to southwestern (3-7 m / s) in summer. In winter, the valleys were often calm; a temperature inversion is observed, caused by the drainage of denser cold air into intermontane basins. The coldest month is January (average temperature -33.1 ° C), the warmest is July (average temperature 16.8 ° C). The frost-free period lasts 62 days on average. In the upper reaches of the Bureya, the annual precipitation averages 640-680 mm. The relative humidity is stable throughout the year - an average of 74%. The growing season lasts an average of 150 days. A stable snow cover falls at the end of October. Its height is insignificant: on average - 26 cm, maximum - 43 cm.

The territory of the reserve is located in the zone of mountain brown-taiga illuvial, humus and bog soils. Soil differences vary with topography, exposure and moisture. A characteristic feature of soils is their thinness. On mountain slopes, the thickness of the soil layer does not exceed 10-25 cm, and this layer is half composed of rock fragments. The most common soil types:
mountain-tundra, peat-humus soils are located in the upper belt of the mountains (900 m above sea level), in the zone of distribution of dwarf pine. They are replaced by char and stony placers;
mountain brown-taiga, permafrost soils are confined to the slopes and peaks, where larch forests grow;
humus-illuvial, mountain-taiga - soils of the upper belt of mountain spruce forests;
permafrost taiga, peaty gley. These soils are developed in foothill areas during the transition from haze areas to slopes under ledum larch forests;
peaty-boggy soils are widespread in marsh areas of haze larch forests with moisture-loving vegetation;
Silt-soddy layered soils of illuvial origin are confined to floodplains of rivers and spruce-poplar thickets.

Vegetable world
The flora of the reserve numbers 512 species of vascular plants (22 of them are rare and endangered species) from 212 genera of 69 families. These include 33 species of vascular spore from 14 genera 11 families of five classes of three departments; seven types of gymnosperms from five genera of two families; 146 monocotyledonous flowering species from 44 genera of eight families; 326 species of dicotyledonous flowering plants from 149 genera of 48 families.


The following families are characterized by a great species diversity: sedge (65 species, 13% of the vascular flora), aster (46), rosaceous (38), cereals (37), buttercup (30), willow (21), heather (20), lily (16 ), clove (14), saxifrage (13), cruciferous, leguminous and noricaceae (10 species each). Of the 21 families, one species is represented.

128 species are quite common and are found quite widely in the reserve, 149 species are rare, 110 species are registered in two or three habitats and 125 are known so far only from one collection, or from only one location in the reserve.

In the reserve, 293 species of mosses were registered (Chronicle of the nature of the Bureinsky reserve. Book 2, 1999), 53 of which were recorded for the first time on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory. The green moss of the Amur Creep (Cryphaea amurensis) is a new species for science.

To date, 101 species of lichens have been recorded on the territory of the reserve. The most widely represented genera are Cladonia (18 species), Hypogymnia (8 species), Pertusaria (6 species), and Usnea (5 species). Most (78 species) belong to the boreal and nemoral elements with a significant participation of the species of the multizonal element. Lichens with multi-regional distribution prevail (55 species). One species, Hypogymnia subduplicata, is endemic to the Far East (Golubkova, 1983). 4 species - Lobaria pulmonaria, L. retigera, Menegazzia terebrata, Tuckneraria laureri - are included in the Red Book of Russia. One new species, Chenoticopsis asperopoda, has been identified.

The vegetation of the reserve territory belongs to the Udsko-Bureinsky light-coniferous district of the Amur-Okhotsk dark coniferous forest subregion (Liverovsky and Kolesnikov, 1949), which is part of the subzone of middle taiga light and dark coniferous forests (Kolesnikov, 1963).

The reserve is characterized by a variety of plant communities, which is explained by a strong dissection of the relief and a large difference in absolute heights (from 500 to 2000 m above sea level). In the vegetation, as well as in the soil, the vertical zoning is well expressed, which belongs to the oceanic type, which is due to the influence of the air masses of the Pacific summer-autumn monsoon.

There are three altitudinal belts: forest (mountain taiga), subalpine and alpine.

Highlands, or loaches, occupy a significant area. Their most elevated parts are covered by stony tundra - the kingdom of lithophilic lichens, which color the surfaces of stone blocks with multi-colored spots. Clumps of bushy lichens are found between the stones. Higher plants are very poorly represented. These are Artemisia lagocephala, Luzula parviflora, Rhododendron parvifolium.

Gentle slopes and rocky plateaus are occupied by lichen, or reindeer, tundra, which does not have a shrub layer. Cetraria nivalis and others predominate. Sorbaria pallasii and Ribes triste are found only here and there in the depressions; in a rare shrub-herbaceous layer, Polygonum viviparum is singly noted. The increased role of lichens and moss synusia is an ancient feature of the highland landscapes of the northern Pacific coasts.

Slightly lower, on moderately moist sandy loam soils with inclusions of stones, the lichen tundra is replaced by the dwarf-lichen tundra. The shrub layer from Betula divaricata, Ledum palustre, Sorbaria pallasii, B. incarnata, etc. covers 30-60% of the soil. Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Hierochloe alpina, Empetrum nigrum, Cassiope ericoides, Carex rigidioides, Luzula nivalis are more common in a poorly developed (cover up to 0.1) shrub-grass cover. The closer to the alpine belt, the more the size and habit of shrubs change; extensive meadows with herbaceous and shrub synusia appear.

On the northern slopes, on more sheltered and leveled areas, there are small areas of dwarf birch-moss tundra. The thickets in it are higher and thicker. Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Pyrola incarnata, Linnaea borealis predominate in the sparse shrub-grass cover. The ground cover is composed mainly of reindeer lichens of the genus Cladonia, in waterlogged areas - Shpagnum.

Separately from the mountain tundra, the petrophyte vegetation should be considered, which is confined to rock outcrops, open dry slopes, pebbles, coastal cliffs and other similar habitats. In addition to Asian species, representatives of the Eurasian steppe region (Galium verum, Orostachys spinosa, etc.) are noted in the area. As a rule, closed groupings are not formed. Most petrophytes are characterized by a cushion-shaped life form and rhizomes with numerous caudexes, densely covered with dead leaves or extended bases of leaf cuttings. These devices make it easier to withstand the drying out by the winds: being well exposed, the rocky areas are heavily weathered not only in summer, but also in winter, when the danger of drying is greatest. Snow is blown away by the wind, and vegetation is devoid of shelter.


In the alpine and subalpine belts near the snowfields, which persist until mid-summer, there is a special variant of alpine meadows - nival (snow-covered) lawns. Here you can see a single-tier grouping consisting mainly of Angelica saxatilis, Pulsatilla ajanensis, Trollius riederianus, Viola biflora, Primula cuneifolia, Potentilla elegans, etc. In some places there are shrubs Pentaphylloides fruticosa, Rhododendron sibiricteum, Empyrrum tsirum. The intertwining in the highlands of the Aesop and Dusse-Alin ranges of the mountain-tundra community and subalpine low-grass lawns characteristic of high mountains exposed to the effects of the sea climate is due to the position of the mountains in the Pacific Ocean zone, which in summer is under the influence of monsoon circulation (Schlotgauer, 1978). The impact of the Pacific monsoon on the vegetation cover of highlands is reflected in high air humidity at moderate temperatures throughout the growing season.

The upper border of the forest, which forms the border of the high mountains, ranges from 900 to 1100 m. On the northern slopes, it usually runs 100-150 m lower than on the southern slopes. In the event that the slopes are steep and rocky, occupied by stone placers or cliffs, or open to strong winds, the forest boundary is lowered. Light-coniferous larch forests (Larix gmelini) dominate everywhere in the vegetation cover of the mountain-taiga belt. Larch phytocenoses have a poor and uniform floristic composition. Plants of the hypoarctic complex (Ledum palustre, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Empetrum nigrum, some sphagnum species) prevail in the lower tiers, which is associated with a constant excess of moisture in a cold monsoon climate. Various types of larch forests can be combined into two geomorphological complexes: mountain taiga and valley (plain) (Shaga, 1967). Mountain larch forests differ from valley ones by their participation in the undergrowth of dwarf cedar (Pinus pumila).

Cedar larch forests are located on the tops of hills, on the crests of small ridges with adjacent steep slopes, above 700-800 m above sea level. m. In their shrub layer, Pinus pumila prevails, Sorbaria pallasii is singly noted. Shrub-grass cover is practically absent.

On very sloping and steep shaded rocky slopes above 800 m above sea level. m. cowberry-rhododendron larch forests are formed. Rhododendron aureum predominates in them, Betula divaricata, Rosa acicularis, Salix bebbiana, and others are much less common. Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Ledum palustre, Empetrum sibiricum are found in the herbaceous-shrub layer. There are single moss curtains.

The slopes of the hills, open to the north and north-east winds, are confined to ledum-cowberry larch forests. The undergrowth is formed by dwarf birch (Betula divaricata), with minor contributions from Rosa acicularis and Salix fuscescens. Ledum palustre is noted in significant abundance, and L. decumbens is less common. In the herbaceous-shrub layer, in addition to the widespread Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Pentaphylloides fruticosa and Rubus arcticus are common.

On the sloping slopes, well moistened by the runoff, there are reed-forbs larch forests, in which the undergrowth is practically absent.

Valley larch forests occupy both sufficiently humid, but well-drained and aerated habitats of river floodplains, and excessively humid cold habitats where the permafrost is deep. The second layer of the stand is formed by Picea ajanensis, Abies nephrolepis, Betula platyphylla; the undergrowth consists of mesophilic floodplain shrubs: Cornus (Swida) alba, Spiraea salicifolia, Sorbus amurensis; the shrub-grass cover of mesophilic plants (ferns, reed grass, etc.) is relatively poorly developed. Swampy larch woodlands in flat areas above the floodplain bear a special name - mari.

Dwarf cedar is present in various quantities in the undergrowth of almost all forest formations. At the same time, it forms independent plantations only within strictly defined boundaries and environmental conditions. The altitude boundaries of its distribution range from 800 to 1000-1600 m above sea level. m. From shrubs, it is accompanied by Duschekia kamtscatica, Betula divaricata, and in the upper tier of the mountains - Rhododendron aureum. Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Ledum palustre, Dryopteris fragrans, Cassiope, Claytonia eschscholtzii, etc. are found in the lower tier of dwarf pine thickets. The ground cover is well developed and consists of green mosses and lichens. The latter prevail.

Fires are destructive for the thickets of dwarf pine, its renewal is slow, as a result of which the original cenosis may not be restored. Dwarf cedar thickets are of great soil-protective and water-protective importance, hinder the development of erosion processes in the mountains. In addition, its nuts are the main food for fur animals: squirrels, sables, etc.


From the edge of the river. Spruce forests from Picea ajanensis are found in separate islets in the openings of Bureya to the upper border of the forest. In places they occupy narrow strips of steep lower parts of the slopes, stretch from the subalpine saddle, forming a more or less wide strip of forest, fan-like expanding in the drainage funnels of the sources of mountain streams. A common feature of areas where spruce forests grow is sufficient (up to somewhat excessive) moisture with good drainage. In the vicinity of the Strelka cordon and on the right bank of the Levaya Bureya opposite the mouth of the river. Chapkhoz, Siberian spruce (P. obovata) grows in some areas.

Horsetail-fern spruce forests survived the fires better than others. They usually occupy only a narrow strip (30-40 m across) with fresh, light loamy soil on the sloping flat bottom of the valley between steep slopes. The bottom surface is often uneven, with large stones, potholes and trees upturned by the roots. The second layer of the stand is formed by younger spruce trees with an admixture of flat-leaved birch (Betula platyphylla). Lush groups of Athyrium filix-femina, Aruncus asiatica, Cacalia hastata are distinguished in the grass cover; a trace of Equisetum.

On the gently sloping slopes, there are fern-green moss spruce forests. They are characterized by a small admixture of larch in the dominant canopy. Birch is found in the second tier. In the undergrowth there are scattered specimens of mountain ash, currant, sometimes alder and elderberry, which do not form a layer. Narrow strips of field ash stretch along the streams. The grass cover is sparse, on the northern slopes it consists of Gymnocarpium robertianum. In the depressions, Linnaea borealis, Mitella nuda, Trientalis europaea, Pyrola incarnata, and others are scattered everywhere. The continuous moss cover up to 11 cm thick forms Hylocomium proliferum with a small admixture of other green mosses.

Deciduous forests of Populus suaveolens, Chosenia arbutifolia, Salix cardiophylla are distributed in small areas throughout the basin of the Left and Right Bureya. The main factor guiding their development and change is the activity of the river. Sandy sediments inhabited primarily Salix cardiophylla, S. udensis, S. rorida. Chosenia and poplar settle on thicker sandy deposits, as well as on pebbles. Poplar and chozenia forests are located in the zone of influence of floods, and the grass cover in them is poorly developed. Poa palustris, Senecio cannabifolius, Oxytropis and others are most often noted. Ripe poplars located in the valley areas that emerged from the river flood zone have a richer species composition of the formed lower tiers with a predominance of Langsdorf reed grass.

The next stage in the development of poplar stands is mixed poplar and larch forests. They are transitional between poplar and valley larch forests.

In the southern part of the territory, in the depressions of the relief, white fir (Abies nephrolepis) is mixed with valley dark coniferous, poplar, and less often larch forests.

Significant areas in the river basin. The left Bureya in its lower reaches is occupied by birch forests of flat-leaved birch (Betula platyphylla). These formations are secondary and short-lived. Most often, they cover areas of fires in the place of larch forests. The larch remaining after the fire form the canopy of the stand, while birch and aspen enter the second canopy; the undergrowth and shrub-herbal layer are well developed and are represented by the same plants that made up these layers in the original cenosis.

Small areas in the valley of the river. Bureya is occupied by eutrophic bogs. One association is distinguished on them - sedge-cotton grass (Carex schmidtii and Eriophorum vaginatum). Menyanthes trifoliata, Pedicularis resupinata, Lythrum salicaria, etc. are found singly.

Industrial timber felling has never been carried out on the territory of the reserve. All vegetation disturbances are caused by natural phenomena - fires, coastal landslides, etc.

There are 35 species of mammals, 186 species of birds, 15 fish, 2 amphibians, 1 reptiles. One of the few areas of the taiga, practically untouched by human activity.

Animal world
The fauna is represented mainly by the species of Okhotsk-Kamchatka, East Siberian and alpine faunas. Some species of the Amur fauna - mandarin duck, Amur bittern - penetrate the river valleys into the reserve. Red deer - a typical inhabitant of the mountains of the south of Eastern Siberia and the Far East - and roe deer, the core of which is located in the zone of deciduous forests and forest-steppe, enter the southern spurs of the Dusse-Alin.


In addition to the widespread common Palaearctic species - the brown bear, ermine, sable, white hare, squirrel, wolverine, nutcracker, stone grouse, warbler, siskin, blue-tailed, brown-headed tit - the boreal group includes a complex of Okhotsk species endemic to this province, to which include, for example, Siberian grouse and Japanese waxwing.

Among the alpine fauna, widespread arctoalpine and alpine species are noted - tundra partridge, Mongolian alpine accentor, from mammals - reindeer, Manchurian pika, from insects - yellow apollo, bear. Alpine fauna is confined only to individual peaks, often far from each other. In this regard, on the one hand, it is characterized by a rather poor species composition, and on the other, it could preserve a number of endemic and relict species with a pronounced sporadic distribution.

The fauna of mammals includes about 30 species: elk, musk deer, reindeer, red deer, roe deer, sable, American mink, otter, wolverine, ermine, Siberian weasel, weasel, brown bear, wolf, fox, lynx, white hare, squirrel, chipmunk, flying squirrel, Asian forest mouse, baby mouse, gray rat, red-gray vole, forest lemming, northern pika, etc. In 2006, in the upper reaches of the river. Korbokhon discovered a new species for the fauna of the reserve - the lemming vole. In the same year, a bighorn sheep was observed for the first time in the upper reaches of the Right Bureya (Aesop Ridge). Theriological studies in the reserve are still far from complete. Bats remain one of the least studied groups, the list of which is currently limited to one species - the brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus).

To date, 186 bird species have been recorded in the reserve. Of these, nesting has been established or assumed for 89 species. The rare species of avifauna include the white-tailed eagle, osprey, peregrine falcon, eagle owl, Siberian grouse. The named birds, except for the white-tailed eagle, are included in the Red Book of Russia. The reserve is inhabited by the Amur waxwing, listed in the international Red Book of Asia. Of the birds listed above that need protection, only the owl, Siberian grouse and Amur waxwing nest within the boundaries of the reserve. There is little data on the number of owls. Dikusha is a typical representative of the Okhotsk fauna, it is quite common here. It inhabits spruce, spruce - fir forests, and larch forests. It makes seasonal migrations: in the fall - from larch forests to dark coniferous forests, by the end of spring - back. The Amur waxwing is also a representative of the Okhotsk fauna and nests mainly in floodplain larch forests. Common species are hazel grouse and wood grouse. There are tundra and ptarmigan. Of the anseriformes, the wheatear and the big merganser nest. On the fly, geese are common - bean goose, teal - whistles. Other ducks are few in number. Of the diurnal birds of prey, buzzards, sparrowhawks, and small sparrowhaws are most often encountered. Rare species also fly in, for example, the crested wasp eater. Of the nocturnal birds of prey, the most common are the long-tailed and bearded owls, and the Uplifted Owl. Less common are the passerine owl and the hawk owl. Charadriiformes are represented by the carrier sandpiper, woodcock. Other waders (mainly living in the north of the mainland) cross the territory of the reserve only during seasonal migrations. And gulls appear above the reserve mainly in autumn, during post-nesting migrations. Three species of cuckoos nest in the forest: common, deaf and broad-winged. Woodpeckers are represented by 6 species (woodpecker, great variegated, lesser variegated, white-backed and three-toed woodpeckers, as well as worm necks). Of the passerines, nutcrackers, kyksha, spruce crossbill, bullfinch, blue nightingale, ruby-necked nightingale, whistling nightingale, bluetail, red-headed and pale-legged warblers, brown-headed chickweed, nuthatch, pika, mountain wagtail, Siberian flycatcher and broad-billed flycatcher, mugimaki, gray-headed bunting, several species of blackbirds. Alpine Accentor and Siberian Mountain Finch are common in the highlands.

Among reptiles, a viviparous lizard was noted, and among amphibians, a Far Eastern frog and a Siberian salamander.


In 2014, 14 species of fish and one species of lamprey - the Far Eastern brook, which is very rare in the southernmost part of the reserve, in the river Stormier. The most common species in rivers and streams are the Amur sculpin, Siberian char, Lagovsky and river minnows, blunt-nosed lenok and three species of grayling - Bureinsky (endemic to the basin of the upper reaches of the Bureya), Verkhnelensky (Baikal-Lensky) and Amur. There are also burbot and taimen. Sharp-snouted lenok is one of the rare species, which is noted not every year in the Bureya and the lower reaches of the Levaya Bureya. In the winter, most of the species go down - outside the reserve, in the spring - go up. In Lake Korbokhon, located at an altitude of 1250 m in the basin of the river. Left Bureya is inhabited by two species - Siberian char and blunt-nosed lenok, which is represented here by a special "big-eyed" form. Lake minnow is found only in one small lake in the valley of the river. Right Bureya. In recent years, in summer, species that had not previously lived here began to occasionally penetrate into the waters of the reserve. These are Amur pike and whitefish-hadar. Their penetration is most likely associated with the influence of the Bureysky reservoir (formed since 2003), which is located about 200 km below, as well as with the general warming of the climate in the basin of the river. Bureya.

According to published data, the entomofauna of the reserve numbers more than 900 species. Of these: Coleoptera - 311 species, Lepidoptera - 351, Heteroptera - 116, Diptera - 55, Orthoptera - 21, Hymenoptera - 18, Homoptera - 15, Odonata - 9, Plecoptera - 9, Ephemerodea - 7, Siphonaptera - 7, Thysanoptera - 7 4, Trichoptera - 4, Neuroptera - 10, Lepismatodea - 1, Mecoptera - 1, Megaloptera - 1, Raphidiodea - 1, Collembola - 62 species. Seven species from the collembolan fauna are widespread Palearctic (Willemia anophthalma, Anurophorus palaearcticus, Parisotoma ekmani, Desoria neglecta, D.tshernovi, D.alaskensis, Isotoma viridis), only two are East Asian (Folsomia ozeana, Ceratophysella). At least 9 more species related to this. Isotomidae were first described from the territory of the reserve. This group of animals is certainly much more numerous, and further research will lead to a significant increase in the list of species inhabiting the reserve.

The spider fauna includes 456 species from 22 families of 181 genera. 12 species of hay-makers and 10 representatives of false scorpions were found.

Terrestrial gastropods of the families Ellobiidae, Succineidae, Cochlicopidae, Vertiginidae, Valloniidae, Endodontidae, Arionidae, Zonitidae, Agriolimacidae, Euconulidae were recorded.