Danbury, Connecticut

Danbury is a city located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA, with a population of 80,893 according to 2010 census statistics. Danbury is the fourth most populated city in the county and seventh in the state. The town's name comes from the town of Danbury in England, where the early settlers came from. The city is home to the University of Western Connecticut, part of the University of Connecticut system.



According to the US Census Bureau, the city of Danbury has a total area of 114.74 square kilometers, of which 109.04 square kilometers. kilometers is occupied by land and 5.7 square meters. kilometers - water. The area of water resources of the district is 4.97% of its total area.

The city of Danbury is located at an altitude of 121 meters above sea level.



As of the 2000 census, Danbury had a population of 74,848 people, 17,886 families, 27,183 households and 28,519 dwellings. The average population density was about 686.3 people per square kilometer. The racial makeup of Danbury, according to the census, was as follows: 76% White, 6.8% Black or African American, 0.29% Native American, 5.5% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 4% - representatives of mixed races, 7.6% - other nationalities. Hispanic speakers made up 15.8% of all residents of the city.

Of the 27,183 households, 30.3% were raising children under the age of 18, 51.1% were married couples living together, in 10.5% of families women lived without husbands, 34.2% had no families. 26.2% of the total number of families at the time of the census lived independently, while 8.5% were single elderly people aged 65 and over. The average household size was 2.64 people and the average family size was 3.18 people.

The population of the city according to the age range according to the 2000 census was distributed as follows: 21.7% - residents under 18 years old, 10.2% - between 18 and 24 years old, 35.4% - from 25 to 44 years old, 21.7% — from 45 to 64 years; and — aged 65 and over. The average age of residents was 35 years. For every 100 women in Danbury, there were 96.2 men, while for every 100 women 18 and over, there were 94.3 men also over 18.

The median income for a single household in the city was $53,664, and the median income for a single family was $61,899. At the same time, men had an average income of $39,016 per year compared to $31,319 of the average annual income for women. The per capita income for the city was $24,500 per year. 5.9% of the total number of families in the city and 8% of the total population were below the poverty line at the time of the census, while 8.7% of them were under the age of 18 and 8.3% were aged 65 and over .



Industrial gas manufacturer Praxair is headquartered in Danbury. The chemical company Union Carbide has employed over 3,000 people at its Union Carbide Corporate Center in Danbury since the early 1980s. However, this number declined rapidly since 1984 due to financial difficulties resulting from the Bhopal disaster. Today, Dow subsidiary Union Carbide no longer has offices in the city.



The Danbury baseball club has had a sporting exchange with the German baseball club Solingen Alligators since 2004. Tournaments are held and players are accommodated with host families. The Danbury Trashers ice hockey team played in the United Hockey League from 2004 to 2006.


Sons and daughters of the town

Jonathan Brandis (1976–2003), actor
Kyle Bruckmann (* 1971), jazz musician
Charles Ives (1874–1954), classical music composer
Lindsey Jacobellis (born 1985), snowboarder and Olympic medalist
Al Klink (1915–1991), jazz saxophonist and swing flutist
Rose Wilder Lane (1886–1968), writer and political theorist
Jenna von Oÿ (* 1977), actress
Elizabeth Peyton (* 1965), painter and illustrator
Robert Joseph Shaheen (1937–2017), Maronite bishop
Trevor Siemian (born 1991), football player