Llanganates National Park



Location: Cotopaxi, Napo, Pastaza, Tungurahua Provinces   Map

Area: 219,707 ha


Description of Llanganates National Park

Llanganates National Park is located in Cotopaxi, Napo, Pastaza, Tungurahua Provinces of Ecuador. Llanganates National Park covers an area of 219,707 ha. The park is divided into two ecological zones, the western zone and the eastern zone.

The western zone is located in the Andean moorland, well above the eastern zone. Here, visitors find a desert landscape of mountain peaks and high valleys. The area is populated mainly by South American camelids such as vicuñas, llamas and alpacas.

The eastern area is one located on the eastern flanks of the Andes. Here the visitor finds a rich biodiversity of plants and animals among the twisted forests of the upper part of the Amazon. This area is very inaccessible, and is usually traveled only on foot. The large number of rivers, which flow out of the Andes, also makes this area difficult to cross.

The Llanganates conserve important species of native plants. Among them are the pumamaqui, myrtle, bulrush, yagual, palm of bouquets, lycopodium (representative of the family of lycopodiaceae, they are ferns and, specifically, the lycopodium is characterized by having quite long stems, can measure up to a meter long), gentians, achupalla, pajonales, cedar, chuncho, ceibo, garango, mahogany, chontaduro, tagua, olive, orchids, bromeliads, anthuriums, frailejón and heliconias (it is a genus that groups more than 100 species of tropical plants, originating in South America, Central America, the Pacific Islands and Indonesia, they are called platanillo for their leaves or bird of paradise and lobster wheel for the colorful bracts that wrap their flowers).

In this regard, this National Park is also a clear representative of the national fauna diversity, housing different animal species such as the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), this is found from the northern part of Peru, the eastern part and northwest of the Andes mountain range of Ecuador to the western, eastern and central part of the Colombian Andes. Its habitat is the montane forests and moors that go from 2000 to 4000 m.

Representative species such as the spectacled bear, deer, goats, machin monkey, jaguar, puma, porcupine tapir, guanta and the anteater are also located. Among the bird species are the duck, Andean gull, curiquingue, condor, endangered species, congos, pilco real or chick and hummingbirds, real, bunga and sword beak.