Triangular Forum

Triangular Forum



Regio VIII


Triangular Forum  Triangular Forum  Triangular Forum  Triangular Forum  Triangular Forum

The Triangular Forum got its name due to its triangular shape. This is one of the very first public open spaces in Pompeii. It was built during the time of Samnite reign, when several buildings were built on a ledge of geological sediments left from the early eruptions of Mount Vesuvius. Later, the Romans rebuilt the Triangular Forum, decorating it with their buildings. The small Triangular Forum Square is surrounded by 95 Ionic columns, made of marble. At the base of one of the columns there is an inscription dedicated to Marcus Claudius Marcellus, the nephew of Emperor Octavius ​​Augustus.

The main attraction of the Triangular Forum is the Doric Temple, which was built in the 6th century BC. This temple was dedicated to the mythical Greek hero Hercules and Minerva (the Roman equivalent of Greek Athens), who according to legend founded Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum. The temple measures 28 meters by 21 meters. The stones were hewn from local volcanic tuffs. There was also a sundial with a small bench. They still see the inscription patron of the patron: "Lucius Sepunius Sandilanus, son of Lucius and Marc Gerenius Epidianus, son of Avla, Diumviry (one of two masters of the ancient Roman), clothed by the judiciary put this bench and sundial at his own expense.

The Triangular Forum also houses the ruins of a round building that served as a well. The central well is surrounded by a colonnade of 8 Dorian columns (dug by N. Trebius). From here the ancient priests drew water for the religious rites of the temple. In the east, the Triangular Forum is connected to the Bolshoi Theater of Pompeii, as well as to Samnite Palaestra and Quadriport.