Ponte delle Tette, Venice

The Ponte de le Tette and the Fondamenta de le Tette are located in Venice, on the border between the districts of San Polo and Santa Croce, in the parish of San Cassiano.



At the time of the Republic of Venice, the whole area (Carampane) was a real "red light district" where there were many brothels and one of them was located just above the Breast Bridge. Prostitutes, looking out the window towards the bridge below, used to lure passers-by by showing their uncovered breasts, thus giving the bridge its singular name.

According to the historian Tassini, this custom could have been imposed on prostitutes by a law of the Republic of Venice, with the objective of “turning, with such incitement, men from sin against nature. », in reference to the practice of sodomy, judged very negatively in 16th century Venice, where it was punishable by death.

Au pont des Tétons is the title of a song by Italo Salizzato and Emilio De Sanzuane presented at the Leon d'oro New Song Contest at the Teatro Malibran in 1984.


