Bogorodsk, Russia


Bogorodsk is a city (until 1923 - a village) in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. The city is located 28 km southwest of Nizhny Novgorod, on the P125 highway.

Among the extensive street network in Bogorodsk is Esperantistov Lane, which is included in the list of Esperanto sites in Europe. Moreover, in Russia there were two cities in which there are streets named after Esperanto - in Kazan and in Bogorodsk. A street in Kazan in 2015 was renamed into Nursultan Nazarbayev Street, as a result of which the street in Bogorodsk remained the only street in Russia bearing the Esperanto name.


Culture and education

Medical College;
Polytechnic College;
Professional Lyceum No. 71.
A television
Bogorodsk TV
TeleOka Info.

Bogorodsk City Historical Museum;
Museum of Ceramics.
Over the past 5 years, the Bogorodsk District has managed to significantly reduce the burden on educational institutions. Thus, since 2017, the share of children studying in the second and third shifts has decreased by 3.8 times. Thus, at the moment, the district ranks second in the region in terms of reducing the proportion of schoolchildren who study on the second shift.

Over the past 3 years, the accessibility of preschool education for children aged 2 months to 7 years has increased in the Bogorodsky District: in 2021, it reached 100% (a year earlier - 92.2%). Bogorodsk managed to maintain this figure in 2022 as well.



Located 28 km southwest of Nizhny Novgorod, on the P125 highway.

Railway station (Kozhevennoe) 38 km south-west of Nizhny Novgorod and 8 km from the Dudenevo pier on the Oka River, on the Nizhny Novgorod-Murom highway.

Geographically, the territory of the Bogorodsky district is located between 56° north latitude and between 43° east longitude.

It is located in the central part of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The space occupied by it is 1476 km².

In its outline, the territory of the district resembles an inverted trapezoid - with a wide base to the north and a short opposite side to the south. The largest length of the territory from north to south is 47.6 km. Length from west to east: in the northern part 47.8 and in the southern part 2.

The northern border of the region runs along the river. Oka, with the urban district of the city of Dzerzhinsk, Volodarsky district. From the west it borders on Pavlovsky and Sosnovsky districts. From the northeast, it adjoins the urban district of the city of Nizhny Novgorod and the Kstovsky district, and from the east it borders on the Dalne-Konstantinovsky district.

Among the extensive street network in Bogorodsk there is the Esperantist lane, which is included in the list of Esperanto objects in Europe. Moreover, in Russia there were two cities in which there are streets named after Esperanto - in Kazan and in Bogorodsk. A street in Kazan in 2015 was renamed Nursultan Nazarbayev Street, as a result of which the street in Bogorodsk remained the only one in Russia bearing the name of Esperanto.


Natural conditions

The climate of the region, as well as the entire Nizhny Novgorod region, is temperate continental.

Winters are moderately cold and quite snowy. Temperatures in January average -12 ... -13 degrees. Significant cooling down to -30 is possible. The snow cover is firm and begins to form in the middle of November. Winter periods are not complete without thaws. The spring period is fleeting and short. By mid-April, almost all the snow cover disappears, although in deep ravines and hollows, the remains of snowdrifts can persist until mid-May.

Summer in the area is warm. Temperatures in July average +18…+19 degrees. Hot dry periods are not excluded, when the air warms up to +30 and above. Short-term rains and thunderstorms mostly occur in June and mid-August. According to the weather forecast, precipitation in the form of hail is possible, as well as strong hurricane-force winds. Autumn, as well as spring is short, by the end of October, significant frosts and the first snow are possible. The average annual rainfall ranges from 560-580 mm.

The surface of the region is a somewhat elevated hilly plain, crossed from west to east by a rather wide valley called Bezymyannaya (the triangle Kozhevennoe - Pobedykha - Ubezhetsy), and from south - west to northeast by another valley - the river. Kudma, passing almost in the middle of the area. This intersection divides the territory of the region into three parts, somewhat different in natural conditions from each other: northern, coastal, to the river. Oka, the middle one, wedged between the Nameless Valley and the Kudma River, and the southeastern one - beyond the Kudma River. The northern part of the plain occupies about 1/5 of the area and is the most elevated. Its height above the level of the river. Oka in the coastal part reaches 80-100 meters. The northern slope of this part to the river. The Oke descends in steep vertical cliffs. The southern slope has a gentle slope towards the Nameless Valley. Its surface is undulating, with more or less deep ravines. The middle part of the plain, occupying about 3/10 of the area, has a lower and less hilly character compared to the northern part. The slopes of this part to the Nameless Valley and the river. Kudma is very gentle. To the south, it gradually rises, reaching its highest point on the border with the Pavlovsk region. The southeastern - Zakudemskaya, the most extensive, part of the plain is characterized by a gradual rise in the surface from the river valley. Kudma to the east and south, and then a decrease in the southern part.

There are quite a lot of rivers in the Bogorodsk region. The largest of them can be considered the Oka and Kudma, which are right tributaries of the Volga.

Most of the territory of the district belongs to the Volga basin, or rather its right tributary Kudma. It begins in the neighboring Dalnekonstantinovsky district, flows through the Bogorodsky district and flows into the Volga. Due to the fact that the Kudma flows through an area characterized by karst phenomena, where there are underground reservoirs, the water content of the Kudma is peculiar: it either dries up due to the fact that underground reservoirs take water, or it is full-flowing enough for its size, even in summer dryness - underground reservoirs give her water. In the deepest places within the district, the depth of Kudma does not exceed one and a half meters.

Small rivers of Berezopolye carry their waters to Kudma - Ryazanka, Prorva, Unkor, Shiloksha, Chizhkovo, Setchuga, Pava and Velikaya.

Their channels are very shallow and have wide floodplains, and the right-bank tributaries of the Kudma - the Unkor and the Setchuga - are more full-flowing than the left ones. Previously, these rivers were quite large, and some were even navigable. For example, boats once sailed along the Ryazanka River, which divides Bogorodsk into two parts, and the Velikaya River, which received such a name because of its size, was also once navigable. But now all these rivers have become very shallow, and in the channel of the Velikaya River there is only a chain of small puddles that dry up in summer. Now, if you look at these rivers, you will not immediately believe that ships once sailed along them. And they became shallow mainly due to deforestation growing along the banks of these rivers. Because of this, their flow decreased every year, and as a result, they became shallow.

The territory of the district lies in the transitional zone from mixed broad-leaved forests to birch and oak forests, in the zone called forest-steppe. In the old days it was covered with huge dense forests. There were very few spaces free from the forest in the form of small clearings among the continuous forest and more significant strips along the river valleys and upland ravines. In lower places - along the Nameless Valley, beyond the Kudma River and in the southern part of the region - mixed coniferous-deciduous species grew, with a predominance of conifers. In the north, more elevated parts of the plain, deciduous, mainly birch forests grew. Due to the large distribution of birch forests, this part of the district from the river. Oki to the river. Kudma in the old days was called "Berezopolye", and at a later time, with the formation of taxable areas, it entered the "Berezopol camp". Lying behind the river. Kudma territory entered another camp - "Zakudemsky".

With the settlement of the region, cutting down and clearing forests for arable land, forest areas have significantly decreased and for the period of the 1940s it was only 32.7% of the entire area of the region. Forests have survived mainly in the Zakudemskaya part, along the Nameless Valley, along the slopes of ravines, along cliffs and swampy lowlands.


Historical information

The date of foundation of the village of Bogorodsky is unknown. There is an opinion that the village of Bogorodskoye (also called Bogoroditsky and Bogoroditsky) was founded by disgraced residents of Veliky Novgorod. Ivan the Terrible, having defeated this city in 1570, executed some of its inhabitants, and sent some to other places of the Muscovite state. A group of Novgorodians up to 300 people ended up in the Nizhny Novgorod Berezopolye and settled on the road between Nizhny Novgorod and Murom, 40 versts from the first. One of the proofs of this version is considered to be the former names of the streets, which, according to the Novgorod custom, were called ends - Goncharny end, Udaloy end, Vadsky end, and so on. However, such names are unknown in Bogorodskoye before the 19th century. In general, the Novgorod version of the founding of the village is not confirmed by historical sources. Bogorodskoe as a settlement already existed in 1561, when it was described by the scribe Grigory Zabolotsky.

The name of the village was given by the name of the church, consecrated in honor of one of the holidays associated with the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In 1614, according to a charter granted by Tsar Mikhail Romanov, it was given, together with nine surrounding villages, to the estate of the Duma nobleman Kuzma Minin for “Moscow cleansing”, and for “his, Kozmin, many services,” as the charter says.

Approximately at the same time, Bogorodskoe gained fame as a major leather center. It is symbolic that the coat of arms of Bogorodsk still depicts three golden skins - a symbol of an ancient craft. It was thanks to the Bogorodsk potters and tanners that the village grew rich, its fame grew.

On May 24, 1918, a Menshevik uprising took place in the village: the inhabitants took away their weapons and burned the local party committee. Not only merchants, but also workers took part in the pogroms. The uprising was brutally crushed.

In 1923, the village of Bogorodskoye was transformed into the city of Bogorodsk. On September 14, 1942, Bogorodsk received the status of a city of regional subordination.

From 1941 to 1950, tanks were repaired in the city (first at a repair base, renamed a repair plant), later the Bogorodsk Mechanical Plant was transferred to the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry for the production of small marine engines and the conversion of automobile engines into them. In the second half of the 20th century, the Bogorodsk Machine-Building Plant was a city-forming enterprise, but went bankrupt in 2009-2014.



Bogorodsk is one of the oldest (since the 17th century) centers of the leather industry.

Leading tanneries: them. Yurgens, them. Kalinina, im. Venetsky, leather and haberdashery and shoe factories. There are also factories, a furniture and clothing and haberdashery factory, and a garment factory.

The most important indicator of the success of economic activity in the region is the total volume of shipped products, works and services of Bogorodsk enterprises. At the end of 2021, it amounted to 17 billion rubles, which is 19% more than in 2020. But the volume of extra-budgetary investments in fixed assets per 1 inhabitant of the district amounted to 42,907 rubles, which is almost 50% more than in 2020.

In the structure of the economy of the district, industry dominates - 73%, and the main specialization is the production of leather and products from it. Thus, over the past 5 years, the share of leather production in the total industrial production of the district increased by 40 percentage points and amounted to 53%.

The products of Bogorodsk tanners are in demand not only in Russia, they are supplied to the largest countries in Europe, the CIS states, Turkey, India, Vietnam, China, etc.

Small business plays a significant role in the economy of the Bogorodsky District. Its share in the total volume of shipped products is 85%, in the total volume of investments - 76%. There are 2025 small and medium-sized businesses in the Okrug, including 57 small enterprises.

Bogorodsky District is in the top 10 municipalities of the Nizhny Novgorod region in terms of socio-economic development. Over the past five years, consistently high rates have been noted here. So, at the end of 2021, the district took 8th place among 52 territories of the region. A year earlier, he was ranked 7th, and in 2019, he was ranked 11th.



The district ranks fourth in the region in terms of the proportion of the population systematically involved in physical education and sports. In five years, this figure has been raised from 45.57% in 2017 to 51.6% in 2021. Thus, Bogorodsk is one of the six municipalities in which this value exceeds 50%.

Bogorodsk has become one of the most sporting districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region, among other things, thanks to the development of the relevant infrastructure. So, according to the results of 2021, the Bogorodsk sports and recreation complex Pobeda was recognized as the best among the sports and recreation complexes in the region.

On the north-eastern outskirts of the city is located "Nizhny Novgorod Regional Aeroclub named after. P. I. Baranova "(former Avtozavodsk Aeroclub DOSAAF, until 2003 - Nizhny Novgorod Aviation and Sports Club" Aeroclub "ROSTO"). Training flights are carried out on the Yak-52 and others, as well as parachute jumps from the An-2 aircraft, the twin-engine An-28, and since 2018 from the high-altitude L-410.