Ola, Russia

Ola is an urban-type settlement, an administrative center and the largest settlement of the Olsky district and the corresponding urban district of the Magadan region.



The village is located 33 km east of Magadan, at the mouth of the Ola River, on the coast of the Tauiskaya Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.



In 1925 on the roads of Ola stood "Red Pennant". The head of the Far Eastern Regional OGPU, V. A. Abramov, gathered representatives of the nomadic Even clans at the I volost congress. January 4, 1926

Ola became the center of the new district. Communist M.D. Petrov was invited as the chairman of the district executive committee. By this time, miners who had heard about the gold were going through the Ola to the Kolyma.

In the early morning of July 4, 1928, Yu.A. Bilibin's expedition landed here from the old Japanese steamship "Daiboshimaru", chartered by the Soviet Trade Fleet, which began the era of the systematic development of the Kolyma. Ola gave the first guides to Soviet geologists. The expedition was led by an experienced Yakut hunter Makar Medov. Later, Germogen Amosov and Petr Popov became guides. The Olchans collected horses for the expedition.

The life of the village has also changed - new people have appeared, supplies have improved. And in the neighborhood, the village of Nagaevo with a deep-water port was already growing, and gradually the role of Ola as a launching pad for the development of Kolyma began to decline.

In 1931 the collective farm "Way of the North" is created, the first seven-year school is being built. The next year, the Olsky point of the Main Directorate of Construction in the Far East was formed, which played a big role in the life of the village. Pier, roads. greenhouses were built at an accelerated pace. Residents saw a tractor, a car for the first time. In 1935 a new school was built, diesel power plants appeared. Olsk fairs have resumed. In 1937 Dalstroevsky state farm "Ola" is organized.

During the war, the village switched to self-supply. Fish catch has doubled. An airstrip is under construction. Funds are being raised for the construction of the Olsky Kolkhoznik squadron. Many olchane went to the front.
In the fifties, the capital road Magadan-Ola was being built. The village becomes a leader in catching and processing fish. The Olsk fish factory, which included the fish factories of Atargan, Sakharnaya Lolovka, Bogurchan, Siglan, Ust-Ola, served the Dnepr and De-Kastri floating bases. With the ban on herring fishing in Ola, only a fish factory with workshops in Atargan and Sugar Loaf remains. In 1971 a canning shop was opened on it, and for the first time in the region, the sale of fish products began at MaiepiiK.

But Ola became famous not only for the riches of the sea. The collective farm gave the village and the city potatoes, carrots, and beets. The former state farm was transferred to the Magadan Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-East.

Poultry farms of the "OP" pilot production farm sent products to Yakutia, Khabarovsk Territory. Here the highest milk yields and the highest potato yields were achieved. At the same time, the industry that was once traditional for the region - reindeer breeding - completely disappeared.

In 1960, on the basis of the Olsky state farm, the Regional Experimental Agricultural Station was created. It is equipped with the latest equipment for analysis and counting. At the station - correspondence postgraduate studies. Representatives of many nationalities come to study at the Olsky Agricultural College from all over the region, from Kamchatka, from Yakutia, and primarily from among the indigenous peoples of the North.

There are now hundreds of qualified teachers and medical workers in the area. The local ensemble "Lel" is known outside the region. The Olsk Folk Theater puts on modern plays, performs in Magadan and on the all-Russian stage.

A local history museum has been established in the village. The pride of Ola and Magadan was the outstanding boxer Viktor Rybakov and the master of sports of international class speed skater Marina Koltsova.

There is a Palace of Culture, a cinema in the village. Ola is the administrative center of the southernmost seaside agrarian district of the Magadan Region, an urban-type working settlement with a population of about nine thousand people.

It houses a fish factory, RSU, SMU, a building materials plant, a mechanized mobile column, an OPH, the editorial office of the regional newspaper "Dawn of the North", a district bytkompnat, a forestry enterprise, a fish breeding plant and a poultry farm.



Ola has a harsh subarctic climate.
Average annual air temperature - -5.0 ° C
Relative air humidity - 77.0%
Average wind speed - 4.3 m / s