Tambov Oblast, Russia

The Tambov region is located in the Central Chernozem region. It borders on the Voronezh region in the south, the Lipetsk region in the west, the Ryazan region in the north, the Penza region in the east and the Saratov region in the southeast.






Getting here

By plane
A flight to Tambov can only be made from Vnukovo Airport, flights from Moscow at 10.30 and 20.20.

By train
Michurinsk direction of the South-Eastern Railway - a branch of Russian Railways: Moscow - Saratov - Alma-Ata; Morshansk direction of the Kuibyshev railway - branch of Russian Railways: Moscow - Tashkent. From Moscow from the Paveletsky railway station by train to the stations of the region following to Tambov, Balashov, Saratov, Astrakhan and other cities in this direction.

By bus
Buses from Moscow, Voronezh, Penza, Tolyatti and other cities pass through the Tambov region. "Passing" routes do not always call at the bus stations of regional cities, so it's easier to catch them on the P22, P193, P208 and A193 routes.

By car
The federal highway P22 "Kaspiy" passes through the territory of the Tambov region, connecting with the Moscow and Ryazan regions in the north, with the Voronezh, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions in the south.

From Moscow on the P22 highway, the distance is less than 500 kilometers.


Getting around

Public transport is represented mainly by buses and minibuses.


Physical and geographical characteristics


The Tambov Region lies in the southern part of the East European Plain, in the central part of the Oka-Don Plain.



The region occupies the central part of the Oka-Donskaya (Tambovskaya) plain (up to 219 m high). The relief is gently undulating, dissected by beams and ravines.



The Tsentralnoye deposit is 887 million m³ of ilmenite-rutile-zirconium sands with a 4% metal content and, possibly, an industrial gold content near the village of Nikolskoye, Rasskazovsky district.
Phosphorites, building materials, mineral paints, peat. The most famous sand deposits are Tambovskoe and Polkovskoe.



About 1400 rivers, rivers and streams flow through the territory of the region. The most significant rivers are the Tsna (Volga basin), Vorona, Bityug, Voronezh, and Savala (Don basin). Water resources also include about 900 ponds and reservoirs with a total water volume of 534.5 million m³.



The climate of the Tambov region is temperate continental. The average January temperature is -8 -9, July +19 +20. Precipitation on average falls from 450 to 550 mm per year. The south-eastern regions of the region are crossed by the Voeikov axis, especially during the cold period, exerting a certain influence on the climate of these regions.



The Tambov region is located in the forest-steppe zone.

The soils are typical thick chernozems, leached in the south, and gray forest soils in the north. In valleys and gullies - meadow-chernozem and peat-bog.

Forests (the main species are pine, oak, maple, linden, ash, birch, aspen) occupy about 10% of the territory.

A wolf, an elk, a wild boar, a hare, a fox, a ferret, and rodents have been preserved.

The Voroninsky Reserve is located on the territory of the Tambov region



From the 6th century AD, including in the territory of today's Tambov region, Mordva-Moksha began to form from local ethnic groups. The first Russian settlers appeared here back in pre-Mongol times, but the final settlement took place in the 17th century. To protect the borders of southern Russia from the raids of the Tatars and further development of the Black Earth region, the Russian government built the fortress cities of Kozlov (1635) and Tambov (1636). They reliably blocked the main routes of nomadic raids on Russian lands and opened up the possibility for rapid settlement of the region.

Initially, Tambov and Kozlovsky districts existed in the Tambov region. During the administrative reforms of Peter I in 1708 and 1719, they became part of the Azov (Voronezh) province. In 1779, according to a new administrative division, the Tambov vicegerency was formed, and since 1796, the Tambov province with an area of 66.5 thousand km² with 12 counties. It remained almost unchanged until 1928.

During the Civil War, the anti-Bolshevik Tambov uprising (1920-1921) of the Antonovites broke out in the province, caused by anti-Bolshevik sentiments, the actions of food detachments, as well as drought and crop failure. The rebels remained true to the ideals of the February Revolution and demanded the convening of a Constituent Assembly. During the suppression of the uprising by the Bolsheviks, chemical weapons were used against the rebels.

On July 16, 1928, the transition to the regional, district and district administrative division took place. On the territory of the former Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol and Tambov provinces, the Central Black Earth Region (TsChO) was created. Tambov became the administrative center of the Tambov District (liquidated in 1930).

On June 13, 1934, the Central Black Earth Region was divided into the Kursk and Voronezh regions.

On September 27, 1937, an independent Tambov region was separated from the Voronezh and Kuibyshev regions by a decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. On January 15, 1938, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the creation of the region. Six months later, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR confirmed this decision. When the region was formed, it included: from the Voronezh region - the cities of Tambov, Michurinsk, Algasovsky, Bondarsky, Gavrilovsky, Glazkovsky, Degtyansky, Zemetchinsky, Izberdeevsky, Inzhavinsky, Kirsanovskiy, Krasivsky, Lysogorsky, Michurinsky, Morshansky, Nikiforovsky, Pichaevsky, Platonovsky, Pokrovo-Marfinsky, Rakshinsky, Rasskazovsky, Rudovsky, Sampursky, Sosedsky, Tambovsky, Umetsky, Khobotovsky, Yurlovsky districts, from the Kuibyshev region - the city of Penza, Bashmakovsky, Bedno-Demyanovsky, Bessonovsky, Bolshe-Vyassky, Golitsinsky, Golovinsky, Gorodishchensky, Issinsky, Kamensky, Kerensky, Kondolsky, Luninsky, Morshansky, Narovchatsky, Nizhne-Lomovsky, Pachelmsky, Poimsky, Ramzaevsky, Svishchevsky, Teleginsky, Chembarsky, Shemysheysky districts.

On February 4, 1939, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the city of Penza, Bashmakovskiy, Bedno-Demianovskiy, Bessonovskiy, Bolshe-Vyasskiy. Golitsynsky, Golovinsky, Gorodishchensky, Zemetchinsky, Issinsky, Kamensky, Kerensky, Kondolsky, Luninsky, Morshansky, Narovchatsky, Nizhne-Lomovsky, Pachelmsky, Poimsky, Svishchevsky, Sosedsky, Teleginsky, Ternovsky, Chembarsky and Shemysheysky districts are listed as part of the newly formed Penza region.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 6, 1954, the southeastern part of the region was included from the Tambov Region into the newly formed Balashov Region. After the abolition of the Balashov region by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of November 19, 1957, this territory was returned to the Tambov region.

On October 10, 2017, the Bank of Russia issued a commemorative 10-ruble coin dedicated to the Tambov Region.




The Tambov region, which is one of the leading sectors of the regional economy and largely determines the socio-economic situation, is represented by mining and manufacturing industries, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. In the structure of gross value added, the share of industry in 2011 accounted for 13.9%.

On the territory of the region, more than 1.7 thousand enterprises and industries carry out industrial production. It employs 16% of the average annual number employed in the economy. They account for one third of the total turnover of enterprises and organizations of the region, 13.2% of the value of fixed assets; they also provide almost a third of tax revenues to the budget system.

The specificity and importance of industrial production in the region is largely determined by manufacturing industries. The dynamic development of manufacturing industries has a positive impact on the development of competition, the saturation of the commodity market with products and services, the creation of new jobs and the reduction of tension in the labor market.

The dynamics of the development of manufacturing industries in the region is mainly determined by six types of economic activity, which in 2012 accounted for more than 88% of the total volume of shipped goods of own production, work performed and services performed on their own: the production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco (46.3% ), production of electrical, electronic and optical equipment (13.0%), production of machinery and equipment (7.7%), production of vehicles and equipment (8.8%), chemical production (6.2%), production of other non-metallic mineral products (6.2%).

Some types of products manufactured in the region occupy a significant share in the total Russian production. Thus, in 2012, the region produced 23.2% of the total Russian production of organic synthetic dyes and colored (pigment) varnishes; 17.2% - non-woven materials; 11.4% - prefabricated wooden houses; slag wool and mineral wool - 11.9%; chrome leather goods - 2.3%, ready-made woolen fabrics - 7.5%, granulated sugar from all types of raw materials - 8.7%; ethyl alcohol from food raw materials - 6.5%, vegetable oil - 2.0%; cheeses and cheese products - 2.3%, meat and food poultry products - 2.6%.

Small business is dynamically developing in the region as the basis of the modern economic system. Of the 8598 small enterprises in the region, 40.6% operate in wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household goods and personal items. In the field of industrial production (mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water), 10.4% of small enterprises operate, in construction - 12.1%, in the field of transport and communications - 4.8%, in the field of operations with real estate, rent and provision of services - 15.9%. Small enterprises employ about 62.7 thousand people. The number of individual entrepreneurs is constantly growing and currently there are more than 25.9 thousand people.

Participants in the region's foreign economic activity conduct mutual trade with partners from 56 countries, including 8 CIS countries.

The main types of goods exported from the region are: food products and raw materials for their production, products of the petrochemical complex, wood and products, including printed matter, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, products from them, engineering products.

Main export partner countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cuba, Turkey, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Israel, Spain, Portugal, Afghanistan, Hungary, Iran, France, Estonia, Bulgaria.

The main types of goods imported into the region: food products and raw materials for their production, products of the fuel and energy complex, products of the petrochemical complex, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, products from them, engineering products, textile materials.

Main import partner countries: Brazil, China, Guatemala, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, Italy, Belgium, Latvia, Israel, Netherlands, Poland, India, Austria, Korea, France, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Turkey, Spain, USA .

In 2017, 54.8 kilometers of roads were put into operation in the region. 2 new bridges, 2 car service stations, 1 gas station and an overhead pedestrian crossing were built.

The capacity of trade enterprises increased by 12.2 thousand square meters of retail space, the number of public catering enterprises increased by 284 seats.

In the socio-cultural sphere in 2017, the number of educational organizations in the region increased, 2425 student places were added, hospital organizations can take an additional 324 people to hospitals, stadiums have expanded their capabilities and will be able to take in 1501 more fans.

In the Tambov and Michurinsky districts, new outpatient clinics were built for 20 visits per shift; in Michurinsk there is a swimming pool (length of paths 25 and 50 m) and a chapel; in Morshansk, Znamensky and Inzhavinsky districts, new football fields and playgrounds were equipped. Two churches were built in Morshansky and Uvarovsky districts.



As of the end of 2020, eleven thermal power plants with a total capacity of 343.2 MW were in operation in the Tambov Region. In 2020, they produced 951 million kWh of electricity.

The agro-industrial complex and its basic industry - agriculture - is the leading sector of the region's economy, its share in the GRP is about 16%.

In the national market of crop production, the production share of the region in 2021 was: for grain - 2.9%, sunflower - 6.5%, for sugar beet - 8.6%.

Agricultural enterprises are the main producers of grain (76.9%), sugar beet (89.4%) and sunflower (70.8%).

In the region as of January 1, 2013, according to Rosreestr, there were 2,469 peasant (farmer) households with a total land allotment of 449.4 thousand hectares of land, or an average of 182 hectares per household. The share of farms in the total volume of gross agricultural output of the region is 12.3% (in 1999 - 2%).

As of January 1, 2013, there were 275.9 thousand personal subsidiary farms in the region with a total land plot of 104.8 thousand hectares of land (an average of 0.38 hectares per family), which produced about 30% of all products, including meat - 29.5%, milk - 70.5%, about 57% eggs, 86.9% vegetables and 87.2% potatoes.


Animal husbandry

Beef cattle breeding is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the agro-industrial complex. The number of pigs in the Tambov region (in farms of all categories) as of January 1, 2013 amounted to 484 thousand heads, which is 2.6 times higher than the same indicator as of January 1, 2009. The number of pigs in agricultural organizations increased more significantly - from 43.9 thousand (as of January 1, 2009) to 384 thousand heads (as of January 1, 2013), that is, by 8.75 times. The production of meat for slaughter in live weight increased over the period 2009-2012. 2.25 times, and in agricultural enterprises - almost 12 times. In 2012, the volume of meat production in the Tambov region amounted to 204.4 thousand tons, or 189.7% of the previous year. The growth rate of meat production in the region is higher than that in the Russian Federation by 83.6 percentage points.
The share of livestock products accounts for 43.5% of the gross volume of agricultural production. In 2021, the share of livestock products is 33.6%.

As of 01.01.2022, the following structure of the number of main types of livestock in farms of all categories has developed: cattle - 84.0 thousand heads (91.9% by 01.01.2021), including cows - 35.7 thousand heads (97.1% by 01/01/2021); pigs - 1145.9 thousand heads (98.1% by 01/01/2021); sheep and goats - 58.8 thousand heads (89.5% by 01/01/2021).

In recent years, there has been an intensive increase in the production of poultry and pork. At the end of 2021, 365.4 thousand tons of poultry meat were produced (the share in the total meat production in the region is 58.2%) and 241.4 thousand tons of pork (the share in the total meat production in the region is 38, 5%). In total, at the end of the year, farms of all categories produced 627.4 thousand tons of meat for slaughter (in live weight) (100.5% by 2020).

Meat production (in live weight) for 2020 in large, medium and small agricultural organizations of the region amounted to 588.5 thousand tons (+11.9%). Including beef 3.6 thousand tons (+3.6%), poultry 326.3 thousand tons (+7.7%), pork 258.8 thousand tons (+12.2%), sheep and goats - 53 tons (-16.1%).

Milk production in 2021 amounted to 188.6 thousand tons (98.0% of the 2020 level). In agricultural organizations, there is an increase in the productivity of the dairy herd: milk yield per one forage cow amounted to 6858 kg (104.0% compared to 2020). In 2021, 11 farms in the region purchased 982 heads of breeding young dairy cattle.

There was a decrease in egg production in households (by 6.2%) and in peasant farms (by 35.9%), which was due to the liquidation of several peasant farms and technological processes to replace laying hens (the deadline for importing livestock was shifted). According to the results of the year, 15.7 million eggs were produced in agricultural enterprises (101.2% compared to 2020).

As of January 1, 2021, in large, medium and small agricultural organizations of the region, the number of cattle amounted to 30.1 thousand heads (-2.9%), including 12.5 thousand heads of cows (-0.3% ), pigs - 1120.6 thousand heads (-6.6%), sheep and goats - 5.5 thousand heads (+15.0%), horses - 0.3 thousand heads (-2.8% ), poultry — 13.1 million heads (+16.4%).

Agricultural producers of the Tambov region (farmers of peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs, except for citizens of private household plots) are provided with subsidies for the purchase of breeding heifers and bulls in the amount of up to 90,000 rubles per head (up to 70% of the cost).


Crop production

The gross grain harvest in 2012 amounted to 1866 thousand tons. In the coming years, it is planned to increase the volume of grain production in the region to 4 million tons.

In 2020, the gross grain harvest amounted to 5.2 million tons, for the first time in the history of the region. Grain yield reached 47 c/ha, which is 1.6 times higher than the average for Russia. The sunflower yield (23 c/ha) exceeds the national average by 1.4 times.

The yield of corn in 2019 is 68.7 q/ha.

Sugar beet. Due to the use of modern resource-saving technologies in 2011, the highest gross yields and yields of sugar beet and sunflower were obtained in the entire history of the region. The yield of sugar beet is 436.5 c/ha, sunflower is 16.8 c/ha. The gross harvest of sugar beet in 2011 amounted to 5.1 million tons (2.7 times higher than in 2010), which is more than 11% of the gross sugar beet production of the Russian Federation.
The gross harvest of potatoes in 2012 amounted to 572.6 thousand tons, 145.4 thousand tons of vegetables were harvested.
Sunflower and fodder crops are also cultivated in the region. Developed horticulture. Based on the processing of grain and potatoes, alcohol, starch and molasses are produced.



Since 2016, more than 3.5 thousand hectares of new intensive gardens have been planted in the Tambov region. There are 12 farms in the horticultural sector of the region. OAO Oakovoye, OOO Snezhetok, OAO Nursery Zherdevsky have the largest areas of fruit-bearing orchards.

In 2021, gardeners of the region uprooted 175 hectares of old gardens, planted 446.5 hectares of new gardens, and cared for 1625.41 hectares of perennial plantations.

When laying new orchards, agricultural producers focus on the development of intensive horticulture. High-density orchards increase the economic efficiency of production by more than 2 times, since they are super-productive, allow increasing labor productivity and minimizing maintenance and fertilizer costs. The share of intensive orchards in the total area of orchards planted in 2021 reaches 89.6% (399.86 ha).

As of October 26, 2022, the gross harvest of apples is 14 thousand tons. The harvest was collected from 87% of fruit-bearing orchards (1456 ha). Productivity - 96 kg / ha. The highest yield of apples in the orchards of the Zherdevsky district is 292 kg/ha.



Mechanical engineering (production of chemical equipment, components and spare parts for cars and tractors, equipment for the textile industry, instrumentation, household refrigerators, forging and pressing machines), chemical, light, food (sugar, meat, flour and cereals, oil mills, canning) .



sugar - 564.6 thousand tons;
timber removal - 116 thousand m³;
lumber - 67 thousand m³.
Sugar making: There are several sugar factories on the lands of the region, the largest one is located in the Nikiforovsky district in the river. Dmitrievka settlement. Now the Nikiforovsky Sugar Plant processes on average 6,000 tons of sugar beet per day, and 130,000-150,000 tons of raw sugar annually. Also, the Zherdevsky sugar plant was modernized to a capacity of 6,000 thousand tons of beets per day.

CJSC Faraday is an enterprise for the production of special footwear, a supplier of clothing for law enforcement agencies.
OOO Kotovsky Plant of Nonwoven Materials is a manufacturer of nonwoven materials for construction, agriculture, medicine, clothing and furniture industries.
Tambov plant "Komsomolets im. N. S. Artyomova, ZAVKOM is a manufacturer of industrial capacitive, heat exchange, column equipment made of corrosion-resistant and carbon steels, aluminum and bimetal.
JSC Pervomaiskkhimmash is a manufacturer of chemical, oilfield and carbon black equipment.
The Tambov Car Repair Plant, a branch of Vagonremmash JSC, is a car repair company for the overhaul and overhaul of passenger cars of all types and individual types of freight cars.
JSC Michurinsky Locomotive Repair Plant Milorem is an industrial enterprise that performs a full cycle of repair and modernization of diesel locomotives.
Roskhimzashchita Corporation JSC is an enterprise for the development and production of means of effective counteraction to man-made and natural factors - insulating individual and collective respiratory protection equipment based on chemically bound oxygen.
JSC "Tambovmash" is an enterprise for the production of respiratory protection equipment (including the production of breathing apparatus for compressed air).
PJSC "Pigment" is an enterprise for the production of organic pigments, dyes, paints and varnishes, synthetic resins, optical brighteners.
Michurinsky Plant Progress is an equipment plant for aircraft control systems.


Department of Housing and Utilities

Housing and communal services of the region today has 265 organizations of the communal complex, providing services of heat, gas, electricity, water supply and sanitation. They employ about 17 thousand people. 230 organizations of the communal complex are private, which is 86.8% of the total. Large system operators operate on the territory of the region. Among them are OAO Tambov Communal Systems, Tambov Grid Company, Tambov Regional Retail Company and Tambov Energy Retail Company, a branch of OAO Quadra - Eastern Regional Generation, LLC Tambov Thermal Company. Of the total volume of services in 2011, they sold 57.3% of water, about 80% of heat energy. The total area of the housing stock of the region, as of January 1, 2011, is 26260.9 thousand square meters, including 12306.2 thousand square meters - the area of apartment buildings.



The main railway line of the South-Eastern Railway, connecting the center with the southern regions, passes in the western part through the city of Michurinsk, in addition, several other lines of the South-East Railway cross the region: double-track non-electrified Michurinsk - Tambov - Rtishchevo, single-track: Gryazi - Povorino, Tambov - Balashov and the branch Bogoyavlensk - Chelnovaya, as well as Ryazhsk - Morshansk - Penza (Kuibyshev railway).

The main highway P22 "Caspian" Moscow - Astrakhan - (until 2018 M6 "Caspian"), passing near Michurinsk and Tambov, through the Zherdevsky district, and connecting the center with the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, Kalmykia.

In addition, federal highways pass through the territory of the region: 1R −119 Orel-Livny-Yelets-Lipetsk-Tambov, 1R-193 Voronezh-Tambov, 1r-208, 209 Tambov-Penza, Northern and Southern detours of Tambov.

The Morshanskoye Highway "Tambov-Morshansk-Shatsk" is also significant for the region as an exit to the M5 highway.

Previously, the center of the region, the city of Tambov, was also available along the Tsna River for small river vessels from the network of the European part of Russia.

Near Tambov, in the village of Donskoye, there is an airport for local airlines. Currently, regular flights are operated on the routes Tambov - Moscow - Tambov, Tambov - St. Petersburg - Tambov, Tambov - Anapa - Tambov, Tambov - Sochi - Tambov.

In the north-west, in the village of Pervomaisky, there is a large compressor station on the Urengoy-Uzhgorod gas pipeline, a line to Morshansk from the Central Asia-Center gas pipeline.

In the central part of the region, the Samara-Sumy and Samara-Uzhgorod oil product pipelines, as well as the largest Druzhba oil pipeline, pass in the Novonikolskoye village of the Michurinsky district, significant compressor, dispatching and loading capacities of the pipelines of the Transneft and Transnefteprodukt system.

In the field of electric power industry (power transmission lines), one can single out a branch from the main Volgogradskaya HPP-Moscow highway to Tambov, and the Tambov-Penza, Tambov-Ryazanskaya GRES lines.



The region's agriculture produces 15.9% of the gross regional product. More than 41% of the region's population lives in the village. The main wealth of the region is chernozem soils. The land fund of the region includes more than 3.4 million hectares, its structure is dominated by agricultural land (78.9%), of which 87% is chernozem.

Given this, the development of the agro-industrial complex is recognized as a priority direction for the development of the region.

In 2020, the harvest of grain and leguminous crops amounted to 5.1 million tons (in 2019, as of this date, 3.5 million tons were harvested), with a yield of more than 46 q/ha. As of November 12, 98% of the sown areas of grain crops have been harvested, and corn harvesting is nearing completion.

At the end of 2012, the value of gross agricultural output amounted to 55.4 billion rubles, the volume of shipped products of the processing industry amounted to 39.4 billion rubles. The value index of gross agricultural output by 2010 is 107.9%, including crop production - 209.4%, livestock products - 103.0%, processing industry - 122.8%.

A significant increase in production for all types of products made it possible not only to overcome the results of the unfavorable 2010, but also to increase the annual growth rate of agricultural production in the Tambov region. For the period from 2006 to 2012, in general, in agriculture, the growth was 29.2%, the average annual growth rate was 106.6%, which is higher than the average for Russia and the Central Federal District. The volume of investments in the agro-industrial complex of the region in 2012 amounted to more than 25 billion rubles. In recent years, the growth has more than 3 times. In 2012, the volume of investments will amount to more than 28 billion rubles. Investor funds are directed to the construction of livestock complexes for the production of pork and poultry meat, dairy complexes, elevator capacities for storage and processing of grain.

In crop production, the main efforts of farmers are aimed at increasing production, improving its quality through the introduction of highly productive varieties and the wider use of modern resource-saving technologies.

From the federal and regional budgets, agricultural producers are subsidized for the purchase of mineral fertilizers, elite seeds, insurance of crops, work on uprooting dead perennial plantations and laying new ones. In total, more than 412.2 million rubles were allocated for these purposes in 2011.