Language: Latvian
Currency: Lats (LVL)
Calling Code: +371
Latvia, officially the Republic of Latvia, is a
sovereign country member of the European Union, with capital in
Riga, covering 64 589 km² of surface and has a total population of 2
070 371 inhabitants. This republic, which is located in northern
Europe, it is one of the Baltic countries and borders Estonia to the
north, Lithuania to the south, Russia and Belarus to the east, and
the Baltic Sea to the west, a country of low plains with extensive
Latvia became independent again after 1991, after
the dissolution of the Soviet Union, since that year it is part of
the United Nations Organization (UN), since 2004 of the European
Union (EU) and of NATO, and since 2016 is a member of the OECD.
Currently the country is a parliamentary democratic republic divided
into 120 municipalities (90 municipalities and 30 cities).
The country adopted the euro as the official currency on January 1,
2014. From that day the euro gradually replaced the LatA as the
currency of Latvia, there being a two-week double circulation period
during which the two currencies circulated, with the in order to
allow a progressive withdrawal of the Latvian currency. When a
payment was received in lats, the change was offered in euros.
Riga region
National Park
National Park
North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve
National Park
Bauska Castle
Dobele Castle
Mežotne Palace
Rundale Palace
Tervete Nature Park
National Park
The name "Latvia" came to the Latvian language from Lithuanian, in
which it was formed from the ethnonym of the Latvians - latviai (lit.
latviai). The term "Latvia" was introduced into Latvian literature by
the poet Auseklis.
For the first time, a similar name in the form
of Lettia (Lettia, Letthia, Leththia) is found in the “Chronicle” of
Henry of Latvia (1209), when describing the military actions of the
German knights against the Jersik prince Vsevolod (Visvaldis),
originally to designate the territories inhabited by the Latgalians
(Gersik and Kukenois principalities) . In 1211, when these lands were
divided between the Archbishop of Riga and the Livonian Order, all these
lands began to be called Letthia. This name was first mentioned in a
papal bull dated October 20, 1210 and subsequently appeared regularly in
documents until the 14th century, and in the 15th century it was finally
supplanted by the name "Livonia" (Middle German Lyflant, Ifland).
The word "Latvia" for the name of all Latvian territories was first
used by the Viljandi priest Dionysius Fabricius in his chronicle
"Livonicae historiae compediosa series", completed in 1611. Then the
term “land of Latvians” was mentioned by priests: Georg Manzel (latviešu
zeme, Lettus, 1638), Jakob Lange (latviska zeme, Lexicon, 1777), Senior
Stender mentioned the phrase Latvju zeme (Lexicon, 1789).
term came into wide use after the abolition of serfdom in the provinces
of Livonia and Courland, when among the Latvian-speaking peasants began
to form national identity as a people occupying the territory from
Palanga to Aluksne. Juris Alunans in 1857 suggested using the name
"Latva", and then, by analogy with the Lithuanian language, added the
suffix and endings -ija to it. The Latvians who fell under the influence
of the Germans at first used the term "Baltic", derived from the
neologism Baltenland, which replaced the oldest concept of
Ostseeprovinzen. In the solemn song of Karlis Baumanis "God bless
Latvia!" Initially, it was not about Latvia, but about the Baltics.
Also, the Baltics appeared on a par with Latvia in Andrey Pumpur's epic
The term “Latvia” acquired political significance
during the revolution of 1905, and then it became popular abroad through
the efforts of emigrants (Rainis, K. Skalbe). It finally established
itself during the First World War, in connection with the formation of
Latvian riflemen units and the battles for independence.
Around the 3rd millennium BC Finno-Ugric tribes
of pit-comb ceramics (whose linguistic descendants were historical
livings) came to the territory of modern Latvia. Not later than the
1st millennium BC. the Baltic tribes of the culture of hatched
ceramics settled here.
During the period of feudal
fragmentation in Russia and the emergence of destinies, the Livonian
lands in the Western Dvina were dependent on the Principality of
Polotsk, to which they were subordinate to the reign of Prince
Vseslav Bryachislavich (1044–1101). According to the chroniclers,
the Livs paid tribute to the princes of Polotsk, the Curonians paid
tribute to the kings of Sweden.
In 1184, the Catholic
missionary Maynard von Segeberg, with the permission of Prince
Vladimir Polotsky, began to preach Christianity in his vassal lands
- near the Livs. After 2 years, the Bremen Archbishop Hartwig II
elevated Maynard to the rank of bishop and created the first diocese
in Livonia under his leadership. On October 1, 1188, Pope Clement
III approved Maynard in the episcopal rank, and gave the created
bishopric to submission to Bremen. However, the Livs were not very
willing to convert to Christianity and rebelled against the
authority of the bishop, killing Maynard's successor, Bishop
XIII — XV centuries
In 1201, Bishop Albert
Buxgewden founded the city of Riga. To strengthen his power, he
founded the Order of the Sword-Bearers (after the defeat at the
Battle of Saul - the Livonian Order as part of the Teutonic Order),
which later became an independent political and economic force; the
order and the bishop fought each other for political hegemony in
Livonia. In 1209, the bishop and order agreed to divide the
controlled lands among themselves. On the map of Europe appeared the
state formation of the German crusader knights - Livonia (according
to the name of the local ethnos - Livs). It includes the territories
in which Estonia and Latvia are located today. The control of the
Principality of Polotsk over its former inheritances in the
territory of Latvia (Kukenojs and Gersike) was lost.
In 1254,
a new division of Livonian lands took place - under an agreement
between the Riga Archbishopric, its cathedral chapter and the
Livonian Order. Many Livonian cities later became members of the
flourishing North European Trade Union - the Hansa.
The first printed text in Latvian appears in the Catholic
church reference book - in the book “Agenda” (1507, Leipzig).
Riga residents also actively participated in the Reformation,
already in 1517 the preacher of ideas of Luther Andreas Knopken
arrived in Riga. In 1530, Nikolaus Ramm first translated Bible
passages into Latvian. After some conflicts (including armed ones)
in 1554, the Master of the Livonian Order, Walter von Plettenberg,
declared freedom of religion in Livonia.
At the same time,
Moscow Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible announced his claims to Livonia. As
an excuse, a protest was filed against the non-payment of tribute
from St. George, established after the Russo-Livonian war of
1480-1481 and the Russo-Livonian treaty of 1503, as well as the
oppression of Russian merchants. The Baltic Germans initially asked
to cancel the tribute, and at the negotiations in December 1557 they
agreed to pay off the debt in the amount of 30 thousand Hungarian
gold (which amounted to 45 thousand thalers or 18 thousand rubles),
in the future to pay one thousand Hungarian gold per year, however
promises are not kept. This was the reason for the outbreak of war.
Having invaded the territory of Livonia in 1558, already in August
1560, Ivan the Terrible defeated the fragmented forces of the order
at the battle of Ergem. The Livonian War, which lasted 25 years,
ended in 1583 with the Plyus Armistice. As a result, the Livonian
Order ceased to exist, and its territory was divided between the
Polish-Lithuanian state, Sweden (the north of present-day Estonia)
and Denmark (it got the island of Ezel). The lands of the Livonian
Order north of the Western Dvina became the Zadvina Duchy directly
controlled by Poland, and the lands to the south became the vassal
state of the Commonwealth - the Duchy of Courland.
As a result of the Polish-Swedish wars, the Zadvinsk
Duchy ceased to exist. Most of it fell under Sweden's control
(Swedish Livonia), and the southeastern part was transformed into
the Inflantian Voivodeship of the Commonwealth.
In the XVII
century, as a result of the consolidation of Latgals, villages,
Zemgals, Curns and Livs, the formation of the Latvian nation took
In 1638, Georg Manselius compiled the first
Latvian dictionary Lettus, and in 1649 Paul Einhorn published the
Historia Lettica (Latvian History). In 1683, the first alphabet of
the Latvian language was published. In 1685, a textbook of the
Latvian language appeared under the authorship of Heinrich Adolfius.
Until now, differences between the dialects of the Latvian language
remain, and some linguists consider the deep dialects of the Upper
Latysh dialect to be a separate Latgalian language.
In 1684,
a local blacksmith Zviedris Johanson was sentenced to be burned at
the stake in Priekule. From 1670 to 1684, he spent several flights
with an aircraft of his own design (like a hang glider). For
dispersal I used towers of castles and churches. He flew 2 km to the
neighboring estates, broke his leg, and later already knew how to
circle in the air.
XVIII century
After the victory of the
Russian kingdom over the Swedish Empire on August 30 (September 10),
1721, the Nishtadt Peace Treaty was signed. Sweden recognized the
accession of Livonia, Estonia, Ingermanland, part of Karelia and
other territories to Russia, for which Russia paid Sweden
compensation of 2 million yefimk (1.3 million rubles).
1757 -
the Kraslava Catholic Theological Seminary was opened.
1772 -
during the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Latgale (Polish Inflants) also departs to Russia.
1775 - Academia
Petrina was opened in Courland by the Duke Peter Biron.
1785 - in
Courland, the Latvian mechanic Ernst Johann Binemann launched the
first balloon.
1795 - during the third division of the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Duchy of Courland departs from
the Russian Empire.
XIX century
1812 - the war with
Napoleon partially affected the territory of modern Latvia.
- the abolition of serfdom in the Courland province.
1819 - the
abolition of serfdom in the Livonia province.
1822 - the first
newspaper in Latvian “Latviešu Avīzes” (“Latvian Newspaper”) begins
to be published in Jelgava.
1861 - the first railway in the
territory of modern Latvia, Riga - Dinaburg, came into operation.
1862 - Riga Polytechnic Institute was opened.
Since the middle of
the XIX century - the growth of national identity, the movement of
young boys.
The end of the XIX century - the rapid
development of industry. The Russian-Baltic Carriage Works, the
Phoenix Carriage Building Plant, the Conductor Rubber Products Plant
began to operate, and the first cars and bicycles in Russia were
produced. The leading industries are engineering and metalworking.
May 1899 - workers ’performances (the so-called Riga riot).
XX century
1905 - revolutionary events in the Livonia
1915 - German occupation of Courland during the
First World War, the evacuation of industry from Latvian cities, the
great destruction in Dvinsk (now Daugavpils), the creation of
Latvian rifle units.
November 18, 1918 - The People’s Council
of Latvia proclaimed the Republic of Latvia as an independent and
independent state, thus completing the preparation of the statehood
of Latvia.
December 22, 1918 - V. Lenin signs a decree of the
Council of People's Commissars recognizing the independence of the
Soviet Republic of Latvia.
1918-1920 - the struggle for the
independence of Latvia. Pro-German and pro-Soviet armed groups were
forced to retreat, which created the prerequisites for international
recognition of Latvia.
August 11, 1920 - in Riga, a peace
treaty was signed between the RSFSR and Latvia, which recognizes the
independence of the Republic of Latvia. On the basis of legal norms
of that time, this de jure led to the emergence of the Republic of
Latvia as a subject of international law.
January 26, 1921 -
recognition by the Entente of Latvia as an independent state de
September 22, 1921 - Latvia joined the League of
February 15, 1922 - The Constituent Assembly adopts
the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia - Satversme.
15, 1934 - coup d'etat, absolute power in the country is
concentrated in the hands of K. Ulmanis.
June 7, 1939 -
Latvia signs a non-aggression pact with Germany, in a hidden clause
containing an obligation to take “all necessary military security
measures in relation to Soviet Russia”.
August 23, 1939 -
Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact (also known
as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact). The agreement was accompanied by a
secret additional protocol on the division of Eastern European
countries into spheres of German and Soviet interests (Latvia fell
into the sphere of influence of the USSR).
October 29 - according to the Mutual Assistance
Pact between the USSR and Latvia, signed after the surrender of
Poland, parts of the 2nd separate rifle corps and the 18th aviation
brigade of the Red Army arrive in Latvia, in which there were 21,559
June 15, 1940 - attack on the Latvian border guards
in Maslenki.
June 16 - at 14:00, the Soviet People’s
Commissar of Foreign Affairs V. Molotov read to the Ambassador of
Latvia F. Kocins the ultimatum of the USSR government, which
required the resignation of the Latvian government and the
introduction of an unlimited contingent of Soviet armed forces in
Latvia, supplementing it if before 23:00 no response will be
received from the government of Latvia, the armed forces of the USSR
will enter the territory of Latvia and suppress any resistance. The
government of K. Ulmanis decided to accept an ultimatum and resign
on the evening of June 16. The Cabinet of Ministers rejected
military resistance, as it believed that it would cause bloodshed,
but would not save the Latvian state.
June 17 - additional
units of the Red Army enter Latvia.
July 14-15, 1940 - the
elections to the People’s Diet are held in Latvia. Only one was
admitted to the elections - a list of candidates nominated by the
"Bloc of Working People". All other alternative lists were rejected.
It was officially reported that 97.5% of the vote was cast for the
July 21, 1940 - The People’s Diet proclaims Latvia as
the Soviet Republic (the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic) and on
August 5, 1940 - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR accepts Latvia into
the USSR.
1941 - a wave of repression - in accordance with
the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party
of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of
May 16, 1941 "On measures to clean the Lithuanian, Latvian and
Estonian SSR from the anti-Soviet, criminal and socially dangerous
elements" were arrested and deported to remote areas USSR members of
anti-Soviet nationalist organizations, former law enforcement
officials and military personnel of bourgeois Latvia and the White
Army (subject to compromising documents), large manufacturers,
landowners, merchants and high-ranking civil servants of Latvia
yskoy Republic of criminals who continue to engage in illegal
activities - those whom the authorities considered dangerous to the
Soviet regime on the eve of the war.
According to the
documents of the State Archives of Latvia, on June 14, 1941, 15 424
people were deported from Latvia, of which 5263 were arrested. Of
those arrested, 700 were shot, 3441 people died in custody; that is,
one fifth of those arrested survived. Among the rest deported to
places of special settlement, 1,900 people died. According to the
KGB of the USSR, which was analyzed by historian A. Dyukov, the
total number of deceased victims of deportation amounted to 4884
people (34% of the total), while before 1953, 2000 people returned
home. According to A. Dyukov, 81.27% of the deportees were Latvians,
11.70% Jews, 5.29% Russians.
June 22, 1941 - Nazi Germany
attacked the USSR. By mid-July, the entire territory of Latvia was
occupied by German troops. The formation of police battalions has
begun on a voluntary basis, subsequently united in the Latvian
Volunteer SS Legion.
According to Soviet data, during the
years of Nazi occupation by the Nazis and their accomplices, 313,798
Soviet citizens (including 39,835 children) and 330,000 Soviet
prisoners of war were killed in Latvia.
October 13, 1944 -
units of the Red Army enter Riga.
1949 - during the second
wave of repressions, about 50,000 people were deported from Latvia.
1940-1956 - the movement of "national partisans" (the so-called
"forest brothers").
1940-1991 - Latvian SSR as part of the
USSR. Industry is developing in the republic (enterprises of the
WEF, Radiotechnika, RAF, and Lyme). During this period, some party
leaders of Soviet Latvia were promoted to leading posts in Moscow,
among them A. Pelshe, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central
Committee, B. Pugo, head of the KGB of Latvia, etc.
In modern
Latvian historiography, the period when the country was part of the
USSR is considered to be Soviet occupation. In 2016, the damage from
it was estimated at € 185 billion.
On May 4, 1990, the
Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR adopted the “Declaration on the
Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia”. According to
this document, the constitution of independent Latvia of 1922 was
resumed and a de facto transitional period was established before
the convocation of the Seimas.
On August 21, 1991, the
Supreme Council of Latvia confirmed the independence of the republic
by adopting the Constitutional Law “On the State Status of the
Republic of Latvia”.
On September 6, 1991, Latvia's
independence was recognized by the USSR State Council.
September 17, 1991 the Republic of Latvia became a
member of the UN.
February 10, 1995 the Republic of Latvia
becomes a member of the Council of Europe.
On February 10,
1999, the Republic of Latvia became a member of the World Trade
XXI Century
In February 2004, 19 NATO member
states ratified the protocols on Latvia’s accession to the North
Atlantic Alliance; in May of the same year, the country was admitted
to the European Union.
Latvia became a part of December 21,
2007, and since March 30, 2008 fully applies the rules of the
Schengen zone. On January 1, 2014, Latvia became the 18th member of
the Eurozone.
In the first half of 2015, Latvia presided over
the Council of the European Union.
On June 2, 2016, Latvia
became the 35th member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD).
In Latvia, with amendments, the constitution of 1922
is in force.
Latvia is a parliamentary republic. The legislative
body is the Saeima, elected by full-fledged citizens of Latvia who have
reached the age of 18 by the election day, for a term of 4 years.
The highest representation is exercised by the President of the
State, elected by the Seimas for a term of 4 years;
The executive
body is the cabinet of ministers, consisting of the prime minister and
ministers. The Cabinet of Ministers forms the person called for this by
the President. The coalition parties of the Saeima of Latvia propose to
the President of the Republic the candidature of the Prime Minister
(President of Ministers). The approved prime minister forms a new
cabinet of ministers.
Latvia has a multi-party system, parties have the
opportunity to form coalition governments.
The last parliamentary
elections in Latvia took place on October 6, 2018. Of the 1,548,673
citizens eligible to vote, 844,925, or 54.55%, participated in the
As a result of the elections, all parties represented
in the parliament lost their votes, thanks to which it was updated by
two-thirds. The first place was retained by the Harmony party; the
second, third and fourth places were taken by newcomers: KPV LV, the New
Conservative Party and Development/For!
The largest
trade union center is the Union of Free Trade Unions of Latvia.
The state symbols of Latvia are regulated by the
constitution and current legislation (Law on the State Flag, State
Language, State Emblem and State Anthem).
The flag of Latvia is a
rectangular panel consisting of three horizontal stripes in the ratio
2:1:2 - two carmine-red stripes separated by a white one in the middle.
In the German Rhymed Chronicle, under the year 1279, the banner of
the Landeswehr detachment (militia) of Wenden Castle (on the territory
of the modern city of Cesis) is mentioned - red with a white stripe.
Anthem of Latvia "Dievs, svētī Latviju!" (“God bless Latvia!”) was
written by the Latvian composer K. Baumanis in the second half of the
19th century, was first performed in 1873 and became an anthem in 1921.
The coat of arms of Latvia is a shield with a rising sun on a blue
background in the upper part, a red lion on a silver background on the
lower left and a silver griffin on a red background on the lower right.
January 1 New Year's Day Jaungada diena
Good Friday Good Friday
Lielā piektdiena
Easter First and second day of Easter Pirmās un
Otrās Lieldienas
May 1 Labor Day, Day of convocation of the
Constituent Assembly of the Republic of Latvia Darba svētki. Latvijas
Republikas Satversmes sapulces sasaukšanas diena
May 4 Day of
Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia Latvijas
Republikas Neatkarības atjaunošanas diena
Second Sunday in May
Mother's Day Mātes diena
Trinity Holy Trinity Day Vasarsvētki
23 Ligo Day Ligo diena
June 24 Jāņu day (summer solstice) Jāņu diena
18 November Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia Latvijas
Republikas Proklamēšanas diena
December 24–26 Christmas (winter
solstice) Ziemassvētki
31 December Old Year's Day Vecgada diena
Orthodox, Old Believers and believers of other confessions celebrate
Easter, Trinity and Christmas on the days established by these
If the holidays - May 4 and November 18 - fall on
Saturday or Sunday, the next working day is set as a holiday
January 20 Barricade Defenders Memorial Day 1991 1991
January 26 International Recognition Day (de jure) of the Republic of
Latvia Latvijas Republikas starptautiskās (de jure) atzīšanas diena
March 8 International Women's Day Starptautiskā sieviešu diena
May 8
is the Day of the Defeat of Nazism and the Day of Remembrance of the
Victims of World War II Nacisma sagrāves diena. Otrā pasaules kara upuru
piemiņas diena
May 9 Europe Day Eiropas diena
May 15 International
Family Day Starptautiskā ģimenes diena
June 1 International
Children's Day Starptautiskā bērnu aizsardzības diena
June 14
Commemoration Day for the Victims of the Communist Genocide Komunistiskā
genocīda upuru piemiņas diena In memory of the victims of the 1941
June 22 Heroes' Memorial Day (Cesis Battle Memorial Day)
Varoņu piemiņas diena (Cēsu kaujas atceres diena)
July 4 Day of
Remembrance for the victims of the genocide against the Jewish people
Ebreju tautas genocīda upuru piemiņas diena
Second Saturday of July
Maritime Holidays Day Jūras svētku diena
11 August Day of Remembrance
of Latvian Freedom Fighters
21 August The Day of Adoption of the
Constitutional Law “On the State Status of the Republic of Latvia”
Konstitucionālā likuma “Par Latvijas Republikas valstisko statusu”
pieņemšanas diena
August 23 Day of Remembrance for the Victims of
Stalinism and Nazism Staļinisma un nacisma upuru atceres diena
September 1 Knowledge Day Zinību diena
Second Sunday in September
Father's Day Tēva diena
September 22 Balt Unity Day Baltu vienības
diena In memory of the victory in the Battle of Saule (1236)
1 International Day of Older Persons/ Starptautiskā veco ļaužu diena
First Sunday of October Teacher's Day/ Skolotāju diena
November 11
Lachplesis Day/ Lāčplēša diena
The first Sunday of December Day of
Remembrance of the Victims of the Genocide of the Totalitarian Communist
Regime against the Latvian People
On August 24, 1991, the RSFSR (then part of the USSR)
recognized the fact of the restoration of the independence of the
Republic of Latvia, and on October 4, Latvia and Russia resumed
diplomatic relations. On September 6, 1991, the independence of Latvia
was recognized by the USSR.
Latvia has been a member of the UN
since September 17, 1991, and is also a member of the EU, NATO, Council
of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, IMF,
WTO, Council of the Baltic Sea States and Nordic Investment Bank. She
was a member of the League of Nations (1921-1940).
Latvia has
established diplomatic relations with 160 countries and maintains
embassies in 35 countries. 37 countries have embassies in the capital of
Latvia - Riga.
Latvia in its foreign policy focuses on the
European Union and NATO. On May 1, 2004 Latvia joined the European
Union. Member of NATO since March 29, 2004. On December 21, 2007, Latvia
entered the Schengen zone, control was maintained at airports until
March 30, 2008.
In May 2005 and in November 2006, during the NATO
summit, US President George W. Bush visited the country.
December 19 to 22, 2010, for the first time in 16 years, the official
visit of the President of Latvia V. Zatlers to Russia took place. During
the visit, V. Zatlers met with President of the Russian Federation D.
Medvedev and Prime Minister V. Putin.
In the first half of 2015,
Latvia was the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
EU accession process
On October 27, 1995, the Latvian government
submitted an official application to the Spanish presidency of the EU to
join the EU.
In 1997, the European Commission gave the first
opinions on the start of negotiations of the candidate countries for
accession to the EU. Latvia did not receive an invitation to the talks.
In 1999, in Helsinki, Latvia was invited to the EU accession
negotiations, which began in February 2000.
On December 13, 2002,
in Copenhagen, Latvia and nine other candidate countries completed
negotiations on EU accession.
On April 16, 2003, an accession
agreement was signed in Athens. Latvia, like 9 other countries, has
moved from the status of a candidate to the status of a future member
In a referendum on September 20, 2003, 66.97% of Latvian
citizens voted for Latvia's accession to the EU. 32.26% voted against.
On October 30, 2003 the Saeima of Latvia ratified the agreement on
Latvia's accession to the EU.
On May 1, 2004, Latvia, together
with 9 other countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech
Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta and the Republic of Cyprus, became a
full member of the European Union.
On December 21, 2007, Latvia
joined, and from March 30, 2008 fully applies the rules of the Schengen
zone, which imply the elimination of border controls at the internal
borders between the states that entered the zone, and at the same time
the strengthening of border controls with third states bordering the
The National Armed Forces of Latvia is a set of
Latvian troops designed to protect the freedom, independence and
territorial integrity of the state. In 2004, Latvia joined NATO, and on
January 1, 2007, it switched to a professional army.
participates in international peacekeeping and security operations.
Latvian specialists also contributed to civilian missions.
number of the army is 5,500 soldiers, the reserve is 10,000 people. The
army has been reduced to 2 infantry battalions and 18 battalions of the
Home Guard, a volunteer paramilitary unit that is part of the Ministry
of Defense.
Since 1996, more than 3,600 military personnel have
taken part in international operations, 7 of them have died.
NAF reserve is made up of Latvian citizens who have completed military
The leadership of the National Armed Forces of Latvia is
carried out by the Minister of Defense, on the proposals of the
Commander of the Armed Forces.
Latvia is a unitary state, administratively divided
into 36 regions (Latvian novadi, singular novads) and 7 cities of
republican subordination (Riga, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Jelgava, Jurmala,
Ventspils, Rezekne). The krais are territorially divided into volosts
and krai cities or have no internal division at all.
From 2009 to
2021, Latvia was divided into 110 regions and 9 cities of republican
Until 2009, there were two levels of local
governments in Latvia:
26 districts and 7 republican cities;
several hundred volosts and regional cities, as well as a number of
territories created as part of the reform.
According to the
constitution, Latvia consists of four historical and cultural regions -
Vidzeme, Latgale, Kurzeme, Zemgale - which, however, are not
administrative-territorial units.
For statistical purposes, in
2004 statistical regions were created - Riga, Pririzhie, Vidzeme,
Latgale, Kurzeme, Zemgale. In order to plan regional development and
cooperation between local governments, planning regions were also
created in 2006 - Vidzeme, Zemgale, Kurzeme, Latgale and Riga (the
borders of which differ from the statistical regions by the union of
Pririzhie with Riga).
Big cities
In Latvia, the status of a
city has been assigned to 76 settlements, of which 7 have the status of
republican cities. Republican cities are in bold.
The table lists
the largest cities in the country with a population of more than 10,000
(as of January 1, 2015).
Geographical position
The territory of Latvia is
64,589 km² (122nd largest country in the world). The total length of the
borders is 1150 km. It is washed by the Baltic Sea (the length of the
coast is 531 km) and the Gulf of Riga in the west, it borders on Estonia
in the north (343 km), Lithuania in the south (588 km), Russia (246 km)
and Belarus (161 km) in the east.
The relief is flat, highlands
interspersed with lowlands.
Vidzeme Upland (highest point -
Gaizinkalns hill, 312 m);
Latgale Upland (the highest point is
Lielais Liepukalns hill, 289 m);
Aluksne Upland (the highest point is
Delinkalns hill, 272 m);
Curonian Upland (the highest point is
Krievukalns Hill (Russian Mountain), 189 m);
Augshzem Upland (highest
point - Eglukalns hill, 220 m);
The longest lowland is
The deepest lake is Dridzis (65.1 m).
total, there are 2585 rivers and 2288 lakes in Latvia.
natural resources: sand, gravel, peat, dolomite, limestone, clay,
gypsum, water resources, timber. Exploration of oil fields on the shelf
of the Baltic Sea and test production of oil in the Kurzeme region are
underway. A small amount of amber is sometimes found on the coast of
The climate has a transitional character from maritime
to continental, which is softened by proximity to the Baltic Sea. The
prevailing southwestern winds bring a significant amount of
precipitation from the Atlantic - 500-800 mm per year. The sky is often
covered with clouds, the number of sunny days is only 30-40 per year.
The sunniest and driest month is May.
Summers are often cool and
rainy, with temperatures above freezing 125-155 days a year. The average
July temperature is +15…+17 °C, sometimes there are anomalies (up to +32
°C), as in the mid-1990s. Winter lasts from mid-December to mid-March.
In January, the average temperature is from -3 to -7 °C, occasionally
falling to -20 °C.
Flora in Latvia developed approximately 10-15 thousand
years after the last ice age.
The fields were formed due to
deforestation, constant mowing or grazing. Natural fields make up only
one percent of the territory of Latvia. 360 species of higher plants are
described in the fields, but only 60 species are found frequently.
Wetlands occupy 10% of the territory. Most of them are located in
the Coastal Lowland and Eastern Latvia. The swamps began to form already
at the end of the ice age, however, most of them formed after the ice
age. They continue to develop to this day, turning into reservoirs or
dry land.
In Latvia, 1304 native plant species and 633 imported
species have been described.
The fauna of Latvia is typical of
Northern Europe. There are 62 species of mammals, where 19 of them can
accidentally wander into the territory of Latvia, for example: common or
spotted seal, common porpoise and common shrew. Approximately 300
species of birds are found in Latvia, some of which are rare in other
countries, such as the white-tailed eagle, short-toed eagle, black
stork. There are 29 species of fish in total. Approximately 17,500
species of invertebrates are known, but another 12,000 species may be
found in Latvia. The number of species of reptiles and amphibians, due
to unsuitable climatic conditions for their life, is small - only 20
species (13 species of amphibians and 7 - reptiles).
The nature of Latvia is quite diverse, the amount of natural resources
per capita exceeds the European average. There is 10 times more land per
inhabitant than in the Netherlands, 10 times more renewable water
resources than the world average. There are hundreds of times more
forests per person than in many European countries. The temperate
climate and balanced geological conditions protect the territory from
In general, the environmental situation is favorable,
regular environmental monitoring is carried out. In 2012, Latvia ranked
2nd in the world (after Switzerland) in terms of environmental
performance index.
Number and settlement
As of August 1, 2016, the
population of Latvia was 1,958,800 people.
According to the
results of the national census conducted in March-June 2011, the
population of Latvia amounted to 2,067,887 people, and according to
estimates derived from the calculation of the existing population growth
rates, by August 2015 its number had decreased to 1,978,300 people.
Population density - 30.5 people / km². In 2010, 68% of the
population lived in cities.
According to the CSO data, there were
2,261,000 people in Latvia in 2008, which is 9,600 people less than in
2007. The population decline rate was 0.42%.
As a result of the
natural decline in the population, when the death rate exceeds the birth
rate, the total number of inhabitants decreased by 7.1 thousand people,
and as a result of migration, the number decreased by another 2.5
thousand people.
The number of inhabitants of the country
continues to decrease, despite the increase in the birth rate, which
amounted to 4% in 2008 and became the highest in the last 15 years.
The largest number of Latvian citizens who have left are Ireland and
Great Britain.
As of 2019, according to UN estimates, 237,266
immigrants lived in Latvia, or 12.4% of the country's population.
Despite social, economic and political changes since the times of
the USSR, as of 2022 in Latvia and neighboring Estonia, the largest, in
percentage terms, the Russian ethnic minority lives (in Latvia - 24.22%,
in Estonia - 23.67% of the total population), among all countries of the
Citizens of Latvia
At the beginning of 2022, 1,630,747
citizens lived in Latvia, making up 86.9% of the country's inhabitants.
As of 2022, Latvian citizens can visit a total of 181 states and
territories without a visa, making the Latvian passport 11th in the
world in terms of freedom of movement according to the Passport Index.
Non-citizens of Latvia
Non-citizens at the beginning of 2022
amounted to 182,375 people, or 9.7% of the country's inhabitants. From a
legal point of view - the subjects of the law of April 12, 1995 "On the
status of citizens of the former USSR who do not have citizenship of
Latvia or another state" - persons who are not and have not been
citizens of any state other than the USSR.
Sex and age
characteristics of the population
According to the 2000 census data,
1,093,305 men and 1,282,034 women permanently reside in Latvia. The
average age of the population is 37.9 years (men - 35, women - 40.4).
Between the 1989 and 2000 censuses, the population of Latvia has clearly
aged. The proportion of those under the age of 15 decreased from 21.4%
to 17.9%, while the proportion of those aged 60 and over increased from
17.4% to 21.1%.
The official language is Latvian. Although Russian
is not an official language, 34% of the population speaks it: in all
large cities and in most of Latgale, it will not be difficult to
communicate in Russian. As in most countries of the former Soviet
Union, the older generation is more likely to communicate in
Russian, while the younger generation - in English.
is also spoken in Latgale. The Livs are recognized as a national
minority, but the number of speakers of the Livonian language is
extremely small.
Religious composition
According to the data of the
Department of Religious Affairs, there are 14 registered religious
associations in Latvia, including 719 communities and parishes (2006).
There is no state religion in Latvia, but most of the Russian-speakers
profess Orthodoxy, the predominant number of believers among the
Latvians of the west and the center of the country are Lutherans, and
Catholicism is widespread in the east of the country. There is also a
large community of Old Believers in Latvia, mainly in Latgale. In
general, society is tolerant of various religious movements, and the
church does not have a significant impact on public life.
2006, there were 769 buildings of religious and religious significance
in Latvia.
According to a 2012 Department of Justice report, the
number of parishioners in the largest religious organizations (more than
350 people) was as follows:
Lutherans, 714,758 in the LELB, 876
in small independent groups (German Lutherans and Augsburg Lutherans);
Orthodox - 370,000; from non-canonical organizations 240;
Catholics -
the exact data is unknown, in 2008, 500,000 believers were indicated on
the page of the Catholic Cathedral;
Old Believers - 51,330;
officially called the number of members of parishes with the right to
vote - 2345;
Baptists - 7029;
Evangelical Christians - 4720 (two
Seventh-day Adventists, 4,034;
Pentecostals -
"New generation" - 3020;
New Apostles - 1273;
Muslims -
estimated up to 1000; officially 340;
Mormons, 815;
dievturi - 670;
Jehovah's Witnesses - 461;
Salvation Army
- 391;
Jews - 378.
Membership in the European Union allowed Latvia to
significantly expand trade relations with European countries, especially
with Germany, Sweden and the UK. From January 1, 2021, the minimum wage
(before taxes, gross) remains unchanged at 500 euros per month and 2.93
euros per hour, but increases in net equivalent, with the increase in
the tax-free minimum from 300 euros to 350 euros , 418 euros (net, in
2021) and 428 euros (net, from 01/01/2022 to 06/30/2022), and from 350
euros to 500 euros, 447.50 euros (net, from 07/01/2022). From 2022, the
minimum wage for doctors is €1,555 (gross) and €1,132.23 (net), and for
nurses and paramedics €1,032 (gross) and €797.99 (net). In general,
since 2022, the average salary of doctors is €1,963 (gross) and
€1,396.63 (net), while healthcare workers and carers are €1,183 (gross)
and €894.49 (net). As of June 2022, the average wage in Latvia was
€1,383 (gross) and €1,012 (net), while 27.16% of employees received less
than €700 (gross) and €586 (net). The Keitz index (the ratio of the
minimum wage to the average salary) as of the 3rd quarter of 2018 is
about 43%. As of December 2021, the average salary in Latvia is €1435
(gross) and €1050 (net).
Advantages: in recent years, 70% of GDP
has been formed by the service sector. The country has relatively
successfully passed through shock therapy to a stable market economy.
Inflation was lowered before the changeover to the euro due to the
Maastricht criteria and remains low (less than 1% in 2018). The national
currency, lats, was abolished with the adoption of the euro (2014). The
country is a member of the EU single market, has relatively high
economic growth rates (above the EU average) and low public debt (below
the EU average). It has a relatively cheap and well-educated workforce
compared to EU countries. With the unemployment rate falling and the
labor shortage increasing, wage growth as of 2019 is not constrained by
the economic slowdown.
Weaknesses: energy supply depends on
imported oil products, gas and electricity. Poor resource base. The
biggest problem (as in other countries - new EU members) is the
ever-increasing shortage of able-bodied labor force and the growth in
the number of pensioners in the population structure due to low birth
rates and high emigration of the population to richer EU countries,
which in turn forces employers to pay more to staff, thereby
artificially raising salaries and increasing the imbalance between
productivity and wages. The main export commodities of Latvia (2011):
electrical machinery and equipment - 6.9%, machines and mechanisms -
5.4%, iron and non-alloyed steel - 5.2%, sawn timber - 4.8%,
pharmaceutical products - 4.1 %, iron and steel products - 3.2%, primary
iron and steel products (granulated and powdered products) - 2.8%, round
timber - 2.6%, knitwear and textiles - 2.5%, non-ferrous metals and
their products - 2.5%.
Latvia has signed an agreement with
Lithuania and Estonia on the establishment of a customs union, and
therefore the volume of trade between these countries is quite large.
History of the economy
In the years since the restoration of
independence, Latvia has carried out serious economic reforms, restored
its own currency lats in circulation in 1992, carried out privatization
and returned multi-apartment residential buildings to their former
owners (denationalization).
The economy grew steadily by 5-7% per
year (in 2006 - 12.6%, 2007 - 10.3%) before the start of the economic
Based on the results of 2007, Latvia was in third place
in the post-Soviet space in terms of GDP growth rates. Only Azerbaijan
and Armenia were ahead of Latvia among the countries of the post-Soviet
Latvia has been a member of the World Trade Organization
since 1999 and a member of the European Union since 2004. On January 1,
2014, Latvia switched from the national currency lats to the euro. On
June 2, 2016, Latvia became the 35th member of the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development. According to statistics at the end
of 2013, 45% of the population supported the introduction of the euro,
and 52% opposed it. Following the introduction of the euro,
Eurobarometer polls in January 2014 showed support for the euro at
around 53%, close to the European average. Since 2000, Latvia has had
one of the highest GDP growth rates in Europe. However, growth driven
mainly by consumption in Latvia led to a collapse in Latvian GDP in late
2008 and early 2009, exacerbated by the global economic crisis, a lack
of credit, and the huge cash flow used to bail out Parex. Latvia's GDP
declined by 18% in the first 3 months of 2009, the largest decline in
the European Union.
The economic crisis of 2009 confirmed earlier
assumptions that the booming economy was heading towards the collapse of
the economic bubble, as it was driven mainly by increased domestic
consumption financed by a massive increase in private debt, as well as a
negative external trade balance. Property prices, which for some time
rose by about 5% per month, have long been considered too high for an
economy that mainly produces goods and raw materials at a low cost.
Privatization in Latvia is almost completed. Virtually all formerly
state-owned small and medium-sized companies have been privatized,
leaving only a small number of politically sensitive large state-owned
companies. The private sector in 2000 accounted for about 68% of the
country's GDP.
Foreign investment in Latvia is still modest
compared to levels in north-central Europe. A law expanding the
possibilities of selling land, including to foreigners, was adopted in
1997. Representing 10.2% of Latvia's total FDI, US companies invested
$127 million in 1999. In the same year, the United States exported $58.2
million worth of goods and services to Latvia and imported $87.9
million. In an effort to join Western economic institutions such as the
World Trade Organization, the OECD and the European Union, Latvia signed
the European Agreement with the EU in 1995, with a 4-year transition
period. Latvia and the United States signed agreements on investment,
trade and protection of intellectual property and on the avoidance of
double taxation.
Economic recession and recovery (2008–2012)
The rapid growth of prices in the real estate market, associated with
easy obtaining of mortgage loans in Latvian banks and very active
speculation in the market, was one of the inflation growth factors that
provoked a collapse in the Latvian real estate market. Housing prices in
Latvia in the second quarter of 2008 compared to the corresponding
period of 2007 fell by 24.1%. The Latvian economy entered a phase of
fiscal contraction in the second half of 2008 after a long period of
credit-based speculation and unrealistic growth in real estate values.
For example, the national account deficit for 2007 was over 22% of GDP
for the year, while inflation was 10%.
The unemployment rate in
Latvia rose sharply during this period from 5.4% in November 2007 to
over 22% in April 2010. Latvia had the highest unemployment rate in the
EU at 22.5%, ahead of Spain which had 19.7%. .
P. Krugman, winner
of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics, wrote in his New York Times column
on December 15, 2008:
The most acute problems are on the
periphery of Europe, where many small economies are experiencing crises
that strongly resemble past crises in Latin America and Asia: Latvia is
the new Argentina
However, by 2010, economists noted signs of
stabilization in the Latvian economy. Rating agency Standard & Poor's
raised the outlook for Latvia's debt from negative to stable. Latvia's
current account, which had a deficit of 27% at the end of 2006, was in
surplus in February 2010. Kenneth Orchard, Senior Analyst at Moody's
Investors Service*, argued that:
The strengthening of the
regional economy is supporting Latvia's production and exports, while
the sharp swing in the current account suggests that the country's
"internal devaluation" is working.
As a result of anti-crisis
measures in the first quarter of 2012, the increase in gross domestic
product (GDP) according to the Central Statistical Bureau compared to
the same period in 2011 amounted to 6.8%. In 2012, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) released the first surveillance report since the end
of Latvia's financial assistance program, which noted that the Latvian
economy has been recovering rapidly since 2010, after a deep recession
in 2008-2009.
Real GDP growth of 5.5% in 2011 was driven by
rising exports and a recovery in domestic demand. Growth continued in
2012 and 2013 despite worsening external conditions, and the economy is
expected to grow by 4.1% in 2014. The unemployment rate dropped from its
peak of over 20% in 2010 to about 9.3% in 2014.
Large enterprises
airBaltic is the Latvian national
airline. Awarded the Golden Award "Airline of the Year 2009/2010" and
other awards.
Aldaris is a Latvian beer and soft drink company.
Grindex is the second largest pharmaceutical company in the Baltic
Laima is a Latvian chocolate company owned by the Norwegian
concern Orkla (2015).
Latvijas dzelzceļš - state railway concern; is
one of the largest in the country: more than 12 thousand people.
Latvijas Finieris is a large woodworking company.
Latvijas Gāze is
the only operator in Latvia for the transportation (transmission),
storage, distribution and sale of natural gas (before market
liberalization in 2017).
Latvijas Pasts is the national postal
operator of Latvia.
Lattelecom is the leader in the provision of
electronic communication services in Latvia.
Latvenergo is the
largest electricity supplier in Latvia.
MikroTik is a manufacturer of
network equipment.
Olainfarm is the largest pharmaceutical company in
the Baltic States.
Rīgas piena kombināts is an enterprise for
processing milk into dairy products.
Rīgas Miesnieks is a Latvian
company producing meat products.
Spilva is a fruit and vegetable
processing company. The company produces ketchups, sauces, jams,
mayonnaises, etc.
The car code of Latvia is LV.
The transport sector accounts for about 14% of the gross domestic
product. Transit between Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, as well as other
Western and Eastern countries.
There are 8 seaports in Latvia, of
which the three largest are the Freeport of Ventspils, the Freeport of
Riga and the Port of Liepaja. The majority of transit traffic is crude
oil and petroleum products. Ventspils port is the busiest port in the
Baltic States. In addition to roads and railways, Ventspils was also an
important link in the export of Russian oil through the Baltic Sea.
According to experts, even with an increase in the transshipment of
Russian cargo through Russian ports, Latvian ports will not remain
without work.
Riga International Airport is the largest airport
in the Baltic States in terms of cargo and passenger traffic. Riga
International Airport serves almost half (49%) of all passengers in the
Baltic capitals. For comparison, in 2016 Tallinn Airport (Estonia)
served 21% of all passengers and Vilnius Airport (Lithuania) served 30%.
The airport has direct flights to more than 80 destinations in 30
countries. AirBaltic is the Latvian national airline. In recent years,
the state joint-stock company Riga International Airport has become one
of the fastest growing airports in Europe. Thus, in 2016, 5.4 million
passengers were served at the airport, and 7.8 million in 2019. The
Latvian national airline AirBaltic has been recognized as the most
punctual air carrier in the world for 4 years in a row. The Air
Transport Research Society has recognized Riga International Airport as
the most competitive airport in Europe based on cost and fare structure
per passenger.
The main network of Latvian Railways consists of
1860 km, of which 1826 km is 1520 mm Russian gauge railway, of which 251
km is electrified, making it the longest railway network in the Baltic
States. The Latvian railway network is currently incompatible with the
European standard gauge. However, the Rail Baltica railway linking
Helsinki-Tallinn-Riga-Kaunas-Warsaw is under construction and should be
completed by 2026.
The national road network in Latvia comprises
1675 km of main roads, 5448 km of regional roads and 12880 km of local
roads. Municipal roads in Latvia have 29975 km of roads and 8271 km of
streets. The most famous are the A1 roads (European route E67)
connecting Warsaw and Tallinn, as well as the European route E22
connecting Ventspils and Terechowa. In 2019, 727,164 vehicles were
registered in Latvia.
Latvia has three large hydroelectric power
plants: Pļaviņa HPP (825 MW), Riga HPP (402 MW) and Ķegums HPP (192 MW).
In recent years, several dozen wind farms have been built, as well as
power plants of various sizes, powered by biogas or biomass.
Inčukalns gas storage facility is located in Latvia, one of the largest
underground gas storage facilities in Europe and the only one in the
Baltic States. The unique geological conditions at Incukalns are
particularly suitable for underground gas storage.
There are 4 mobile operators in Latvia: LMT, Tele2, Bite and Triatel.
Latvian society is characterized by a high level of
education. If we exclude children who are only students at school, then
as of 2000, only 2.8% of the population of Latvia have an education
level below grade 4. The highest proportion of people with higher
education is in Riga (20.1%), Jurmala (14.5%) and Jelgava (13.5%).
There are public schools in the country that teach a number of
subjects in the languages of the national minorities of Latvia.
Higher education institutions
University of Latvia;
Technical University;
Riga Stradins University;
Latvian Academy of
Latvian Agricultural University;
Daugavpils University;
Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music;
Latvian Maritime Academy;
Latvian Academy of Culture;
Latvian Sports Pedagogical Academy;
Liepaja University;
Riga Institute of Air Navigation;
Pedagogical Academy (joined with LU in 2017);
Baltic International
Institute of Transport and Communications;
Latvian Christian Academy;
Institute of Information Systems
Higher School of Economics and Culture;
School of Psychology;
Business school "Turiba".
After regaining independence in 1991, Latvia faced the
problem of reintegrating the three layers of Latvian culture. The first
layer is Latvian literature and traditions before the Soviet times.
An example of criticism of Latvian literature in the USSR, from the
Latvian literature relied on the rich traditions of native
folklore - folk songs, fairy tales, legends. The most complete first
edition of the Latvian folk songs "Latvian Dainas" (vols. 1-6,
1894-1915) was compiled by the Latvian folklorist Kr. Baron (1835-1923).
"Songs" (1856) by Yu. A. Alunan (1832-64) marked the beginning of the
Latvian national written poetry. Creativity of representatives of the
so-called. folk romanticism - Auseklis (M. Krogzemis, 1850-1879) and A.
Pumpura (1841-1902), the author of the epic "Lachplesis" (1888), - had a
pronounced anti-feudal character. It reflected the ideas of the national
liberation movement. The first significant achievements of Latvian prose
are the novel The Times of Surveyors (1879) by the brothers Matis
(1848–1926) and Reinis (1839–1920) Kaudzit and the stories of Apsisu
Jekabs (J. Jaunzemis, 1858–1929) about village life. The work of Latvian
writers was influenced by Russian realism. A. Alunan (1848-1912) laid
the foundation for Latvian dramaturgy in the 1870s-1880s.
second layer of Latvian culture was formed after 1945 outside Latvia
among about 120 thousand emigrants who created Latvian communities in
Sweden, Germany, the USA, Canada and Australia. Lively cultural activity
of the Latvians, including the publication of literature, continued in
all these countries. The third layer was the cultural life in Latvia
after 1945.
Until the 19th century, the urban culture of Latvia
was for the most part the product of the German-speaking political and
social elite. The Latvian peasantry had original oral traditions in
their own language, which consisted mainly of folk songs and epics. A
notable achievement of national culture was the publication by E. Gluck
in 1694 of the Latvian translation of the Bible. Another important
milestone was the founding in 1822 of the first periodical in the
Latvian language, Latviesu Avizes (Latvian Newspaper).
relationship between urban and peasant cultures changed radically in the
middle of the 19th century, when university-educated Latvians such as
Atis Kronvalds (1837–1875) demanded equality of languages and called
for the creation of a full-fledged Latvian literature. By the beginning
of the 20th century, such literature had appeared; it felt the influence
of Scandinavian, German and Russian literature. Poets such as Rainis
(1865-1929) and Aspazija (Elsa Rozenberga, 1865-1943) gained
The inclusion of Latvia into the Soviet Union led to
the sovietization of all spheres of cultural life, including the
education system. New generations of Latvians were brought up in the
belief that Soviet Latvian culture represented the highest stage of
national cultural development. The officially approved trend was
socialist realism in literature and fine arts.
In the Soviet
Union, planned and purposeful work was carried out to integrate all
national cultures. An integral part of this work was the translations of
national writers into the languages of other peoples of the USSR,
primarily into Russian. Thanks to this work, the inhabitants of the USSR
had the opportunity to get acquainted with the national Latvian
literature and other achievements of the Latvian culture in translation.
Books by Latvian writers: Latsis, Upita, Griva, Sudrabkaln, Kempe,
Ziedonis, Grigulis, Skuin, Vatsietis and others have been translated
into the languages of the peoples of the USSR: Estonian, Lithuanian,
Belarusian, Turkmen, Uzbek, Ukrainian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, etc. as
well as in foreign languages. The total circulation of the works of
Latsis in Russian amounted to about 10 million copies, and the works of
Upit - more than 3 million copies.
Radical changes took place in
the second half of the 1980s. With the advent of glasnost, publishers
and writers threw away the old restrictions and began to publish
forbidden works. By 1989, the prestige of writers and journalists had
grown significantly thanks to the mass media. One of the initiators of
the creation of the Popular Front of Latvia were cultural figures such
as J. Peters, who for some time was the Latvian ambassador to Russia,
and V. Avotinsh.
Latvian national cuisine is little known outside
Latvia. The most typical dishes are gray peas with bacon, bacon
pies, bread soup (dessert, served with whipped cream).
food is widespread (the Lithuanian pizza chain Chili Pizza,
McDonald's, Hesburger and others).
As typical Latvian
products from Latvia, you can bring Janov's cheese with caraway
seeds (since ancient times it was prepared for the summer solstice -
Ligo - in a round shape symbolizing the sun), black bread with
caraway seeds / dried fruits / nuts, sweet and sour bread, "Black
balsam" (“Melnais balzams”), infused with herbs and sold in clay
bottles with a wax seal (often served with coffee). There are many
locally produced beers (including fruit flavored beers), several
brands of cider.
Most developed in the capital of Latvia Riga (many nightclubs and discos for every taste and budget). In addition, there are good music and drinking establishments in Jurmala, Liepaja, Ventspils, Daugavpils. In most provincial Latvian cities, after 20 hours, life freezes.
In all cities of Latvia you can find hotels of
different stars. Hotels of the highest category - in Riga (Reval
Hotel chain, SAS Radisson, etc.). In addition, you can get the
addresses of guest houses for FREE from the city information
bureaus. In recent years, accommodation in rural Viesu nams (guest
houses), located in picturesque natural places, has become popular,
as a rule, with their own recreational opportunities (baths,
fishing, hiking and horseback riding, etc.). A number of old
baronial estates and at least one castle (Jaunciems) have been
turned into hotels.
Rescue phone 112
News agencies:
BNS (Baltic News Service).
Print mass-media
Periodicals began to appear in Latvia at the
beginning of the 18th century, one of the founders of periodicals was
pastor Johann Trey.
Neatkarīgā Rīta
Dienas Business;
Business & Baltic;
Latvian Avīze;
The Baltic Times;
MK Latvia;
Sporta avīze;
Baltic Rundschau.
IR (magazine);
Open City;
Business Class (magazine);
Telegraph (newspaper and magazine);
Baltic Course (magazine and portal);
Kas Jauns (magazine and portal).
Electronic media
National Council for Electronic Media (NCESMI).
hockey is considered the most popular sport in Latvia. Such hockey
players as H. Balderis, A. Irbe, S. Ozoliņš, S. Zholtok, K. Skrastiņš
and others played for the Latvian national team. Dinamo Riga is the
strongest hockey club in the country and plays in the Continental Hockey
League. In 2006 and 2021, the Ice Hockey World Championships were held
in Riga.
Basketball is the second most popular sport in the
country. The most famous Latvian basketball player is K. Porzingis, who
plays in the NBA.
Other popular sports in Latvia are football,
volleyball, tennis, cycling, bobsleigh, luge and weightlifting.
The highest achievement of the Latvian national football team is
reaching the finals of the 2004 European Championship, where they were
able to draw with Germany and almost created a sensation in the match
against the Czech Republic. At the club level, one can note the now
defunct 14-time national champion Skonto and Ventspils from the city of
the same name, which entered the UEFA Europa League group stage in the
2009/10 season.
Speedway is also popular, in which the Latvian
national team in 2013 reached the semi-finals of the World Cup for the
first time. Speedway club "Lokomotiv" is located in the city of
Latvia participates in the Winter and Summer Olympic
Games. The most successful Olympic athlete in the history of independent
Latvia is M. Strombergs, who became a two-time Olympic champion in 2008
and 2012 in the BMX competition.
According to the Latvian
Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation (LFBS), Latvian athletes have climbed
the podium 250 times in luge. This is the best indicator in the sports
history of Latvia.